The True Man In the Feminist World

Chapter 414: Remember This For Me

..A real man in a feminist world

Seeing Wei Nan put his mobile phone into his suit, Zhang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly. He didn't choose to get angry, but continued to eat ice cream obediently.

The huge pressure and Wei Nan's gloomy pretty face made him understand that Wei Nan was really furious, and let Zhang Hao understand that she would definitely do something if he dared to indulge in the mobile phone again.

This is not what Zhang Hao wants to see, what he wants to do is to make Wei Nan hate him, not to anger her.

The experience of the past few times made Zhang Hao understand that it is useless to irritate Wei Nan, it will only make her do whatever she wants to him, and the best way is to accept it when he sees it. It's nothing anyway, he is a man who can bend and stretch.

Seeing that he started to eat well, Wei Nan's face immediately softened a little, took out his mobile phone to check the time, and reminded: "You still have ten minutes, if you don't want to be late for class."

Zhang Hao ate the ice cream in silence and didn't say anything. He felt that Wei Nan's thinking seemed a bit old-fashioned, like an old man. For example, he was not good at eating and playing with his mobile phone, and he must think that studying is very important, so he was worried that he would be late for class!

It seems that she is very stubborn in some places, and her thinking is very rigid. No wonder she has been patient and wants to wait until she is an adult before breaking herself...

Wei Nan didn't know what Zhang Hao was thinking. She completely understood why everyone was talking about men's hearts. Zhang Hao, who was so rebellious before, suddenly became obedient again, which made her a little confused, but it was a good thing anyway.

She turned on Zhang Hao's cell phone curiously. Just now she saw that Zhang Hao seemed to be sending a message to someone, and his face was not as ugly as usual, as if he was irritated by someone.

"Don't touch my phone."

Zhang Hao's expression changed when he saw Wei Nan touching his cell phone, and he reached out to grab it, but Wei Nan hid him.

He didn't set a password on his phone, and Wei Nan didn't care about keeping his phone, but he was afraid of reading his social software chat records. If she found out that the chat with Sister Min Yuehua Qinqin was too ambiguous, she might get mad again.

"Who is scolding you?"

Wei Nan turned on her phone when she avoided Zhang Hao, and immediately saw a bunch of curse words, which made her look more and more ugly.

The other party is still swearing non-stop, the entire screen has been covered by swear words, and he also said that he will tell more than a dozen women to *death Zhang Hao, these swear words completely angered Wei Nan, making Zhang Hao feel cold in the air down.

Zhang Hao was even worried that his small mobile phone would be broken by Wei Nan. She was holding the mobile phone so hard!

"An unqualified stranger on the drifting bottle, return the phone to me quickly, touching other people's phones is a disgusting behavior."

Zhang Hao didn't try to grab her, but stretched out his hand to her with an ugly face, hoping that she would hand it over by himself.

"drifting bottle?"

Wei Nan felt that the name sounded familiar. Instead of returning the phone to Zhang Hao, she snorted coldly and said angrily, "I think she's tired of working!"

Wei Nan dragged the chat to the top to understand the whole story, and immediately saw a picture of Naizi, which made her face change. This bastard actually sent obscene photos to Zhang Hao, and he dared to be so young... Wait , seems to be sent by Zhang Hao...

So this little male god will post color pictures for others to see? ? ?

Wei Nan couldn't turn her head around, glanced at Zhang Hao, and couldn't guess what kind of person he was, she didn't care about it for the time being, pulled it up and read it from the beginning, and immediately understood why he came back thing.

Seeing the end, her expression was a little weird, and she wanted to laugh a little bit. She secretly scolded Zhang Hao as a little devil, and she understood why this woman went crazy.

But even so, how could he, a little boy, send those obscene pictures to others indifferently? Doesn't he have the shame of being a man? ?

Wei Nan said to the woman who was still scolding Zhang Hao, and silently wrote down her screen name and avatar and deleted her, and then said to Zhang Hao with a serious face: "It is forbidden to post such pictures in the future. It is forbidden to look at other women's sensitive parts."

