The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 123: Are you teaching me to do things? (four thousand)

   Leon took a relaxing break for a few days, and no legendary undead vampire came to trouble him. Therefore, Leon sent all the clones out to practice their skills normally.

   These days, let them guard around the house every night. They feel bored, and Leon is ten times more bored when receiving feedback from the clone.

   The main body rests, and the clones go out and continue to harm others who look down upon them, car thieves.

   This is also good.

   On the third day of rest, Tony called and said that he had fixed Sophia's battle uniform and asked Leon to pick it up.

   Although Sophia had long guessed that Leon should have asked Uncle Tin Man to make his own battle suit. There is no way, while Lyon hung the vampire to avenge his daughter, while still pretending to draw this picture and choose that cloth, he couldn't deliver the finished product for more than ten days.

   But Leon still decided to go without Sophia.

   is not for the sake of face, mainly because Leon heard that Tony's tone seemed a bit, not so cheerful, and he couldn't say what he wanted to say or what he wanted to ask.

   Leon didn’t just know about this situation, he saw it when he took the bomb, but he didn’t care about it at the time, thinking it was something wrong with the armor, and he teased Tony a few words in his heart.

   With Tony’s wisdom, general scientific problems can’t help him.

   This is a genius scientist who even made time positioning and Mobius bracelets!

   The entire Marvel world may also be the rubber man Wang Lufei who was ordered to hang up... No, it is Mr. Fantastic Reid who can stabilize Tony.

   After all, people are the smartest person in the setting, this is not comparable.

   For the rest of the people, Tony won’t lose even when it comes to knowledge alone.

   This can be ruled out, and Leon really doesn't know what Tony has encountered that cannot be solved.

  Metal palladium poisoning?

   Time is not right!

   Although Lyon doesn't know the timeline of movies and comics at all, he still knows some of Tony's armor.

  The metal palladium element is used, that is after the fourth-generation armor, and now Tony is still perfecting his third-generation armor weapon transformation, the fourth-generation drawing has not been finished yet, it can't be this.

   Besides, I don’t know anything about comics, and I still saw the movie Leon.

   When palladium is poisoned, isn’t it the main plot of the second part of "Tin Man"!

   "Could it be that there was a relationship problem with Chili Pepper?"

   Leon was shocked!

  Others, he may still have a solution, but he is a single dad who knows how to deal with his relationship problems!

   asked him to help this, I'm afraid it is not purely to add chaos to others.

  That's how it was said, Lyon went there anyway, and for this reason, Lyon didn't take Sophia with him.

   Uncles and aunts are quarreling, the little girl is going to make trouble!


   Not long after, Leon came to Tony's door.

   This time Jarvis opened the door for him.

   As soon as he entered the door, Tony was sitting in the living room, with a glass of wine in his hand, staring at the glass and thinking very seriously, even though Leon had already entered the door.

   "Thunderbolt~~! It's raining to collect clothes!!"

   Leon’s weird cry made Tony almost throw the cup out of his hand.

   After regaining his senses, he looked at Lyon who was mean, and Tony gave him a speechless look: " can't just dress up like an ordinary friend coming to visit!"

   Leon may have developed the habit of wearing a mask whenever he goes out in the middle of the night. Today I came here with a mask.

   "If you imagine my facial features looking at a mask, chances are it can simulate an ink-and-wash style of me."

   After a fight with Tony, Leon took off his face mask with kindness, and he did whatever he wanted. Tony didn't know what his face under the mask looked like.

   It's just that Leon took off his mask, and Tony was even more speechless.

   "Is it necessary...Is it necessary! You also drew a clown costume! Is the circus already unable to accommodate you!!! Who do you show with a big red lips!!!"

   "Oh~~! Did I say that, why do I always feel that something is wrong! The makeup time is too long, I am used to it, hahahaha..."


   When Leon came out of the bathroom, Tony had drunk the shallow layer of whiskey in the glass, and he was holding an empty glass to study.

   sat down on the sofa opposite Tony, eight feet away.

   As everyone knows, the strength of a man after a breakup is a strong smile. As long as a little bit of wine is consumed, it will be revealed, Juan and Feng cried endlessly. Leon was afraid that Tony would come too, so stop throwing his nose on his clothes.

