The True Man In the Feminist World

Chapter 433 I really want to record today on TV

? Zhang Hao didn't tell Min Yuehua that he would take her to the Internet cafe, and she didn't ask, but just obediently followed him with his little panda schoolbag on his back.

On the way, Zhang Hao told Min Yuehua that he wanted to see his manager. It was probably during lunch. Min Yuehua had no objection, but just looked at Zhang Hao again and again. After a while, he couldn't help asking: "Zhang Hao Hao, why are you wearing a mask? Is it anti-smog?"

"No... just don't like the feeling of being noticed."

Zhang Hao touched the mask, shook his head and responded. He still can't get used to being stared at by a group of people.

Being handsome in this world is really attracting people's attention, and he has a 100% return rate. exception.

And just like women with good figures in the original world, even if they block their faces like now, they can still attract the attention of many women. His reduced height of 1.7 meters is nothing in the original world, but he is considered tall here The man with long arms and long legs is already considered to be a top-notch figure.

In the future, if you develop some muscles and make your body stronger, you will be a perfect stunner. Except for women who like special women, no woman will not like it.

"I don't like the limelight either."

Min Yuehua nodded in understanding, and wanted to wear a mask too, but she didn't have one.

"You want to wear it too, don't you? Let's go buy one first."

Zhang Hao saw what Min Yuehua was thinking, and seeing her nodding, he took her to a nearby store to buy a pure cotton black mask.

Min Yuehua put it on immediately, her face was a bit small, the mask covered most of her face, only two big eyes were exposed, but this pair of willow eyebrows, double eyelids and this pair of clear black and white, round eyes are charming enough.

"Take you to the Internet cafe to play games first."

Zhang Hao told Min Yuehua when he was about to arrive at the Internet cafe.


Min Yuehua responded, without looking surprised.

What? That's the reaction.

Zhang Hao originally thought that Min Yuehua would say that her family would not let her play games, but she did, so she didn't really care about the ban at all, did she?

"Your family doesn't let you play games, right?" Zhang Hao asked involuntarily.


Min Yuehua hummed.

"Then don't let your family know about it."

Seeing this, Zhang Hao didn't say much, and walked into the Internet cafe with a word of advice.

"A lot of computers and League of Heroes."

When Min Yuehua saw so many computers lined up neatly, and a group of people sitting there playing games, he couldn't help but be surprised. It turns out that Internet cafes are like this.

"Yeah, this is a popular game after all, if you want to play it, I will take you to try it later."

Zhang Hao is not surprised. He has been to the Internet cafe twice before, and he was almost occupied by the League of Heroes and Chicken Eater. Chicken Eater seems to be more popular here than in the original world. Thinking about it, there seems to be nothing wrong with it. It's the dream of every woman here.

Zhang Hao took Min Yuehua to turn on two computers in the corner, and asked her to try playing various games that girls like to play now.

"Want to try."

Min Yuehua said expectantly upon hearing the words. She has long wanted to try this game, seeing Zhang Hao playing this game live, she has long wanted to try it.

"Well, but I want you to try another game first, I think you should like it."

Zhang Hao smiled slightly, and opened Battlefield 5 for Min Yuehua. He thought that Min Yuehua would like this war-like game. For this reason, he bought this game on purpose yesterday.

The fact is indeed the case, Min Yuehua was immediately attracted by the war-like picture, staring at the computer tightly.

"This is a war game. You can shoot guns, tanks, and planes. The graphics are pretty good. Try it."

Zhang Hao started the game for her, and the realistic battlefield picture immediately appeared in front of her eyes.

It's just that Min Yuehua didn't know where to put her hands. She looked at Zhang Hao in confusion and said, "Zhang Hao, I don't know how to play."

Although it looks very interesting and powerful, she can't play.

"It's okay, I'll teach you, and you will be able to learn it after a while. You can move forward according to this."

Zhang Hao immediately reacted when he heard the words and began to teach her.

Just now he was a little attracted by the game characters. Of course, these game characters are almost all women, fully armed, with particularly strong muscles, and they look extremely powerful with guns on their shoulders.

"It really moved."

Min Yuehua clicked it and found that the character on the screen moved forward, only felt miraculous.

"You hold the mouse with your right hand and put your left hand like this so you can shoot while walking."

Zhang Hao grabbed Min Yuehua's hand and placed it on the move button.

He didn't play it himself, but taught Min Yuehua how to move. After he taught her how to move, he taught her to shoot. After knowing the basic operations, Min Yuehua started to study by himself, and when he saw the enemy, he would shoot her without his reminder.

The sound of gunshots made her feel exaggerated and realistic. It turns out that the game is so powerful.

Zhang Hao who was on the side had to admit that women in this world are very talented in games, and Min Yuehua, an inexperienced person, can teach it easily, and even let himself hide, saying that he is ambushing the enemy.

The only problem is that you need to look down at the keyboard from time to time when you are walking, but as you become more familiar with it, the number of times you look down becomes less and less.

Zhang Hao watched as he was immersed in the game, and said from time to time that Zhang Hao was such a powerful Min Yuehua, with a smile on his face naturally, and seeing the radiance in her eyes, he knew that Min Yuehua would really like this type of game.

The confusion of dying for the first time, the joy of killing an enemy for the first time, the excitement of driving a tank for the first time... Min Yuehua also showed all of them. Seeing her having such a good time, Zhang Hao felt that today was not in vain.

They had a good time, but some people were not happy. A fat single cat sitting next to them felt that he had been hurt by ten thousand tons, and didn't want to stay any longer, so he just got up and dragged his exhausted body back home.

Without being so cruel, what did the single cat do wrong? Even playing games in an Internet cafe has to be fed cat food!

Wearing a mask, not to mention dressing like a couple, everyone else is a girlfriend teaching a boyfriend to play games, this is good, it is a boyfriend teaching a girlfriend to play games.

Teba's bad boyfriend is sitting on his girlfriend's lap, she also wants a boyfriend who loves to play games and supports her in playing games!

Zhang Hao didn't know that he accidentally hurt another young lady. After she played for 20 minutes, he let her experience other games. Zhang Hao let Min Yuehua experience all the popular games.

Facts have proved that Min Yuehua likes to fight and kill, bloody and violent games, the more realistic the picture, the better, it is impossible to tell that she would like this kind of game just by looking at the appearance.

She is also very talented, especially in shooting games, but she can hide in the dark and sneak attack, and I don't know how many young ladies have been killed.

Zhang Hao didn't make Min Yuehua addicted to the game, and took her out of the Internet cafe within two hours, even though she seemed to be full of content and still wanted to play. She didn't say a word, but left with Zhang Hao obediently.

"Zhang Hao, I'm so happy today." Outside, Min Yuehua couldn't help but look at Zhang Hao and said.

"This day has just begun, and there are still many fun things to do."

Zhang Hao just smiled when he heard the words, and looked at the time, but only two hours had passed.

The next thing I want to do is take Min Yuehua to the game hall and play on the dancing machine. Today he wants to let Min Yuehua experience all kinds of fun things that he has never experienced before.

"very nice."

Min Yuehua nodded, the mouth under the mask couldn't help but curl up, and said cheerfully: "I really want to make a TV record of today."

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