Zhang Hao sneered in his heart when he heard this, and he was very disdainful. The folder he hid in the f drive was already two hundred GB without any care. After having the perfect sister Qinqin, his mind was full of sister Qinqin. I don't want to look at other women either, I'm planning to buy a camera to take artistic photos for Sister Qinqin...

"Remember this for me, if I find out again, I'll look good to you!"

Seeing that Zhang Hao didn't answer, Wei Nan stretched out his hand to pinch Zhang Hao's cheek with a dark face, and warned in a cold voice: "Remember who you are, you can only look at me!"

Zhang Hao just pushed her hand away, not bothering to respond to her.

Seeing that Zhang Hao didn't speak, Wei Nan didn't blush even if she was found out about this kind of thing. What a decent picture of that part!

If she hadn't seen it in person, she wouldn't have believed that Zhang Hao would be such a person!

She felt that she still didn't know Zhang Hao well enough, so she clicked a few times casually, and accidentally discovered that she could see the bottle that Zhang Hao had thrown in the past, and immediately looked at it.

Seeing that Wei Nan was still looking at his phone, Zhang Hao didn't intend to bear it any longer, so he wanted to grab the phone back, but when he saw Wei Nan looking at the drift bottle he had passed by, Zhang Hao immediately calmed down again.

He already knows Wei Nan quite well. In the past, he was completely a weirdo. He belonged to the type of weak man Wei Nan hated the most. He would cry and throw him away if his father said it (╥╯^╰╥) woo woo woo, I was told by my dad that such a bottle...

Although it's embarrassing, but to lower Wei Nan's favor, she can only let her see it.

When Wei Nan saw these bottles, his brows immediately frowned, and when he glanced at Zhang Hao, he always felt that someone else sent them.

This Zhang Hao, who can hold a steel pipe and fight with a group of gangsters, will send it! Women are scary! So perverted! Everyone in the queue wants to secretly take pictures of boys' hands with their mobile phones!

She pulled it for a while and then saw the bottle that made her face sink. Zhang Hao actually sent a declaration saying that he didn't like girls four months ago.

Sure enough, it’s better to be a boy, hehe, I don’t want to marry a girl, I will marry my little dragon when I have money!

Could it be that her rival in love is a man...

Looking at this naughty sentence, Wei Nan thought that it was just Zhang Hao's joke. Boys seem to like to say that they want to marry their good friends.

She took the trouble to look at the bottles that Zhang Hao threw one after another, as if she saw another Zhang Hao. This Zhang Hao who threw the bottles looked very ordinary, like an ordinary high school boy, and he was so innocent that he would complain about his daily life. Trifles, occasional chicken soup, full of longing for the future.

Without knowing it, she saw the bottles from a year ago. Even Zhang Hao himself could only see the bottles from three months ago, and then he became disgusted. .

Suddenly Wei Nan's expression changed, almost thinking that she had read it wrong, she seemed to have seen her name in Zhang Hao's bottle from a year ago! ?

Wei Nan took a closer look and found that he was right...

Wei Nan's men will never admit defeat!!!( ̄▽ ̄)

Seeing this bottle, Wei Nan's heartbeat couldn't help speeding up. Looking at Zhang Hao who was already full, he frowned and asked her if she had finished reading it. I couldn't believe it was him who posted it...

"Don't talk yet."

Wei Nan reached out to stop Zhang Hao from speaking, and continued to pull it down with a serious face, and soon saw his name again, and it appeared several times.

Ahhh! Why is there such a perfect woman as Wei Nan in the world!

Don't speak ill of Wei Nan anymore! Wei Nan must be a good person if he looks so good-looking! It has nothing to do with her being someone from her ancestors who was black! Are you all idiots? If she was a bad person, how could she become a special soldier! ?

Have you exchanged photos of Wei Nan...


( = )

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