The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 730: A New Attempt

DC world, cutting-edge laboratory.

Dr. Wells also ran back to Earth 2 when he encountered Divo's trouble, trying to find black technology to defeat the enemy in front of him, but the enemy was too terrifying, which surprised them quite a bit.

Dr. Wells' idea is good. It is too dangerous to rely on the technology of another world to achieve a certain change.

"Doctor, is your journey going well? Shall I help you?" Sisko said softly to Dr. Wells.

"No need, I'm pretty good at this." Dr. Wells said thoughtfully.

"By the way, doctor, you probably haven't found a solution to this problem!" Tang Tian asked suspiciously.

"Yes, there are indeed a lot of troubles that need to be solved. There is no way to suppress intelligence in the technology of Earth 2." Dr. Wells was silent for a while, and said affirmatively.

"Then Dr. Wells, do you still remember when Sawei Tower existed, did you leave anything behind?" Tang Tian thought about it and said calmly.

Because many parallel worlds interact with each other, the appearance of Saweita may bring them some answers, so they must be clear about this, and they must make a good change in this level of crisis.

Dr. Wells is also a smart person, he knows almost everything, and he quickly thought of what Saweita left behind when he came to the cutting-edge laboratory.

Speaking of which, he also discovered this incident by accident. You must know that when Saweita appeared in the laboratory, it can be said to be silent.

"Wait, I've thought of this too. It just happened that something was delayed a while ago." Sisko said in surprise.

"What, does it work?" Barry asked in a cloud.

"It's like a USB flash drive. I'll show it to you later."

Sisko nodded, came to the core laboratory and took out something, and put it on the mainframe of Skynet.

Barry and Dr. Wells held their breath and watched patiently. This might be the way to defeat the thinker.

After a while, a picture wearing armor appeared on the computer, which was the afterimage of Barry's The Flash.


Barry, if you see this then it proves that I really failed. I can't defeat you, but you will definitely encounter a new crisis later, he is a highly intelligent enemy, and he is also a guy called a thinker. "

Saweita said, with a trace of solemnity on his face.

"It seems that we still have a solution." Barry said happily.

"It's not that there is no way to solve Diwo, but you can no longer fall into darkness. Unless you create an intelligence suppressor, you may be able to easily crush you by relying on the intelligence of the other party." Saweita continued to say calmly.

"Is it an intelligence suppressor? It seems that this is the way to defeat the thinker." Barry also said with a sigh of relief.

"However, the guy's budget ability is quite strong, you have to be careful." Saweita lost contact after finishing speaking.

Skynet immediately calculated the materials needed for the instrument, and it was manufactured in an hour, and we will need it immediately. Tang Tian also wanted to try Saweita's words, and this was the only way they could think about.

"Okay, Mastermind." Skynet replied quickly.

Dr. Wells and Sisko cooperated to completely solve this trouble. This is also very important for them, and they are more aware of this.

Just as they were making weapons in an orderly manner, Devo had quietly arrived at the gate of the laboratory, and walked in before they were looking for trouble for him.

"No, I feel a cold breath." Caitlin raised her head and said loudly.

"Let me go and have a look!" The Flash thought for a while, and quickly ran out.

However, when Flash rushed over, he had already been strangled by Devo, and he couldn't move at all. Such a crisis made Barry feel extremely frightened.

"Damn it, let go of Barry." Caitlin said angrily, and directly used the power of ice to attack Diwo in front of her.

"Hehe, relying on your strength, it is impossible to deal with me."

After Divo finished speaking, he manipulated the lightning, allowing Sisko and Dr. Wells to avoid the past.

Because their own fighting power is not strong, Sisko is too afraid of his own power, so this kind of crisis is caused, which makes them quite unhappy.

"Roar!" As the situation became more and more dangerous, Tang Tian put the suppressor on Diwo's head, only to see that his expression became dull, as if his mind had been affected.

"Did it work? You guys are really amazing!" Izzy said in surprise.

"Nothing, this is the strength of the Flash team." Tang Tian said with great certainty.

"Zizizi!" But Divo didn't make them feel relieved, only saw a flash of lightning gushing out continuously, and the suppressor on the head was completely destroyed, and it had no effect at all.

"Goodbye, I've almost got Flash's abilities."

While they were not paying attention, Divo absorbed Izzy's power and left quickly.

Because there are so many strong people in the cutting-edge laboratory, it is impossible for them to deal with so many people. This is something he is fully aware of, and these are also issues they think about.

"What should we do next? We have lost a lot of advantages." Sisko said bitterly.

Diwo's sudden appearance caught them by surprise, and the idea that he thought of was also destroyed by Diwo, which made them feel quite uncomfortable. The crisis of this level made them feel a little surprised.

"Okay, there's no need to talk about these things, we have other solutions, and this is something we have considered." Tang Tian thought about it, and said with certainty.

"It is also said that the matter has come to an end, and there can only be a better way."

Sisko analyzed and said that everyone knew that Sisko was right, so there was no rebuttal.

"I've lost my ability, so at least I don't have to worry about him absorbing my power." Izzy said optimistically.

In fact, it's not that he wants to have the ability, it's just a superpower he got by accident.

They should be paying attention to the enemy's attack at present, so they should also take this into consideration, so that at least most of the problems can be solved, and they can completely handle such a situation.


Set a small goal first, such as 1 second to remember: Shukeju

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