Ye You returned to the dating world.

It was decided to take Paqiuli there, but Ye You looked at Lulum again.

Can she be considered a "person"?

It's not swearing, what Ye You means is, can Lulum be considered a member of the unit?

The subsystem has been upgraded to Lv.2, and one of its members can be shuttled.

If Lulum doesn't take up her place, she can be brought to Aincrad with her.

After all, she also has a lot of fighting power.

And staying here apart from possibly causing trouble, I can't think of any other effects.

The reason why Ye You thinks this way is because Lulum's body is a black cube of mind, which was handed over to Nagato by the observer and sent by item transfer.

And before Ye You took the crossing, there was no problem.

"Are you finally going to bring the poor and helpless Lulum?"

The pink-haired succubus shook his heart-shaped tail and looked at Ye You pitifully.

Ye You is her master, but Lulum's basic mission is to collect technological information from another world.

This is an instinct, and it can also be seen as a "physiological" need. Just like eating and drinking water.

"But you can only take one person to shuttle..." Ye You frowned, showing an embarrassed look.

Lulum was surprised: "I'm still human!"

She jumped up immediately, took the branch and floated to the imaginary space outside the tree house, her body suddenly enlarged, black and purple light flashed, and a huge silver warship was displayed in the void.

Just above the battleship, there was a glowing purple-black cube, from which extended countless optical fibers like blood vessels, which were connected to the Hyperion, and then seemed to be transporting blood. On the connected battleships, there is a steady stream of surging towards the cube.

Finally, the optical fibers are bundled, and all return to the translucent purple-black cube.

Lulum, who turned into a cube, floated down, "That's fine."

"...Is it still possible?"

"Huhu, as a qualified information collector, how can you hang yourself on a tree?"

Ye You looked at Lulum with contempt, "It's a speech made by a scumbag. So, as long as there is a battleship, after you have played with your whole body, you will ruthlessly abandon it and go to find the next prey."

"Don't say such things." Lulum said with a thief smile: "Most of my personality is the master of simulation."

The cube floated into Ye You's pocket, and the light formed a little girl with pink hair. Lulum stuck out her little head: "Also, it's not abandoned, the battleship that has been integrated by me in all directions has a chance to 'wake up'. Maybe then It may really fulfill the master's wish."

Ye You didn't react for a while, "What wish?"

Lulum pondered for a while, imitating Ye You's tone, "Change for me!"

With a snap, Ye You patted Lulum into her pocket.

Aincrad, the town of the beginning.

The golden sun shines on the red roof, reflecting the brilliance, and the streets are crowded with people.

Compared to the initial panic, the town was noticeably full of energy at the moment.

Humans are the greatest advantage is adaptation. And those who couldn't adapt, almost died.

Ye You and Pa Qiuli appeared silently above the Black Iron Palace, looking down at the bustling town below.

"It's really a fantasy-style city."

The architecture of the town of the beginning refers to the imperial capitals of medieval Europe. Although it is not as modern as it is, it is also unique.

"Let's go. Meet Megumi Kato first. She's an interesting person, you'll find it amazing."


"You'll understand when you see it."

Ye You and Pa Qiuli walked down from the Black Iron Palace. Not far away was a gorgeous fountain pool. The original "turn around" and game login would appear here.

Now here is just a simple landscape, without the slightest special location.

Megumi Kato and Asuna were waiting there.

Suddenly, a petite figure dashed towards Asuna head-on.

The violent impact caused both of them to fall to the ground.

The petite figure hurriedly stood up, showing apology, and hurriedly said: "I'm really sorry, I was in a hurry. I didn't notice the front... I'm sorry."

She stretched out her hand to Asuna, and Asuna held her hand instead, stood up with her strength, and smiled gently: "It's okay. It's not hurt."

"No, no, I'm really sorry. If there's nothing else, I'm in a hurry, so I'll go first."


Saying that, the petite girl is about to leave. However, as soon as he turned around, he was knocked down by something, and this time he slammed backwards and let out a whimper.


Obviously there is no one there.

The girl who was stunned by the fall, touched her **** and looked at the position just now. I don't know when, a young man with black hair and black eyes appeared there.

who is this!

"Ye You."

Another unfamiliar voice appeared.

The girl glanced around in confusion, and just saw this girl with long flaxen hair here, how come there are two more people all of a sudden?

Then the girl saw the person named Ye You looking at her with a gentle smile: "Hand over it."

The girl's face changed suddenly, and she said nervously: "What, what to hand over? You want to rob the town? The soldiers of the city defense will punish you!"

Ye You smiled and said, "Hand over what you just stole from that girl's pocket."


Asuna hurriedly lowered her head and touched her pocket with her hand, and it turned out to be empty.

However, the girl who fell to the ground still insisted: "I don't know what you are talking about."

Chapter 497

A petite girl, wearing a khaki hooded cloak, looks very agile.

Her name is Argo, the original beta test player, and the first group of players to leave the town.

