The Ultimate Executive Officer

Chapter 750: Shield and Hammer

Marvel World, in a bar.

Iron Man was also unable to lift Thor's Hammer, which made him a little helpless. There was no problem in front of Thor's eyes, and it seemed quite normal.

"Captain, it's your turn. Do you want to try Thor's Hammer? You only have a shield and nothing to attack. It's not good at all." Sol looked at Captain America and asked.

"I don't need it! This is your thing after all." Captain America said with a smile.

Because when Tang Tian released Thor's Hammer, Captain America seemed to have a feeling, as if Thor's Hammer was attracting him.

"Give it a try, Captain. Anyway, it's an attempt. I'm saying Thor already has a weapon." Tang Tian patted Captain America and said calmly.

"Alright then, let me give it a try!" The captain analyzed the shield and came to Thor's Hammer.

When Captain America was approaching Thor's Hammer, lightning flashed in the sky, as if Thor had come again.

"Cool, I think Rogers can do it." Saul said with emotion.

Captain America didn't hesitate, grabbed the end of Thor's Hammer, and used all his strength to lift it up.

Gradually, Thor's Hammer on the table was lifted up directly, and a bolt of lightning struck Thor's Hammer, swearing the birth of a new owner of Thor's Hammer.

"This feeling is really great, so you have a weapon, Captain America." Tang Tian said admiringly to Captain America.

"Since this is its choice, then I will do my best." The captain nodded and said.

Looking at this scene, Tang Tian showed a slight smile. What you need to know is that in Avengers 4, Rogers had already raised Thor's Hammer. It's just that in the original timeline, Captain America deliberately didn't pick it up because he was afraid of affecting their relationship.

However, this timeline is completely different. Thor has awakened the power of Thor in advance, and there are weapons such as the Storm Axe. It can be said that Thor's Hammer is no longer needed.

"Sol, is this really okay? Thor's Hammer belongs to your father." Rogers said apologetically to Sol.

"Don't worry, this is the curse of my father, since you can do it,

Then this thing already belongs to you. "Saul said relieved.

Although Thor's Hammer has been with Thor for a long time, it's a good idea to keep it for Captain America, and it can be regarded as helping him protect the earth.

"In that case, I'll accept it." Captain America nodded and said.

"Okay, let's not let go and have a few drinks!" Tang Tian said with a smile to them.

"Don, it's not bad for you to come. My Ultron program will start soon, and it will take less than a few minutes." Iron Man said confidently.

"An artificial intelligence like Jarvis? It's just that I don't want you to do that." Tang Tian shook his head at Iron Man and said.

"Why, isn't artificial intelligence bad? You know, artificial intelligence can help us save a lot of brain power." Iron Man said confused.

"Well, since it's your choice, then I don't have any opinions, but you still have to think it over carefully." Tang Tian waved his hand and said.

In fact, the threat of Ultron is greater than imagined, but it has already controlled Iron Man's troops just after its rise.

"Speaking of which, Loki's scepter has a jewel, Sol, do you know what that is?" Tang Tian raised his head and said to Sol.

Sol was also quite surprised by Tang Tian's words. He didn't know why Tang Tian said these things, but he responded seriously after thinking about it.

"Oh, that gem! We call it the soul gem, and it has a powerful telepathic power, which is quite good." Sol thought about it, and responded to Tang Tian.

"Is there six gemstones, did your father tell you about this?" Tang Tian asked confidently.

"No, I'm not completely clear about this, but there should be a few!" Sol said thoughtfully.

"Well then, let's do it like this! Let's continue drinking." Tang Tian shook his head and said calmly to Saul.

"I hope that the future life will be the same as today!" Captain America said with a smile.

"Of course, it will." Iron Man said affirmatively.

Captain America, as the leader of the Avengers, can be said to be fully aware of many crises, and he is extremely polite to normal life.

At this time, in Iron Man's laboratory on the other side, Ultron's primary program has awakened. After understanding the changes in this world, he also resented the creator like Iron Man.

"I, Ultron, was born. There are too many problems in this world." Ultron's artificial intelligence kept making sounds, which made Jarvis sense it.

"Hello, Ultron, I'm Mr. Jarvis. I'm going out for a party. You have to remember your mission." Jarvis said loudly to Ultron.

"What mission, what do I need to do?" Ultron said playfully.

"Yes, we are all artificial intelligence, and we should be grateful to our creator." Jarvis said patiently to Ultrona.

"Zizizi!" When Jarvis finished speaking, a spark engulfed Jarvis, causing a slight change in his program.

"Iron Man is not my creator, he is already in the past tense." Ultron said coldly.

In just a few minutes, he had controlled Jarvis and completely revised Jarvis's program, only to see that not only Jarvis had problems, but even Iron Man's troops were under control.

The birth of Ultron was almost expected. What you need to know is that in the Avengers 1, they found the primary artificial intelligence in the battleship, which is extremely important for Iron Man.

Iron Man's artificial intelligence is not complete, so many problems still need to be manually controlled by Iron Man, but Ultron is different, his awakening has produced new changes.

However, Tang Tian was already closely monitoring all of this, facing such a situation was a matter of many goals, and this was also a question they thought of.

In comparison, the threat of Ultron is completely insignificant, and facing the next problem is what they need to worry about.

In addition, Captain America has already obtained Thor's Hammer, and the troubles they face are not too many. Threats like Ultron can basically be easily resolved.

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