The Tyrant Gentle Husband

Chapter 79 - Honeymoon Part 9

We exited the cinema after everyone's out. This evening is beautiful. I looked up, and it snowed. Without saying anything, Luke handed over his jacket and put it over me.

"Luke?" I was stunned and gazed at him. Luke looked at me with tender, affectionate eyes.

"Yes, honey," Luke said softly. My face flushed red, and I blinked nervously.

"Are you okay? The weather was getting cold, and it is not good for you to wear so little in cold weather," I said while holding his arm affectionately.

Luke rubbed my face with his long fingers and whispered affectionately in my ear, "As for me, your health is much more important than anything, Don't worry about me, Male immune is stronger than female's immunity."

"Where did the theory come from, none of the health professionals said such a thing in their thesis. So your theoretics is not supported in any book. Your theory is groundless, Luke," I spoke proudly.

"How do you know that my theory has no basis? The proof is that the male leads in their films or novels always give their jackets to their partners, and they are not sick or cold at all," Luke said while patting my head gently.

"This is a reality, not a novel, so your theory is still groundless without proof," I denied Luke's theory.

"I can give you the proof," Luke answered calmly.

"How can you give me the proof?" I asked him again.

"I love you are living proof that cold is not an obstacle for us to stay together," Luke said, then kissed my lips.

"Luke, what are you doing? We are in public right now," I whispered to him while pulled the hem of his shirt.

Luke wore a warm sweater, so he is warming enough than Elena thought. Luke always lived in a cold-weather when he was a little kid, so he is already used to cold weather. Luke used to live in a cold country all year round. As the heir of Vander's family, he got unbelievable training before he came back. Luke must train to withstand heat and cold so that Luke has no weaknesses. 

He also has to work out physically and fight even in cold and hot weather, and Luke even had to spar with his teacher in cold weather topless and wore only shorts. Luke also has to spar in burning weather wearing layers of clothing. So Luke's body was trained early on in various weather conditions. Luke even has to survive from the living mud that can kill humans. 

Luke also had to practice using a firearm and shooting from a distance of fifteen kilometers over the cliff and had to hit the target. Luke's training is even harder than the military school, which is required to defend the country though lives are at stake. Luke also has to be able to defeat the bear, even though it is not a real bear but a simulation but has the same strength as a real bear.

Since childhood, Luke has been left alone in the middle of a lush forest, and he must be able to survive in such conditions. The training was so rigorous that Shen decided to step down in taking over several companies within the Vander family's jurisdiction. Shen's biological father, who is also the younger brother of Luck Vander, also gave up for the same reason and fled to the entertainment world. 

Luke's grandfather was a strict and disciplined person, therefore training very hard on the company's successors. The training is relentless and very dangerous. The company's successors must be able to overcome the various obstacles that will hit them in the future. Even Luke's grandfather also said that the training so far was nothing compared to his previous practice.

No one can imagine how hard the practice will be. Even Luck Vander couldn't visualize how dangerous the training his father had been experienced. Dark Vander is Luke's great-grandfather, who is well-known as a former military man who goes into the business world and can compete with his rivals who are notoriously cunning and use all means of that era. Especially at that time, the mafia was the primary ruler in the business world.

But from the news that is circulating, there is not a single mafia who can match Dark Vander. Even the most powerful mafia in that era submitted to Dark Vander and turned his dark business into a clean business legally and became Dark Vander's accomplice. According to the news, the descendants of the most capable mafia entered the military world that Dark Vander used to occupy in his honor as a subordinate. Then, instead of going into business, they focus more on the military.

You can imagine how rigorous his training was even beyond the military. So it was only natural that Shen and Shen's biological father would choose to withdraw from this deadly practice. So Luke's body was resilient in any weather, and cold weather wasn't his enemy anymore.

Luke told Elena about his deadly practice, and Elena looked at him without blink her eyes. Luke was happy every time he saw Elena's expression because she is too cute that it is unbearable.

"It is an absurd exercise, but it is for your safety, so It is not unusual to have such a strict training," I said while looking at Luke's handsome face.

"So, do you think it is normal to get such absurd training?" Luke asked Elena while holding her hands. They are walking around the city while holding hands like a couple in dating.

"Hmm, it is normal. After all, this world is not a safe place, so danger will come to bother you every time," I answered calmly.

Luke not only has to train his physique so that he has perfect body proportions, but he also has to be an expert at hacking into rival companies who want to have bad intentions against his company. Luke must also be an expert at reading the thoughts and feelings of his opponent in order to make negotiations that are more profitable for him.

"Hm, yeah luckily, you got a perfect body proportion from that training," I said while rubbing my hand on his arm.

Luke saw her excitedly giggling while leaning on his arm. Luke is happy to see Elena acting spoiled to him, but it means that she only has a muscle fetish.

"Do you love me or my muscle?" Luke couldn't help asking what had been on his mind all this time.

"Are you crazy, Luke? How can you ask me such an unimportant thing?" My eyes widened in disbelief.

"It is an important question for me because I only feel that your love of my muscle is stronger than your love for me," Luke said with a solemn expression.

"Because you have a muscle fetish after all," Luke added.

"You are too much Luke, I do have a muscle fetish, but that doesn't mean your muscle is more important for me, because I love you before I love your muscle," I said with wet eyes.

"My fetish muscle appeared after I got to know you, so What I love is you and everything you have not only your muscle because I have a fetish muscle," I yelled at him, and I pushed him away as hard as I could then I ran away from him. 

"Elena?" Luke was shocked when he saw Elena ran away from him. Luke runs to chase Elena, who has run far ahead of him. Luke never thought that Elena would be such a good runner.

I ran away without thinking about Luke anymore, I actually was not angry at him, but I am just a little disappointed with him because he considered that my love for him, only limited to his muscle. It is not true at all, even though you have a muscle fetish, you can't fall in love with someone only because he has muscle. As for me, a relationship is forever not something you can play in a short time. So even though he doesn't have the muscle, it doesn't matter at all, because I am with him, because I feel comfortable around him not because I only love his appearance.

I do have a fetish muscle, but I won't be with anyone if he can't make me comfortable around him. Pleased is the primary key to maintain your relationship, whether he is good looking or having much money, it is of no use if you are unhappy with him and being with him only makes you suffer.

Good looks and wealth cannot guarantee your happiness even though the money requires for your daily needs, but sometimes money is not enough to make you happy if he doesn't give you love. But if you are happy and feel comfortable with him, then his looks won't be a big problem for you. Even though in the eyes of other people he is not handsome but in your eyes, he is a handsome man, because the one who goes through this relationship is you, not someone else. Other people don't know how you feel.

I ran away without looking back then I bumped into a good-looking young man. He helped me so that I didn't fall into the ground.

"Are you okay, young lady?" He said in a soft and gentle voice. When I wanted to say thanks to him, I was shocked to see who he was. It is the first time I ever felt how narrow this world is.

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