The empress has evolved into three thousand worlds, and the heaven is endlessly glorious.

However, not long after, at the height of its glory, it was disbanded.

It’s like a joke.

The three thousand worlds were also collected by themselves and disappeared.

It was as if nothing had happened, a delusion.

Those subordinates who were accepted were also relieved of their salvation. nothing left.

The empress disappears again.

“……”The old guys in the penalty area.

This empress, swallowing the sky and being ruthless, is indeed abnormal.

An abnormal invincible person cannot be offended.

He doesn’t care about anything, he’s not afraid of fighting to the death, he’s terrifyingly powerful, and he can’t communicate normally.

This kind of existence is the most troublesome and unpredictable.

Heaven is only temporary.

Time flies by, burying the next generation of talented people.

When the empress was in the world, all living beings were suppressed by the laws of the universe. This was also the rule of the ancient and modern universe.

No one can prove it, and any genius can only live in a few thousand years.

This is still great, if it was worse,”Zero One Three” might have died early.

The empress never appeared again.

Only the suppressed Ten Thousand Dao Law proves that there is an invincible existence in this world.

The once-temporary heaven was slowly forgotten again.

It’s no longer a generation.

Time is the most ruthless and can wear away everything.

The empress never cared.

Countless years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the times have changed.

On this day, there was suddenly no more suppression.

Is the current emperor gone?

Although there are still some remnants of the Great Emperor’s Law, they are beginning to disintegrate.

This also proves that when these things completely dissipate, there will be new opportunities and new trends.

There will be new invincible beings enlightened.

After tens of thousands of years, everyone finally has a chance again.

The emperor seemed to have passed away, but no one saw him off, paying homage to his sorrow.

More of a relief with a long breath.

There were even cheers.

Although their generation still has no chance, there will be opportunities in the future.

If you are confident, you can seal yourself into the future.

The penalty area was also a little relieved, but they were not so optimistic.

That ruthless empress, and the elixir of immortality.

Normally one can live another life.

This time, no one came out to attack.

If there are no other changes, the Immortal Medicine can directly make you reach your peak again, your youthful years, and your vitality at its peak.

It will only become stronger.

How about this time in the past, just to die.

If you have any idea, you can only wait another life.

But in this life, this person did not suppress Wan Dao and gave up these things.

I have no interest in the two lives anymore.

It doesn’t matter that all the ways of heaven can be suppressed.

Just exist silently.

Still pursuing my obsession silently.

Don’t care about anything else.

Even if you think about it, you won’t say anything to them.

That’s all good, let’s live in peace.

The road to immortality has not been opened, and they are usually asleep.

They don’t care about anything, and they certainly won’t care about anything.

Just don’t mess with her.

Everyone was puzzled to the extreme.

Not to become an immortal, just to wait for your return in the world of mortals.

One hundred thousand years, one million years… I’ve been waiting for you.

The Age of Mythology.

Jiangnan is invincible, traveling in chaos, traveling up and down through the past and present… At present, it can only travel a little, just to wait and see, and cannot enter the real world.

They are all improving in practice.

Jiangnan also created a new law again.


Fighting, eternal, infinite.

This is His law.

Invincible in battle, eternal and infinite.

I am immortal, and I am also immeasurable. Wherever I go, I kill and attack at will, which is the evolution of immeasurable calamity.

Eternity can also be destroyed.

Only I am eternal.

There are countless small tribulations, medium tribulations and major tribulations.

I am the calamity of immeasurable destruction.

Doom for all opponents.

With one punch, the universe, past and future will be destroyed immeasurably and cease to exist.

Of course, all methods also depend on the realm.

The real rules must first be broken to achieve eternity.

The rules of heaven and earth are imperfect, have their source, and cannot be broken.

Enlightenment in this mortal world can also last forever.

Speaking of dark turmoil, those supreme ancient emperors deprived hundreds of millions of living beings of their life essence so that they could continue their own irreversible lives.

The suppression of heaven and earth is irreversible, but the peeling off of the world of mortals is somewhat reversible.

To the Supreme Ancient Emperor, their life forms were absolutely invincible.

Billions of living beings are also killed, crushed, and peeled off at will.

In terms of power alone, not even a drop of their blood is inferior.

Although cruel, extremely cruel, this is the fact.

But the life essence of hundreds of millions of creatures has violated some of the rules that are irreversible even to them and to heaven and earth.

It can keep them alive.

Although it is very rare, it can make up for a lot of their condition.

Let them continue to sleep and wait for countless years to find another opportunity.

Looking back and enlightening, walking in the world of mortals.

Isn’t this the power of the mortal world and the potential of the mortal world?

If you can fully develop these potentials and use them perfectly, you will be a fairy in the world.

I can inspire and use these life potentials, unlimited potentials.

It continues forever and ever.

Keep developing and getting stronger.

In the world of mortals, even ordinary people can be invincible…..

Jiangnan is now in mortal form, stronger than ever

“I caught you, do you still want to run?”Jiang Nan took a step and arrived in front of a fairy palace.

The Eternal Law was directly suppressed.

No matter how much he screamed, he couldn’t escape.

“This is the Bronze Immortal Palace?”Jiangnan looked at it.

The huge bronze palace is as grand as a city.

Such a big palace.

It is majestic and green and rusty.

It is simple and grand, giving people a very desolate feeling.

I have seen the ancient and chaotic ancient times. Years, ancient battlefields.

This is an ancient fairy weapon that existed in the Ancient Immortal Era.

In the Ancient Immortal Era, there was nothing else at that time. A powerful person could become an immortal and live forever.

But the fairy weapon also surpassed the Emperor’s weapons. A very powerful thing.

This whole city-like palace is full of immortal weapons.

Jiangnan suppressed it, and the immortal weapons also suppressed it.

An ownerless thing, just an artifact, is not enough.

Just take a look and learn about it.

It is rumored that there are people who have become immortals. Opportunity.

In this era of scarcity, it is not that easy.

But there are indeed many extraordinary things.

Jiangnan used it to evolve, and even some good things. The Chaos Black Lotus was sublimated and turned into an immortal weapon.

Although it was a newcomer, It can continue to grow.

The Immortal Weapon has just been formed, and the Immortal Punishment Thunder Tribulation comes. The

Chaos Black Lotus transforms into a combat soldier, and rushes up to kill it.

This is its thunder tribulation, and it comes on its own.

Following Jiangnan, it has the master’s fighting intention, what? No fear.

He came back from the tribulation soon. The real immortal weapon was very powerful.

As for the Bronze Immortal Palace, after it was arranged in Jiangnan in 5.7, it was beaten out.

The ancient era has entered the middle period. The empress was in the early stage at that time..

In the nameless galaxy, a woman in plain clothes was walking.

Frowning slightly, she took a step and tore the galaxy apart.

She soon tracked a rusty fairy palace.

“Immortal weapon?”The woman frowned, raised her hand and suppressed it.

For those who didn’t know, she thought it was a mortal palace.

This was too casual.

The Bronze Immortal Palace screamed, and it was hard to break free.

The empress stepped into it.

Not to become an immortal, Just to become stronger, reverse the situation, and break the cycle of reincarnation.

The empress looked, looked, and suddenly her eyes widened.

“Jiang…Jiangnan?”Time froze, and the empress arrived in front. Her trembling hands, her fairy-like jade bones, touched the traces in front of her.

It was really you.

It was what you left.

Although it was blurry and out of shape.

There was a clear understanding in my heart, it must be you.

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