The war in the Ultramarine Star Territory was all stable, with both the Necrons and the Human Empire gathering heavy troops, while the Tyranid swarm only reached the galaxy as the vanguard.

Especially as the Salamanders began to build fortifications on the front lines, the Space Wolves began to use their own advantages to roam, and the Ultramarines became even more ruthless in order to make the wedding of their Primarch go smoothly.

Fully 200,000 Ultramarines organized into battle groups and launched a massive counterattack directly against the Tyranid swarm, preparing to recapture several strategic points to push the front back to a position that would not affect Macragge. On the wedding level.

At least the Ultramarines thought it would not affect the wedding.

Vulkan and Leman Russ both expressed support and approval for the decision of the Ultramarines. They not only arranged for their respective legions to assist, but also contacted the Necron side to allow the two armies to join forces. action.

The effect of this attack can be said to be very obvious, and the front line of the Human Empire has been pushed to a satisfactory position.

Two hundred thousand Ultramarines is not the largest force that Macragge's Five Hundred Worlds can mobilize, but it is the first time in 10,000 years since the Great Crusade that the Human Empire has had such a large-scale Space Marines conduct military operations together.

The huge fleet, the warriors who were more powerful than in the past, and the three legions fighting side by side gave the two Primarchs who were in command the illusion of returning to the Great Crusade.

Such a huge military operation and the results it achieved also greatly boosted the morale of the human empire, causing almost the entire Extreme Star Territory to fall into cheers and joy.

Feeling the emotions flowing in the space, Chen Mo couldn't help but sigh: "Speaking of how the war in heaven was fought back then, how did the subspace become such a virtue?"

"The war ignited the entire galaxy, and the thoughts of countless dead creatures created all this." As a witness to that horrific war, Trazin the Endless still expressed emotion when talking about this old event 60 million years ago.

"A war that burns the entire galaxy, there is really nothing worse than this." Chen Mo stretched out his hand to control a ball of subspace energy and tried to analyze its nature: "Death and war are the most capable of catalyzing negative emotions. Two major elements, as long as they exist, they will inevitably cause harm to the world.

It's just that in the ordinary world, this kind of damage only stays on the surface of the world, and does not affect the deeper sea of ​​souls.

If the crystal wall system is the eggshell that protects a world, then the real world is the egg white, and the sea of ​​souls is the yolk.

However, as subspace creatures, the Ancient Saints prematurely understood and developed the Sea of ​​Souls, causing too many things to be produced here that would not have been born naturally.

Once the waves of the subspace are formed, it is difficult to calm down. Your decision to sleep for 60 million years is correct. The silence of an entire Galactic Empire can indeed calm the waves of the subspace.

However, this is also a wrong decision, because the Eldar..."

"Yes, these bean sprouts are really capable of causing trouble. Their various actions not only disrupted the subspace, but also gave birth to the evil god Slaanesh." As the legend has it, since the Battle of Heaven 60 million years ago. As for the Collector who did not fall into slumber, Trazin the Endless has undoubtedly experienced all of this personally, and he has a very intuitive evaluation of this: "If it weren't for the fact that they were created by the Ancient Saints, there are also Ancient Saints who created them for them. God came to protect them, there was no way they could survive that war."

Hearing Trazin's words, Chen Mo just smiled and teased him: "In that case, wouldn't your museum lose a lot of precious historical collections?"

"Having said that, even you don't want to face such a bad subspace, right?" Trazin looked at Chen Mo's reluctant look, and the answer to this question was obviously obvious.

"Having said that, this subspace is still worth studying." Although Chen Mo was chatting and laughing with Trazin on one side, the army of the Human Empire on the other side had almost wiped out almost the entire insect fleet.

Although this insect tide fleet is only part of the vanguard of a huge fleet composed of the entire Tyranid swarm.

However, the great victory brought by the annihilation of the swarm still set off a wave of waves in the entire extreme star field and even the entire empire. Strong emotions and emotions were fed back into the subspace, which was a storm of subspace energy.

"In a normal world, people in the physical universe cannot penetrate deep into the Sea of ​​Souls anyway, unless the entire Sea of ​​Souls stabilizes to form the so-called underworld." Chen Mo explained to Trazin, and this is very important for this person. This is also refreshing knowledge for a museum director who has traveled almost all over the galaxy: "So I have reason to suspect that the ancient sages carried out a transformation of the subspace, which made the subspace of this world different from the real world. There is such a close connection between them.

