The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 283 Origin of C Virus

United States, downtown Los Angeles.

Umbrella's u..s troops went to a laboratory, they opened the door fully armed, and the leader was Hank, the god of death. Hank looked at the room, and he was sure that the people inside were the targets of himself and the others. They checked the weapons and walked over.

Dr. William, who faced the G virus last time, suffered great injuries, but with his extraordinary wisdom, he escaped a catastrophe and survived safely.

Needless to say, he was directly scolded by Spencer. It may be that Hank, the God of Death, had greater glory in the past, so Hank, the God of Death, was only downgraded by one level, and there was no actual punishment.

"This time, our target is Dr. Carla Cameron. We must get the C virus she researched."

Death Hank looked at the mercenary team and said to them seriously.

"Understood, sir." The mercenary team looked at Hank, the god of death, and said loudly.

"Well, start to act!" Death Hank waved his hand and said.

The quality of Umbrella's mercenaries is no worse than that of the real army, but it is a pity that they met the unscientific Tang Tian and were slapped in the face by their strength.

Death Hank stared into the distance, he was very clear that Tang Tian was the one he didn't want to meet, and only Tang Tian was the enemy that made him feel troublesome, he was very clear about this.

After Hank the Grim Reaper entered, it didn't take long before a car appeared, and several people got off the car.

Tang Tian walked out slowly from the inside, looking at the Humvee with the logo of Umbrella Company, showing a thoughtful look.

"Dr. Carla Cameron, it should be here!" Wesker looked at Tang Tian and said seriously.

"Wesker, Dr. Cameron should have something to do with your son." Tang Tian thought for a while, looked at Wesker and said.

Wesker's face changed. He still has a son named Jack, who also has the power to fuse viruses with him.

Tang Tian is looking for the C virus this time, which is also the source of the Resident Evil game. A female researcher under C. C. Simmons.

Cara Cameron developed a new virus by combining her own enhanced T-Veronica virus (which she called T-02) with a G virus variant extracted from Shirley's blood.

After obtaining the blood of Wesker's son, Jack Muller, with virus antibodies, Kara used it to further strengthen the C virus and used it on Simmons and herself.

Like T-Veronica virus and G virus, C virus has both mild virus characteristics and sudden explosiveness. Its pathological manifestations are basically similar to those of T-Veronica virus and G virus, especially the high fever of the infected person and the invariant mutations. Certainty of these two points. Similar to T-Veronica virus, infected individuals are prone to display arthropod characteristics.

In the room, a blond woman looked at the Umbrella mercenaries in front of her without the slightest fear, as if she was relying on something.

"Dr. Cameron, please hand over your research results." Death Hank looked at Dr. Cameron coldly and said.

Dr. Cameron looked at Hank without any surprise. After she clearly researched such a super virus, she knew very well that Umbrella must want his C virus.

Dr. Cameron had naturally anticipated this, so he injected himself with the C virus, and his consciousness had already merged with the virus.

"Did you say that when you were looking for Dr. William?" Dr. Cameron said mockingly.

"This is not up to you to decide." Death Hank said calmly, as if he had already decided on her.

"Then let me see if you can do it." Dr. Cameron grinned and ran towards them.

"Shoot!" Hank gave the order without hesitation, and countless bullets instantly smashed Dr. Cameron into a sieve.

"Pfft!" Dr. Cameron seemed to have no possibility of resistance, and Hank, the god of death, had already made some plans, but he was also afraid of something.

"Go and find the virus!" Hank, the God of Death, gave an order and said to his subordinates.

"Understood, sir." The mercenaries naturally agreed with Hank's approach, and they were just low-level mercenaries, not as many victories as Hank, the god of death.

Suddenly, as they approached, a tentacle pierced through several mercenaries approaching, and blood splashed, which surprised Hank the Death God.

"What's going on?" Death Hank looked in the direction of Dr. Cameron in surprise, only to see that Dr. Cameron, who was lying on the ground, had stood up, and the bullets all over his body were constantly squeezed out.

"Hahaha, Death Hank? Umbrella Corporation, do you think you can get my research results like this?"

Dr. Cameron said with a look of disdain that he was very disgusted with Hank, the god of death, and he also knew what the Umbrella company was like, so he was going to deal with these guys.

"Puff puff..." Dr. Cameron's arm turned into a sharp tentacle, which pierced through the mercenary in front of Hank in an instant.

"Launch rockets." Sensing the danger, Hank was naturally not polite, and he directly asked the mercenaries to release missile attacks.

In an instant, there was a violent explosion in the room, and Hank, the god of death, also took the opportunity to escape, but not long after Hank left, Tang Tian walked over.

"Dr. Cameron, you are such a genius, you actually created such a terrifying enhancement as the C virus."

Tang Tian looked at Dr. Cameron and said in admiration, completely ignoring the dead Umbrella mercenaries.

"It seems that you are not from Umbrella, so tell me what you want?"

Dr. Cameron thought for a while, looked at Tang Tian and said seriously.

"That's right, I have the Veronica virus on my hand, I hope you can help me research it."

Tang Tian looked at Dr. Cameron sincerely and said, Speaking of which, those scientists are not all bad guys, but it is a pity that facing such a situation, it may be very bad.

"What can you give me?" Dr. Cameron said without hesitation, he knew very well what Tang Tian's purpose was.

"Naturally, we need your help to develop the most powerful virus." Tang Tian looked at Dr. Cameron and said softly.

"Alright then, I agree to your terms." Cameron looked at Tang Tian and said seriously, as if he had completely agreed with him.

Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju

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