The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 289: Capture wild winter soldiers alive

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Although the US team’s departure plan was temporarily successful, he is actually quite confused now.

I was thinking of going to Tony and asking for a helper while also telling Tony something by the way.

But I don't know which words of my own, what kind of performance caused the big traitor of SHIELD to have such a big reaction, he tore his face on the spot, and the scorching wine acted on himself.

The current situation is still a tie for the time being.

Although the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau was not quite right, it failed to catch itself on the spot, turning the former hero of the country into a criminal, and completely crucified to death. But the actual situation is almost the same.

However, after all, the US team escaped.

Then everything is possible.


"Lyon doesn't know where he died!"

With such a good temper, the American team can't help but want to say bad words. When you beat me, you were punctual every day and never been late! How come people just disappear when you need your perfect teammate!

Tony couldn't find it at all, Banner couldn't find it at all, Eagle Eye and Widow Sister could easily be ambushed, and even the two of them might have been controlled by the enemy.

The Avengers, except for Ferry, who has already died, only Sol is left.

But it happened that Sol actually took away the only reliable back-up! !

The US team really doesn't know who to look for, so they can't go to the Punisher and the Fantastic Four to form a team! I'm not familiar with it at all!

Really speaking, it's not as familiar as Deadpool's neuropathy.

At least, two people can quickly become one by communicating the harm Lyon has caused to them.



"Fuck is numb!!!"

When the U.S. team almost scolded, somebody had already scolded it happily without hesitation.

This person, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. who had already died in the eyes of the US team, numbs Farker with one eye: Mr. Nick Fury.

Ferry, who pretended to be successful, had been scolding for a long time with a report, and sitting beside him was the Hawkeye and Widow Sister who was not able to contact the US team and gave birth to many doubts and speculations.

In addition, there are Fury's little fan girl, Adjutant Miss Hill, and Coleson, who is connected with the hat, the first socialite of S.H.I.E.L.D., and who always keeps smiling.

Except for the US team, everyone knows that Fury did not die, and it all stems from Leon's proposal.

Although, no one knows what Lyon is for.

However, out of trust in Lyon, everyone did.

The results of it?

"As a result, his **** Leon has disappeared by himself now, I don't know how to get the list and information of Hydra!"

Because of the help of "nails", Sitwell is still very reliable. With Coulson’s elite subordinates, as well as senior agents such as Alexander, Sharon, and Barbara, they have already put most of the nine lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D. The list of the head snake personnel has been obtained.

Moreover, this list is constantly expanding, becoming more complete, complex, and trembling.

With so many potential Hydra personnel, with just this list, even if they want to clean it, it will be difficult.

There are too many issues involved, such as the issue of evidence, such as the issue of the combat power of both sides, such as the issue of colleagues for many years, even if their identity is really revealed, can the uninfiltrated agents shoot in time.

The matter was completely "opened to the face". Apart from using direct thunderbolt methods to directly eradicate the people on the list, Fury has no better way.

But the problem now is that this step should have been Leon's work!

Even if he didn't tell Fury that he hadn't been so hard to tell him to leave those people to himself, Fury couldn't do it himself.

Can't beat it at all!


Scratching his head in pain, Fury almost doubted whether Leon was kidding himself.

Now he himself is a "dead man." The U.S. team is a wanted criminal. Coleson was deprived of his status as an agent. Hawkeye became a dangerous person with violent tendencies and a homicide record. The widow sister was even more miserable, and he was directly charged with treason. .

People are miserable one by one. The key equipment, logistics, and the right to speak are all in Garrett's hands!

At the beginning, he promised Lyon to carry out the task of catching the eel, using himself as a bait, and the US team as a guest actor, originally did not think about what kind of evidence to use in the process of identification.

It was a simple and rough walk, and found that one killed the other. This is also the common idea of ​​Ferry and Leon.

Now the plan is half way through, what about the rest? !

"Where is the captain now."

As long as Fury is still alive, no matter which chair he sits on, he must be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., which is a prestige for many years.

Still carrying out Fury's orders without hesitation, Hill looked at the tracking records.

"Now on 35th Street, what seems to be holding him back?"

The US team has a positioning instrument specially left by Fury, which is the "key" to the insight plan handed to him at the beginning.

"Go to him, since Leon is not there, the plan needs to be changed."

Fury made a decisive decision and decided to change the original plan. Instead of keeping S.H.I.E.L.D., the strongman broke his wrist and increased his stake again!

Widow sister and Hawkeye finished listening. Nodded briefly to Ferry, stood up and left.

Fury looked at the direction where the two people were leaving, and he yelled at what he thought of: "Fuck is numb!"


The US team was indeed stopped and dragged him. It is his good brother, a former member of the Roaring Commando, and Bucky Barnes who accidentally disappeared that year.

It's just that Bucky is no longer the soldier he used to be.

He is just a killing machine controlled by brainwashing.

Even though, the person who wanted him to kill in the order was his own brother US team.


There was no choice to try to wake up Bucky. The US team knew that Bucky was under control at this time. Instead of shouting at those useless work, it's better to concentrate, knock him fainted, and take him home to treat him slowly!


The sound of an iron fist hitting the shield was followed by a harsh scratching sound.

The iron claws of the Winter Soldier scratched the paint on the shield of the American team.

If the US team's heart is more cruel, and the punches are more decisive, the Winter Soldier will definitely not be able to beat the US team, which has experienced Lyon's continuous "education" at this time, and its ability to fight to a higher level.

But two people have thoughts and the other has no memory. The US team is **** everywhere, and the biggest target is usually Bucky's iron arm. On the other hand, the Winter Soldier, the extraordinarily unfettered person is cruel!

There is no psychological pressure at all, the one who fights is called a fierce, and the moves are all rushing to kill the US team.

Can this hit the result?

When a 50-50 player chooses to keep his, it means that this battle will only extend indefinitely.

However, things have turned a little bit better.

The turning point came from a big fist.

Looking at the Winter Soldier who fell on the ground and rolled his eyes, Leon looked at his fist: "No one told me that his mask is also an iron strike!"

Looking back at the panting American team, Leon said hello: "Yo!"

The US team smiled helplessly and shook its head: "You should have told me directly."

Leon knew that the US team was talking about Bucky's still alive, and said with a smile: "You know what he did, so I didn't kill him, it's pretty good, isn't it~"

With a sigh, the U.S. team took off their headgear: "Yes..."


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