The Ultimate Live Superstar

Chapter 63: Dragon Trainer, SOLO begins!

   This trip to Huashan, because the official made a notice in advance, and also issued an official micro, so before the broadcast began, it gained a lot of popularity.

  From the perspective of the posters, the audience knows that this extreme live broadcast is different from the past.

   Many people were full of expectations, and came to Lu Yu's live broadcast room early.

   "Look forward to ING!"

   "Nuclear energy ahead, that man is coming!"

   "Feather god, it's done!"

   "Will it not be a live Huashan bungee?"

   "I join, I heard you say that the cold sweat of Lao Tzu will come down..."


   8 o'clock in the Chinese time!

   Location: At the foot of Huashan Xifeng Mountain.

  Lu Yu glanced at the time on the drone, adjusted his breath, and ordered the system to say: "The system can be started."

   Next second.

   The prompt sound came out, and after the screen of the live room flashed twice, it was finally frozen!

  In an instant, countless barrage and 6666, uniformly, slowly attacked from the right side of the screen, and suddenly flooded the image of Lu Yu!

  At the same time, the popularity data in the upper left corner of the room is also skyrocketing!

   easily broke 200,000!

   "66666, first, first!"

"I'm coming!"

   "The Thief Chicken is excited!"

   "Feather, please start your show! The brothers are ready!"

   "Yu Shen, a Chinese red vest, can be dressed so madly! It's finished!"

   "Is the interface of the live broadcast changed?"

   At this time, many viewers noticed the change of the live page.

   Some true love fans, even the first time they got the brand of "Guru", showing off unscrupulously in the barrage.

   In addition, the heroes also returned to the throne and sent a wave of exclusive gifts wildly!

   "Small fish little fish don't eat shrimp and donate to the anchor vajra jump × 10!-The brothers who led the brand, brush up the intimacy, today we help Yushen Day to win the top of the list!"

   "Let’s live up to life, don’t lose, and give the anchor to the anchor energy drink × 10!-Walk up! Brush up the brand level!"

   "I'm not really your two uncles gifted to the anchor umbrella bag × 15!-I like the parkour of Yushen, especially to support!"


  With Shenhao leading the way, more and more friends who are leading the brand.

  Unconsciously, the weight of Lu Yu's anchor rose to 1T!

   was busy for a while, facing the morning sun, Lu Yu said:

   "Hello everyone, this is Lu Yu!"

   "My current location is at the foot of Huashan Mountain in Wei City, Shaanxi Province! As for Huashan, everyone here may have some knowledge, and many people have come to witness its magnificence."

  During the talk, the drone flew to a high place and took a picture of the magnificent scenery of Huashan Mountain.

  The sky is high and the clouds are light, and Jin Songqi rises.

Where   's eyes are, Weifeng stands tall and different.

   is like a knife and axe, amazing nature's ghost and axe!

   "Mistgrass, so beautiful!"

   "6666, watching Yushen's live broadcast, it's cool, and the picture quality is no more!"

   "I've been to Huashan, it seems to be Xifeng! It's more than 2000 meters above sea level! From the observation deck, the view is really beautiful!"

  With this magnificent picture, Lu Yu pointed to the right side of Xifeng, a vertical rock wall, saying:

   "Brothers, have you seen that vertical granite rock wall?"

"There is the most difficult section to climb the west wall of Huashan Mountain, nearly 700 meters above sea level! This rock wall is the starting point of the south cliff of Xifeng! From here, there is a ridge connected to the south peak, with a total length of more than 300 meters and a pale stone Dai, the shape is like a shrinking giant dragon, so it is also called Xiao Cang Long Ling, which is one of Huashan's famous dangerous roads."

   "But today..." Lu Yu looked at the top of the mountain and paused: "I'm going to ride this dragon under the hips and spare no effort to tame it!"

   "Yes, this time, I will not take any protective measures, without any external force and any fixing device, from the foot of the mountain all the way up, free climbing to the top of the rock wall!"

  Lu Yu's words are like a blockbuster, completely making the barrage crazy!

   Looking at the precipitous cliffs, the audience couldn't help but shudder in their hearts, and there was a lot of chill!

   is different from the previous live broadcasts, this time, this man finally put his own claws to the nature!

  I have to say that the city's high-rise buildings and iron tower houses are absolutely rare compared to the top of Huashan Mountain.

  Here, only TM is a paradise for extreme sports!


   "I said, things are never that simple!"

   "Freehand... Brothers, I already have a picture!"

   "The man who live broadcasts with his life is so amazing, take his knee!"

   "Nima, master dragon trainer!"



  The drone followed Lu Yu closely, photographing his back as he slowly walked towards the rock face.


  Few times, facing the rock wall of Qingdai color, Lu Yu took a few deep breaths.

  In a short time, the peculiar smell of dampness peculiar to the mountain rocks penetrates into the nasal cavity and flows into the blood.

   At this moment, Lu Yu's body and soul seemed to be integrated into this mountain.

   After two lapses, he climbed again.

   Inexplicable strange feeling, seemingly non-existent, makes people vigorous.

   looked up and looked at the top of the mountain straight into the sky.

  Lu Yu in his heart, roughly planned his climbing route.

   This rock face is almost 90 degrees vertical.

   The road ahead is smooth, and it is flat.

   The second half of the journey started, only a little gully!

   roughly calculated the available size directions and routes in his mind. Lu Yu licked his lips, grabbed a handful of magnesium powder, clapped his hands, and officially started the challenge of the top of Huashan Mountain!

  Huashan in the morning, the breeze is warm, the sun is warm, and it is very comfortable to shine on the body.

   "Brothers, let's meet at the top of the mountain!"

   said, he immediately extended his right hand, embedded in a winding crack in the rock wall.

   Then, with the strength of the legs, supporting the body, slowly upward.

  At this moment, the drone slowly released a bright rhythm but very low background music, so that the atmosphere of the live broadcast room became tense at once!

   "Lying trough, so nervous!"

   "Exciting ~!"

   "Mom, this person is going to scare me again!"

   "The anchor is really fierce!"

   "Single Huashan, can't afford it!"

   This dark and turbulent BGM instantly substituted the emotions of the audience.

   Barrage is one after another.

  However, the initial stage of freehand climbing has a crucial role in reaching the summit!

  Even though the live broadcast room was hot again, Lu Yu did not pay attention.

   is to concentrate on planning the route, laying a good foundation for the second half of the climb!

   In the initial stage, he has been following the climbing rule of "three points fixed, one point moved".

  The shift of the center of gravity is also quite stable without any delay.

   Always maintain an appropriate distance from the rock wall.

   is not far nor close.

   To a great extent avoid the climbing route deviation!

  Just like this, using this tiny rock crack, Lu Yu moved forward steadily, and after a while, he climbed up a dozen meters!

   At this moment, behind a stone tower at the foot of the mountain, a group of people suddenly came over.

   They were dressed in orange-red construction clothes, wearing hard hats, holding **** and shovel, and various construction tools.

The person headed by    is a dark man with wrinkles all over his forties.

  Pedestrians walked on the path, and the dark man looked sideways. At the first time, he saw Lu Yu climbing on the rock face.

   For a while, he suddenly reacted and yelled at the landing feather:

   "Ear ancestors... what are you doing! Come down!"


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