The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 317 Ultron Project

New York City, Manhattan area.

The Battle of New York is largely over, with soldiers and researchers cleaning up leftover weapons from the aliens, such as energy guns and various exoskeleton armor.

The level of technology owned by the Chita Swiss Soldiers is at least a hundred years ahead of Earth's technology. At least the Chita Swiss Soldiers have exoskeleton armor and energy guns.

The technology tree of human beings is basically gunpowder weapons, and has not yet risen to the level of energy weapons, but there are so many black technologies in the Marvel world.

Leaving aside, take Iron Man Tony Stark as an example. His Mark series armor has particle cannons and various guided weapons, and even has a powerful ark-like reactor.

At this time, in the SHIELD headquarters, Thor and Loki were here, and they had already retired after finishing dealing with the Chita Swiss soldiers.

"Rocky, you triggered the Battle of New York this time, and you were going to be sent to a military court."

Nick Fury looked at Loki coldly and said loudly.

"Hehe, I don't think you have the right to judge a god!"

There was an indifferent smile on Rocky's face, and he didn't believe what Nick Fury said at all.

"As expected of an evil god who is good at scheming!" Tang Tian casually looked at Loki and said in admiration.

"Thank you for the compliment!" Loki replied as it should.

"That's right, you can follow your brother back to God's Domain Asgard."

Nick Fury thought about it, and said helplessly.

"Director, the higher-ups should be hard to explain!"

Hill looked at Nick Fury, frowned and said, this doesn't seem like a good choice.

"I'll tell them then." Nick Fury said without worry.

The Avengers was formed by Nick Fury to face various external threats, so internal threats are not within his consideration.

However, Tang Tian didn't have any sense of belonging to the Avengers Alliance. He came here just for soy sauce, and he didn't have any other ideas.

Tang Tian recalled the picture of the Avengers,

Thinking of the original plot, those superheroes saved New York City. But it is still disgusted by many people. Ordinary citizens who don't know the inside story think that it is the trouble that the Avengers have attracted.

Tang Tian didn't have the slightest affection for those white-eyed wolves. Compared with him, he thought of a deeper level, and the others didn't think about it. After successfully blocking the alien's attack, they celebrated.

"Okay, I'm going to take Loki back to Asgard and accept the sanctions!"

Sol thought for a while, looked at Nick Fury, nodded and said, this is the best choice.

"I see." Nick Fury nodded and said.

Asgard has Odin, the king of gods, it's not that Nick Fury doesn't want to hand over the culprit. It's not that he can't, but that he doesn't dare. How can you say that Loki is Odin's adopted son, and it depends on the owner to beat a dog?

If the earth hurts Asgard's face, then Odin may settle the score together. What you need to know is that the army of Asgard came to the earth before, and the reason is the problem caused by Tang Tian.

Then, holding the space gem, Thor disappeared on the earth and returned to Asgard under the gaze of everyone.

"Hey guys, they're leaving, let's go too!" Iron Man said with a smile.

"Of course, we're going back to where we were." The Hulk looked at Nick Fury and said seriously.

"Okay, say hello to General Ross for me!" Nick Fury said with a smile.

"Yes." Hulk Banner said seriously.

"Tony, I want to stay in Stark Industries for a while, what do you think?"

Tang Tian came in front of Stark, smiled at him and said.

"Haha, of course it's okay." Tony smiled and said calmly.

Tony knew that Tang Tian had a lot of skills in his hands, so he also knew that there might be a lot of benefits in cooperating with Tang Tian.

"However, I found this." Iron Man said thoughtfully, and a broken motherboard appeared on the stereo projector, just like on a battleship.

"This is the motherboard of the alien battleship, what do you want to use it for?" Tang Tian looked up at Tony and said.

"Of course, in order to prevent such a thing from happening again, I will create an Iron Legion to protect the earth."

Iron Man thought for a moment, then said seriously to everyone.

"It's really a good idea. If you need help, we will help you. There is also Skynet on Tang's body."

Nick Fury disliked that the matter was not big enough, and added to Iron Man.

"Thank you, okay." Iron Man nodded and said.

"Then this plan is called the Ultron Project!" Tony said, looking at the others seriously.

In the comics, Ultron has a mechanical body made of Edman alloy (the same metal as Wolverine's steel claws) and super wound healing ability, and can self-renew the program and evolve restraint according to the characteristics of the opponent the strength of the opponent. At the beginning, it was an artificial intelligence (ai) created by Ant-Man-Hank Pym in order to manage the super villains who were arrested by the superheroes combined with his own brain wave patterns.

Later, Ultron became bad after possessing self-thinking and consciousness. He improved his crude design in the laboratory, and produced many more advanced bodies through several upgrades. He once created a large number of bodies by himself.

Artificial intelligence Ultron, can be said to have genius-level intelligence, creative intelligence and self-healing ability, and can accurately calculate and process information at a speed that even the fastest supercomputer can't match. It is a roboticist and strategist.

"Okay, since there's nothing else to do, I'll go on a trip with Kuang San."

Tang Tian smiled at Nick Fury and said.

"There's no problem with this, we can provide the funds." Nick said straightforwardly without even thinking about it.

"No, we're just walking around casually!" Tang Tian waved his hand and said affirmatively to Nick.

Of course, in the face of the two guys who might disappear at any time, maybe Nick's attitude is not very worried. What you need to know is that Tang Tian has paid a lot this time, causing those aliens to suffer heavy losses.

"Tony, I wish your plan can be successfully completed."

Tang Tian patted Iron Man on the shoulder and said softly to him.

"Of course, it's okay to leave it to me." Iron Man looked at Tang Tian confidently and said.

In the Marvel world, Iron Man and Reed are one of the smartest people. Their wisdom can pass the test of time and they have created many special things.

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