The two sat for more than ten seconds without saying a word. Lyon, who returned to his normal appearance, may have removed his makeup, and his symptoms of cerebral thrombosis in ten years have improved. They are the first to break the silence and say: "...Pepper beats you. NS?"

   Tony was taken aback.

  ? ? ? ? ? ?


"I say……"

   Leon is still a little bit afraid of Tony being embarrassed, so he wants to persuade him not to care so much: "People have suffered a lot for you before, you can't let them down!"


   "Just treat it as a debt repayment, and it won't be wrong to beat you! ... Did she really beat you?"


"Many men have been beaten by their wives! Don't be ashamed, such as Ci Shipei, such as Kidd, such as Kudo Shinichi, such as Gou Sora, and who and who, look open, beating is cursing or love, As long as you don't move the knife, you just bear it. Um... remember to keep an eye on Pepper when making armor for Pepper!"


   "What are you doing! You have reason...wait a moment!...You fight back?!!!"


   Tony danced emotionally and shouted to Leon for a long time, and finally explained that he was not beaten by Pepper, let alone Pepper!

   Lyon sat on the sofa honestly, it turned out to be a misunderstanding, arbitrarily arbitrary!

   "Then, it's not the problem, what happened to you?"


   Tony has an inexplicable expression.


   Leon didn't speak, and looked at him squintingly with emptied eyes.

   After a while, Tony's disguise will be completely self-defeating.

   "Am I obvious?"

   Lyon: →_→

   "Well, put away your expression, I admit, I do have something I don’t know how to solve."

   took out a bottle of wine from the space, Leon took Tony's empty glass and filled it with him, and drank it himself.

   Tony also took a sip, then put it down briefly.

Hesitatingly said: "I might...may want to join a certain organization, but I don’t actually count as joining that organization...I don’t know how to say it. This may still be confidential information. You should not agree to them. Leon, you said that there are too many powerful lives in this world, good and bad, past, present, and future! I don’t know if I can do it well. You said that my power is far away Far from being powerful, I'm afraid..."

   After hearing Tony talk about this, Leon knew what was going on.

  Fucker, the one-eyed director of the Snake Shield, Nick Fury shot Tony.

   Has the plan to organize the reunion started so early?

   Leon doesn’t know, but it can only be this.

   is not a reunion, is it still a Illuminati?

   "What are you afraid of."

   Knowing that it was S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Avengers plan, Leon was no longer worried.

   Are you afraid that you won’t be the Avengers and you won’t be able to guard the earth?

   Is there any better Avengers than you? !

  Widow sister and Hawkeye don't mention, how mentality is one aspect, strength is an unavoidable problem.

   The strength of Thor and Hulk is strong, but one is not on the earth all the year round, and when it is strong, it is unstable, and when it is stable, it strokes the water again!

   As for the captain, he is too upright.

   Steve Rogers, American team. Compared to the Avengers, he is more suitable to be a guardian.

  Only Tony Stark, with money and effort, always fighting on the front line, truly conforms to the idea of ​​Nick Fury's Avengers. To avenge the evil forces that destroy the earth, Tony is definitely the best candidate.

   And, as someone who has watched movies, Leon certainly knows how well Tony does.

   It’s just a decision to sacrifice, and how many times have I said goodbye to Pepper, carrying a nuclear bomb, getting on a spaceship... So Tony doesn’t owe anyone but Pepper really owes him, and Pepper doesn’t beat him too much...

   Saying digress!

   "Remember, I said that I am a magician. Now, check the time and see through the fate of the magician Mr. Lyon swears by his name: Tony Stark!"


   Leon smiled back and looked at Tony's eyes with a sincere smile and sincere tone: "No one can do better than you, Tony, you are worth everything!

   Don't worry about the past. People like not only Iron Man, but Tony Stark under the mask. He has a warm heart. "

   tilted his head and smiled to see Leon's rare serious words. Tony raised his eyebrows and nodded, got up and hugged Leon: "Thank you, my magician friend! Hahaha!"

   Untied Tony's heart knot, Leon knew why Tony was always the most desperate, why Tony was always the most anxious, and why Tony was always the most uneasy after hearing Tony's words.

  Although it still looks like a game world, Tony is still worried about the people he has made weapons to hurt, and he can't forget it.

   The uncle Ethan who once saved him in the cave, although Leon's intervention and survived this time, the words he said to Tony still affected Tony.

