130 Lucky Chubby Fish!

An army of 100,000 looks like a lot in peacetime.

But in this battle of Gwangjong, which had more than 10 million participants, it was insignificant.

As soon as the 100,000 sergeants left the barracks and rushed to Guangzong, they were discovered by the scouts of the Yellow Turban camp. Then, the entire city of Gwangjong came to life!

Countless Yellow Turban thieves appeared on the walls of Guangzong City, either holding swords, holding swords, or holding bows, waiting for the 100,000 soldiers to approach.

Soon, the 100,000 armor soldiers quickly approached Guangzong City.

When these 100,000 armor soldiers entered the attack range of the Yellow Turban Thieves, an overwhelming array of arrows flew out and attacked the lone 100,000 armor soldiers!

The number of Yellow Turban thieves on the city wall of Guangzong was not as high as a million, and the number of archers was also calculated in 100,000.

This wave of arrow rain hit, unstoppable, unavoidable, tens of thousands of people died under the arrow rain at that time!

With great resentment in his heart, the sect member looked at his subordinates who had suffered heavy casualties and shouted: "The whole army, follow me!"

"Slash the air!"

A huge sword flew out, knocking down countless arrows, and the sect member turned the anger in his heart into motivation, and led the remaining armor soldiers to attack towards Guangzong City at a faster speed.

Dozens of miles away, Dong Zhuo waited quietly here with an army of 1.5 million.

The only strategist by Dong Zhuo's side, Li Ru, a top historical strategist, saw all the battle conditions of the vanguard army.

When the vanguard army, which was less than 50,000 left, was about to arrive at the city of Guangzong, Li Ru said: "Lord, give the order, let the southeast, north and south attack the city!"

Dong Zhuo did so.

Following his order, the 500,000-strong army led by Niu Fu, Dong Yue and Hu Zhen also began to charge and attack the city gate.

Enemies appeared in the southeast, north and south at the same time, and there were more enemies than the west gate, and the attack was more fierce, and the Yellow Turban thieves immediately reacted, and divided a part of the army to meet the city gates in the southeast, north, and south.

In this way, Simon has less pressure.

In this way, the Yellow Turban Thieves didn't know which gate the imperial army really wanted to attack.

And at this time, Dong Zhuo also led the elite main force of the imperial court to attack Ximen at the suggestion of Li Ru!



"Sharp soldiers!"

After using the skills of three strategists in a company, Dong Zhuo's troops had high morale and combat power, and rushed towards the West Gate at an extremely fast speed.

When Dong Zhuo and the others rushed to the West City Gate, Luo Chen also arrived at the edge of the battlefield with three thousand Xuanjia iron horsemen.

Looking at the battlefield in full swing, Luo Chen couldn't help but ask, "Zhicai, which city gate do you think we should attack?"

Xi Zhicai thought for a moment, and then said: "According to the lord's speculation on Zhang Jiao's strength, this battle will be lost." However, our purpose is to train troops, and it doesn't matter if we win or lose. Although the Yellow Turban thieves were pinned down and scattered in all directions, after all, the West City Gate was the focus of the imperial army's attack. When the coach in the Yellow Turban reacts, the number of Yellow Turban thieves here will also be the largest. "

"We only need to occupy a favorable terrain to achieve the purpose of training. "

"Okay! That's it!

On the eve of the charge, the scroll in Xi Zhicai's hand was gently raised, and a clear light spread, enveloping all the three thousand Xuanjia Iron Horsemen.

"Calculate all directions!"

With his movements, Xi Zhicai's exclusive skill Ji Bafang played its role for the first time!

Calculate the Eight Directions: The exclusive skill of the peerless historical strategist Xi Zhong and Xi Zhicai, after use, can bless your own soldiers to increase my attack and defense, increase my attack speed, and travel quickly with light armor...... and other eight states to greatly increase the combat effectiveness and marching speed of your own soldiers. Duration of one hour, cooldown of three days!

The eight amplification skills are blessed at the same time, which doubles the combat power of the Xuanjia Iron Cavalry, and even the marching speed and the recovery speed of the body after being injured have increased a lot.

It can be said that this is an all-round support skill!

Under the leadership of Luo Chen, Zhao Yun and Dian Wei, the Xuanjia Iron Horseman, who had been blessed with eight state skills, rushed towards the West City Gate at the fastest speed!



When Luo Chen led people to rush into the battlefield, the sect member was caught in a bitter battle.

As the vanguard army, the subordinates of the sect were attacked by several arrows and suffered heavy losses before they could rush to the city of Guangzong. By the time Dong Zhuo and the others really started attacking the city, the 100,000 people under his command had been sharply reduced to less than 10,000!

As a first-class general, the combat power of the sect member is naturally not comparable to that of the Yellow Turban Thief, but he can't withstand the number of enemy troops!

Kill one, come up two, kill ten, come up a hundred!

Under this almost endless crowd tactic, the sect members who had not stopped since the beginning of the battle were also exhausted.

Moreover, there are not no generals in the Yellow Turban camp, as the generals of the vanguard army, the sect members are naturally the focus of those Yellow Turban generals.

Even if the Yellow Turban generals who appear now are all second-rate and third-rate generals, but there are too many of them, he is a little unbearable.

Just when the sect member heard the earth-shattering killing sound and knew that Dong Zhuo had finally arrived with the imperial army, thinking that his mission had been completed and his life had been saved, a team of players who had joined the Yellow Turban camp appeared nearby!

Players are familiar with history and naturally know that the Yellow Turban will be defeated.

Although there are still a small number of players who have the idea that Zhang Jiao can defeat the Han Dynasty and establish the Yellow Sky Court, the vast majority of players have no hope for this.

They joined the Yellow Turban camp, on the one hand, because the threshold of the Yellow Turban camp is low, and they can join casually, but on the other hand, they want to fish in troubled waters to see if they can kill a few court generals in this melee.

You must know that in the battle of the Yellow Turban Rebellion, killing the generals of the opposing camp has a great chance of obtaining the historical famous general template!

For the vast majority of players, even if they get the lowest-level third-rate historical celebrity template, it is a great benefit!

And now, as a first-class historical general, and at the same time a sect member who is exhausted from repeated battles, he is being targeted by such a team of players!

PS1: The Fourth Subscription ...... It seems that the IQ of the author is still not enough to write about all kinds of strategies and large-scale battles full of strategic ideas...... In the future, let's focus on blood~

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