The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 205 Residual Time of Reverse Lightning

Midtown, cutting-edge labs.

Hal and Barry stayed in the laboratory every day. Ronnie and Professor Martin had been in a coma for a long time, and there was no sign of waking up. Caitlin was anxious but had no choice.

"Caitlin, Ronnie's physical data is not bad in all aspects!" Barry looked at Caitlin and said seriously.

When Caitlin heard Barry's words, a look of unnaturalness appeared on her face. She looked at Barry and said seriously: "Ronnie, I don't know what's going on. Everything is normal but I can't wake up."

"By the way, it seems to be more than that." Barry looked at Caitlin and said something, so he asked her suspiciously.

"That's right, something is wrong with Jay's body!" Caitlin thought for a while and said thoughtfully.

"What's going on?" Hal also asked strangely. Too many things have happened in Midtown recently, which made them dizzy.

"After Extreme Speed ​​stole Jay's speed, his cells are deteriorating, and there are some signs of collapse." Caitlin's words made the expressions of Hal and Barry change.

Although Jay didn't help them as much as Tang Tian, ​​they already knew that Jay was just a partner.

"So is there anything we can do to help?" Barry asked suspiciously, and he didn't want to give up on Jay either.

"It's good to find Jay's double body." Caitlin said thoughtfully, and they were also planning this method.

Speed ​​has become Barry's enemy, such a thing is beyond doubt, and it is impossible for them to make peace with Speed, they have already encountered many dangers.

From the very beginning, the attacks of those superpowers and the actions of the gangsters attacking Tang Tian made Barry deeply angry. He is the Flash and doesn't want others to be hurt, so he will compromise for these purposes .

After Ji Su was repelled by Tang Tian last time, he has been dormant, like a cold poisonous snake, he doesn't know when to jump out to make trouble, these are things they all know.

After Ji Su fought Tang Tian last time, he tried his best to avoid fighting Tang Tian. He also knew the horror of the other party's strength, and he didn't want to cause too much hatred. He was completely aware of these things.

"Okay, that's it! I'll go find Joe." After Barry finished speaking, he disappeared into a golden afterimage, which they knew well.

outside the laboratory,

After Barry disappeared, a figure descended here, with blond hair and a yellow suit. It was Barry's former enemy Reverse Lightning.

"Gideon, where is the Mercury Laboratory?" Reverse Lightning's time remnant said to the artificial intelligence on the opponent.

"Professor, it's on Avenue A in Zhongcheng City." Gideon quickly replied.

"Well, it seems that the Flash in this world is not very good." Reverse Lightning looked at the figure that flashed over, and said mockingly.

Reverse Lightning is not clear at all, this is a timeline that has been reset, and the other timeline has died, quite two different timelines.

Following a red arc with golden remnants, the reverse lightning disappeared for a moment and came to the Mercury Laboratory, after he walked in.

"Who are you?" Dr. McGee frowned and asked seriously.

The surrounding bodyguards also came over, and Reverse Lightning showed a mocking smile, turning their hands into knives and piercing their hearts. In less than a second, all five security guards were killed by him.

"What do you want?" Dr. McGee asked in surprise.

"It's very simple. For the tachyon prototype, I want you to isolate and heat the active particles inside." Reverse Lightning thought for a while and explained methodically.

"Last year, there was also a man in yellow who wanted a tachyon prototype." Dr. McGee looked at Reverse Lightning and said in surprise.

"Maybe it was me in the past who was trapped in the world and didn't have so many Speed ​​Forces to return to my original timeline." Reverse Lightning said a lot of things that the other party didn't understand.

"No, I won't do it like this." Dr. McGee, the person in charge, looked at Reverse Lightning and said in refusal.

With a smile on her face, Reverse Lightning vibrated the particles in her arm and made a "buzzing!" sound, which made her take a step back uncontrollably.

"If you want to survive, then do as I say and don't think about fighting me back."

Reverse Lightning said with a sneer, looking at Dr. McGee, the head of the Mercury Laboratory in front of him, and said in a slightly polite manner.

"Okay, then I'll give it a try!" Dr. McGee knew that there was no possibility of escape, so he could only listen to what he said in order to survive.

"Smart choice, Dr. McGee." Reverse Lightning said confidently.

At the same time, Sisko and Tang Tian were dealing with other issues, and Dr. Wells was also here.

"Don, you already have several superpowers." Sisko asked seriously.

"A lot! Teleportation, flame control, atomization, weather control, kinetic energy deceleration, etc." Tang Tian recalled and said softly.

"Then we have a good solution to deal with extreme speed." Wells said excitedly.

Sisko also had a smile on his face, but his super power allowed him to see what happened in the future, the scene where the head of the Mercury Laboratory was killed.

"Wait, Reverse Lightning is back." Sisko said with fear on his face.

"It should be a remnant of the timeline!" Tang Tian frowned and said, he also thought of the development of the plot later, and blurted out directly.

"There should be this possibility, from another timeline." Sisko thought for a while, and it was the same reason.

"By the way, you saw that there is no specific time." Tang Tian looked at Sisko and asked, he knew that the other party definitely knew.

"Wait!" Sisko closed his eyes and used his ability again.

"9:52." Sisko recalled and said seriously.

"What's wrong?" Sisko asked strangely.

"Sisko, we still have time. It's only 6 o'clock." Dr. Wells looked at Sisko and said seriously.

"In other words, I saw the future." Sisko said in surprise.

"That's right, that's it. Sisko is your ability." Tang Tian smiled and said to Sisko.

Tang Tian also knew that after he returned from the world of The Matrix, Sisko also saw some pictures, but he must have felt the absurdity, so he forgot what he saw before.

Sisko and Dr. Wells are very important to Tang Tian. He wants to combine their superpowers and wisdom to open the space channel of the X-Men world, which will be more interesting and make their world full of variables.

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