   You must cherish your life and do meaningful things.

   Tony Leon's words were imprinted in the bottom of his heart, and thoroughly implemented it.

   "Leon... I'm sorry to keep hiding from you."

   Tony is a little embarrassed. There is a problem with his mentality. Although Leon has misunderstood, he is probably not less worried, but he can't say clearly what it is. After all, he has promised others to keep it secret.

   "Tony, listen to me."

   Leon thought of some other things at this time, very important things.

"Tony, I know you have a reason why you can't say it. That's not important. I have something to hide from you. It is very important and important, but I can't tell you. I just hope that when you know, you can Don't hate me."

   Leon is talking about the Winter Soldier being controlled by Hydra to kill Tony's parents.

   Tony looked into Leon’s eyes and said seriously: "What you said is related to me, right?"

   Leon also nodded solemnly.

   He really doesn't know how to say it. The US team hasn't come out yet. He is even more confused about where the Winter Soldier is now. At this time, telling Tony has no meaning at all, it will only add trouble in vain.

   But knowing is knowing, concealing is concealing.

   Tony took another sip of wine, smiled, and said, "It will make me hate you so badly. Did you hurt me or the news would hurt me."

   "This news will hurt you, and I know all the information about it now, but..."

   "Needless to say."

   Tony raised his glass and asked, "When the time comes, you will stand by my side and help me, right."

   Leon was taken aback, but he didn't expect Tony would ask him so freely, and smiled back without hesitation: "Of course!!"

   "That's enough."

   Tony drank out, took the wine bottle Lyon put on the coffee table and poured some more.

   "I believe you are not telling me that it is good for me now, and I also believe that I will know in the end. So, what does it matter?"

   "Hahaha! Yes!"

   Two people toast and drink.


   Of course, players like Tony can’t compare with Leon in terms of drinking. In terms of drinking ability, Tony only deserves to sit at a table with children.

   Of course, Leon was put on the sofa without any suspense.

   Lyon is not a person who can take care of others. He takes off his shoes and puts a blanket on him.

   After coming out of Tony's house, Leon only remembered it, right!

   Sophia’s battle suit! ! !

   I forgot about it!

   What should I do?

   Going back now, Jarvis would not open the door to him if he knew him without Tony's order.

   broke in!

   not to not to...

  Thinking about it, Leon still dare not go back to face Sophia's small eyes waiting for the gift.

   It's too late to regret now, so I shouldn't tell Sophia that it was a gift for her!

How to do?

   What else can I do!

   Leon gritted his teeth and stamped his feet: Not going back! Wait for tomorrow together!

   Seeing the time is still early, Leon called Sophia and said that he was going to help her uncle Tin Man with an experiment, and could not go home tomorrow.

   The little girl was very sensible and said yes, she also asked her lying father to be careful not to hurt herself in the experiment. Leon couldn't bear such a thick face and couldn't hide it without makeup, so she blushed a lot.

   Put down the phone, Leon sighed, what a good boy.

   Are you special? Benzema!

   Both are special and Lai Jin and!

   Anyway, it has little to do with Leon.

no! This qi must come out with a few people!

   I haven’t killed anyone in the past few days...

   Randomly found a place where no one was on the corner, and Leon faced the glass of the shop window and began to make up for himself.

   painted makeup, put on a mask and hat, just walked out of the dark street, and walked face to face with a lot of soldiers with live ammunition. They faced each other and bumped into each other.

   Leon: Huh?

   Soldiers: Huh?

   "That lunatic over there! This area is very dangerous now, hurry up and get away!"

   An adjutant next to the old man who was obviously the biggest official shouted at Leon.

   "Crazy man? Is there a handsome maniac like me?!"

   If these guys didn't speak, Leon might have turned around and left, but now he is called a lunatic, what's so special: Get away!

Ha ha ha ha ha……

   The strange moment disappeared from the place, and before the soldiers were shocked, the voice of words came from behind them.

   Leon stood between the stinky adjutant and the old man, put his arms around the shoulders of both of them, and said kindly: "Ha ha ha...little b boy... are you teaching me to do things?"

(Ps: There is really a wall in New York with a graffiti of Iron Man's armor bust. With special light, you can see the portrait of Tony Stark. There is also a sentence: Tony Stark has a warm heart. Little Spider's Which movie has this easter egg, I forgot)



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