Argo's yellow eyes rolled around, observing the surrounding environment, thinking about ways to escape.

Things are already in hand, it is impossible to hand them over. The girl is still very confident in her leg strength, and even a wolf can't catch up with her in the wild.

Ye You saw the change in her micro-expression and smiled, "Hand over it, it won't embarrass you."

She looked around at Ye You and the others, showing a troubled and struggling expression, then took out the leather bag from her bosom, threw it at Ye You, and turned her head and ran in the opposite direction.


Ye You sighed, raised her index finger, and an electric arc shot at her.

The girl's body suddenly stiffened, and she fell straight down with convulsions.

Asuna opened the leather bag, it was empty, she had already taken out the things and hid them in her arms.

Argo fell to the ground and was shocked to see the city guards coming in the distance.

Anything that violates the law and order of the town will be quickly detected by them and sent to the dungeon. Depending on the severity of the circumstances, the duration of detention varies.

If the theft is concealed, it will not be discovered, but if there is a street fight, it will be discovered immediately.

These city guards are also ridiculously strong. If you use the level to estimate, the players who go out to get attributes are probably around level 1 or 2, while the city guards are at least level 10 or above, and the leader may reach level 20.

It was thanks to their existence that the security of the town was not overwhelmed by the sudden arrival of 10,000 people.

But now that they come to catch themselves, it's not so wonderful. Gotta get away quickly.

However, Argo's body was numb, and he felt that his muscle fibers were replaced by fine circuits. Just a slight movement would cause a numbing current to flow out.

The city defense soldiers approached quickly, and Argo's eyes became more and more anxious.

She looked at Ye You pleadingly, her tears were rolling, and she opened her mouth and said, "Yes, I'm sorry... I'm wrong to steal things... But I can't catch it now... .Really, please, take me away."

Ye You was silent and looked at Asuna and Kato Megumi.

The meaning is obvious, you decide.

The girl who fell to the ground also followed her line of sight to Asuna with a look that was almost pleading.

"Take her, let's get out of here." Asuna made a decisive decision, and she took the initiative to carry the **** her back.

Although there are still a lot of questions about Ye You and Pa Qiuli, now is obviously not the time to chat.

Asuna carried the **** her back and ran towards the alley first, where the terrain was intricate and it was easier to get rid of the pursuers.

However, she only took two steps when she felt herself floating.

"This, this is...?"

"It's just simple flying magic."

Paqiuli flew beside her and said calmly, "I'm not good at sports. It's faster this way."

Quickly throwing off the soldiers, they landed in a residential area in the southwest corner of the city.

The white clock tower rang the bell, and the red-tiled houses lined up in rows shone in the afterglow of the setting sun, full of fantasy and tranquility.

"Sorry for causing you trouble."

As soon as she landed, Asuna bowed gently like Pa Qiuli and Ye You, and the elegant lady's breath was naturally revealed.

It was she who insisted on taking this person with her.

From the girl's last pleading gaze, Asuna sensed that she had something to hide.

Because, in this world, entering a dungeon is not actually a punishment.

Rather, it is a means of survival.

There are two pieces of bread for three meals a day, and there are even many players who deliberately commit some petty crimes and are caught by soldiers to solve the food problem there. And it can also take the saved bread out of the dungeon.

Therefore, she is so afraid of entering the dungeon, she must have something to do, and her freedom cannot be restricted.

This was Asuna's guess.

Asuna looked at the girl, "Can you tell me, why did you steal my wallet?"

The girl stood up against the wall, electric current was flowing in her body, and her belly and legs were trembling faintly.

But there was a smile on her face, she raised her right hand, put her fingers together, and gestured towards Asuna like a salute.

"Hey, it's great to meet such a reasonable person. I apologize for being reckless. But I have a reason for having to do it... There are children who are sick, but the cost of medicines It's quite high, I can only make an idea from you."

"Child, sick..."

Asuna and Kato Megumi looked at each other. Then he looked at Pa Qiuli and Ye You again, but these two old gods were there, and it seemed that it had nothing to do with them.

So Asuna asked according to her own mind, "Can you take me to see the sick child?"

"It's ok, please come with me."

Asuna looked at Ye You and Pa Qiuli with an apologetic expression, "I'm sorry, I should have cleaned you up."

"Let's go take a look together." Ye You said.


Along the way, several people introduced themselves to each other.

Argo's interest in Patchouli was unexpectedly strong, and she could actually use magic.

Although I was very curious, considering the situation of being a "captive", I still did not ask.

Argo led the way. They crossed the central main road, passed the green road, and entered the "tent belt" - in fact, a few wooden slats were erected and enclosed with waterproof leather. Small houses.

Most of these will be built along the city wall, and the city is connected together, which looks quite spectacular.

There are many women and children here, some are grinding bone fragments, some are sewing clothes, some are cooking fires, some are making small tools of unknown use..." There are about 1,000 people here. Argo said: "Most of them are people who can't go out to fight, so they can only do some simple production work."

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