But these are not important. Our purpose is not to get to the bottom of it, but to use this to do something so that the subspace of this world is not so closely connected with the real universe. "

"So what are you going to do?" Trazin didn't intend to delve into the technical principles of this. He just wanted to know what Chen Mo was going to do.

This is not because Trazin cares about current affairs, but it is such an important historical event. For Trazin, recording this scene and restoring it in his own museum is an extremely precious collection.

Trazin even felt that if he could really record all of this, it would become the most precious collection in the history of his museum.

Chen Mo did not beat around the bush, and explained to Trazin happily: "I plan to cause a stir in the Human Empire and generate a lot of positive emotions, so as to impact the entire subspace, and in order to make the Human Empire The emperor conferred the title of God, and took this opportunity to completely close the Eye of Terror, severing the close connection between the real universe and the subspace."

"Let the lord of mankind become a god? Is this really feasible? Can you really guarantee that the close connection between the real world and the subspace will be cut off?" Trazin felt that Chen Mo's explanation stopped, but instead made his Questions came one after another: "According to what you said, if the subspace is the sea of ​​souls in this world, will cutting off the connection have any bad effects?"

Trazin didn't know much about this, but he knew that the soul was a very important thing, and the Necrons had been pursuing it for 60 million years.

For the human empire, subspace can almost be said to be the foundation on which the entire empire is built.

Humanity's faster-than-light navigation technology completely revolves around subspace. Without subspace, humans would lose the ability to travel faster than light.

For a huge empire whose territory spans the entire galaxy, it is impossible to manage and control such a huge territory without the ability to travel faster than light speed.

Although Trazin didn't care what the human empire would become after losing the warp, he was still very concerned about the issue of souls. What if the opportunity for the Necrons to restore their flesh and souls lies in it? ?

"I have obtained many few samples of super-light navigation technology from different worlds. There is no problem. The human empire will obtain new technologies to replace those related to subspace." Chen Mo continued to explain to Trazin , and also explained his plan: "The birth of a new god, especially with the power of faith accumulated by the human emperor and the strong emotions maintained in him, once it breaks out, the impact will be no less than that of the past The birth of Slaanesh was even several times stronger.

After all, the population of the Eldar Empire is only so small, and it is far behind the Human Empire. Even if the souls of the Eldar are more powerful, the same is true if they are psychic creatures created by the ancient saints.

This huge force will shake the entire subspace, and with a little guidance, it will be able to separate the entire subspace from the real world.

Of course, the human emperor cannot do this simply by relying on his own power. My power will ensure that he can do all this and provide him with sufficient help. "

"It sounds very feasible, but does this have any necessary connection or relationship with you bringing me to the subspace? Or do you just want to take me to the subspace to see it?" Trazin still didn't do it. I understand why Chen Mo dragged him into the subspace.

Although he is an excellent collector and is no stranger to the subspace Trazin, and has even entered it many times, a soulless machine is still instinctively disgusted by it.

However, Chen Mo smiled and said: "There are good things in the subspace! Especially what we are going to is Slaanesh's Boudoir. You won't forget that I told you, the five old woman's swords of the Eldar Tribe." Is there one in Slaanesh's boudoir?"

"Of course I remember this, so we are going to collect this precious treasure?" Trazin became excited at the mention of new collections that could be put into the museum.

Chen Mo smiled, patted his shoulder and said: "Of course, and it's not just this old woman's sword, we can also look for something else in the subspace, right? At least I'm interested in that wandering man. The Gray Knights from the Four Gods Realm are very interested.”

Having said this, Chen Mo suddenly looked in a certain direction, and said with an unchanging smile on his face: "You don't want to see someone who can cut down the champion of Khorne, burn the Nurgle Garden, and even press the Demon Prince of Nurgle to death." How special is the guy who slapped the succubus of Slaanesh to death while rubbing him against him?"

"I am indeed very interested." Trazin acted very honestly, and at the same time he did not forget to flatter Chen Mo: "I have to admit that your becoming one of the Three Saints is a very good thing for the Necrons. thing."

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