The Unconventional Legend

: Happy Newlyweds Lizard!

I have to open a single chapter first, before noon.

Today is a happy day for the island owner and the lizard to get married.

Well, the two backbone management of the Feng family.

In the years of conscientious work since the proud world, we have been in harmony with each other.

And after everyone's unanimous assessment, the lizard is really a good guy, worthy of entrusting him for life.

So, let's all work together.

Finally today, the two entered the wedding hall.

Very excited and happy.

Bless the two of them, grow old together, raise the eyebrows together; Qin Se and Ming fly together.

May all lovers in the world become relatives eventually.

It is the predestined thing not to miss the marriage.

Sincere blessings! ...

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