“Marshal of the Warring States, an elite army of 100,000 people has come!”

At this moment, the intelligence officer suddenly discovered something, and quickly reported to the Warring States, “It’s the revolutionary army, and the other party is flying the banner of the revolutionary army.” ”

“What? Revolutionary? What are they going to do? Do you mean to take advantage of the fire and rob? ”

Almost instantly, the nearby navy, after hearing the arrival of the revolutionary army, the first reaction in their hearts was that the revolutionary army was coming to take advantage of the fire and loot.

As for the fact that the revolutionary army wants to help them, in their minds, it simply does not exist.

“Don’t be nervous!”

Seeing the Warring States here, he stood up directly, signaling that everyone didn’t need to be too nervous.

When all the unaware navies looked at the Warring States, a smile appeared on the faces of the Warring States, “Don’t worry, the revolutionary army is here to join forces with us, it is our teammates, don’t be nervous.” ”

“The revolutionary army actually united with us27?”

The navies present, after hearing the words of the Warring States, could not help but be stunned for a moment, but immediately, an excited expression appeared on their faces.

“Great, in this way, we will be more sure that we can kill these pirates.”

On the faces of the navy, smiles appeared.

Although they also have enough self-confidence without the help of the revolutionary army, in that case, it will inevitably cause a large number of casualties.

And now, with the help of the revolutionary army, it is much better.

With the arrival of Dolrag and Ivankov and other cadres of the revolutionary army, with the elite 100,000 officers and soldiers of the revolutionary army, together with the navy, an absolute advantage over the pirates was formed.

“It’s over!”

On the pirate side, Beckman and others realized that this was complete despair and there were no accidents after seeing this scene.


Looking at the number of pirates, after halving, the number was reduced by about a third again, and Sengoku realized that it was almost time to enter.

After all, next, with the number of pirates, the remaining pacifist and blazing angel troops, even if they fight with all their strength, it is difficult to cause much casualties to the other side, and even lead to the destruction of their own army.


The Warring States turned into a golden Buddha at this moment, and then roared.

“Next, it must be a battle between you and me, no, it should be a war.”

“Everyone has the right to choose, if you are afraid, then back off, I will not blame you. When I was as young as you, I was also scared of pirates.

You are still young and not yet to sacrifice yourself, so if anyone retreats, I promise that it will not affect you in the slightest afterwards.

None of us will look back, so no one knows who you are.

But, once you choose to stay, be prepared to sacrifice.

As long as there is still a pirate who does not choose to surrender, then the war will not end.

So now, make your choice!! ”

The Warring States after the roar, as he said, looked ahead with both eyes and did not choose to glance behind him.

As he said, if anyone is afraid and retreats, it doesn’t matter.

This is normal.

No one is not afraid of death.

With the words of the Warring States, the battle formation of the navy was calm, and all the navies that were conscripted were actually ready.

Even if it is death, it doesn’t matter.

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“All for justice!”

“All for justice!” Xn

Countless shouts sounded, this is the soul that belongs to the navy.

“So… The war begins! ”

After laughing, the Warring States took the lead and rushed directly to the front.

On the side of the Warring States, Karp also followed, then the three major generals, the general candidates, then the lieutenant generals, major generals, brigadier generals, colonels…

One by one, the generals charged ahead, and the bigger the officer, the more he rushed ahead, and no one hid behind.

“Kill !!”

Seeing one admiral after another rushing to the front, how could the remaining navies retreat, and even, more and more excited.

“This is the Navy!”

Dorag, who saw this scene, couldn’t help but boil his blood. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

“That’s why we chose to work with the Navy, didn’t we?”

Ivankov appeared next to Dorag, and then said with a smile.

“There’s nothing wrong with that.”

Dorag nodded.

“Well, the Navy is practicing their justice, then we can’t be left behind, so… Take action together to eliminate the pirates. ”

Dorag shouted.

If you want to gain something in the next new world, then you must pay something in the next time.


Dorag immediately rushed forward with 100,000 elite soldiers of the revolutionary army.

The pirates, who themselves suffered heavy losses, after defeating the pacifists and the Blazing Angel forces with difficulty, also faced the joint attack of the navy and the revolutionary army, and they were completely desperate.

The ultimate winner of this war is already very clear, and what is needed next is only a matter of time.


747 and the country of Wa.

After the people of the hundred beasts went out, Momonosuke, who remained in Wano Country, felt that this was a good opportunity, and then he felt that he could do it again.

No, after signaling Inuarashi to gather the centaurs belonging to Mitsuki, and then taking the opportunity to capture Wano Country, Momonosuke began to delusional, what should he do after he became the supreme general of Wano Country?

“I want to gather the beauties of the entire Wano Country, and then accompany me together, he…”

Thinking of Momonosuke here, his face also showed a lewd expression.

“Of course, the most important thing is to repair the injuries on my body…”

After thinking of his little brother, who was useless at all, Momonosuke also looked desperate.

However, when he thought of the magical existence of the Devil Fruit, he felt that he still had hope.

“I saw in the newspaper that there are surgical results, if that’s the case, just find the other person and ask him to transplant one for me, isn’t it?”

Thinking of Momonosuke here, I instantly felt that this was simply the future.

Therefore, thanks to the blessing of the hundred beasts, he was able to find newspapers in this residence, otherwise, how could he know the existence of the fruits of the operation?

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