The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 320: What is a surprise

In the golden light and rain, Di Fan with very good eyesight seemed to vaguely see a graceful figure.

Could it be some kind of summoning magic?

Di Fan felt that he had seen through Lyon's tricks.

Gold is nothing more than a sacrifice. And Leon's purpose is nothing more than to get some divine power from some god, or to obtain some divine arts, divine things and the like.

The gold coin that was bombed by Leon should be the proof of the conclusion of the contract with the gods, and Emperor Fan felt the existence of divine power on that thing.

It's just that, Di Fan felt somewhat disappointed.

After all, it is not an exaggeration to say that in the entire universe, Emperor Fan knows all the more orthodox gods.

It's all about eating on the same table.

How could he be afraid.

The remaining native gods were still goddesses, and Di Fan felt that even if their true bodies came, they would be beaten up by himself.

Di Fan guessed the beginning, but he didn't guess the ending.


After the golden light and rain in the sky completely dissipated, what appeared in front of Emperor Fan was a huge water blue shell supported by a flower of water.

The mouth of the shell is half open, and there is a faintly golden long-haired goddess wearing a pink transparent skirt with a gold waist.

"So, is it only you right? All I can say is that you agreed to the request of that human being and it was really not a wise choice to show up here."

Difan searched around every inch of land around.

He did not see Leon, nor did he perceive Leon's existence.

What this human kid is best at is sneak attack and deception. Maybe this is also a blindfold, or something that attracts his attention, the real Leon may be hiding somewhere, waiting for an opportunity.

He can't be given this opportunity, but he can take advantage of the trend. Let Leon taste this too.

On the bright side, he looked at the figure who was still sitting in the shell with his back facing him motionless. But in fact, most of Difan's attention was focused on a certain unknown location, and it was very likely that Leon had suddenly shot out.

And when he walked to the vicinity of the shell, the shell slowly opened.

Then Di Fan heard something, which seemed a bit familiar, and not sure if it was a familiar voice.

"Malle Gobi... I knew it would be such a result! Fuck!!!"

and many more! This voice is...

With a sigh of sadness and helplessness, and a sigh of three-point unwillingness and three-point regret, the goddess in the shell slowly stood up. Twisting his slender...not very slender waist, he turned around.

"!! Hahahahahaha..."

God's name: [Aphrodite]

Clergy: God of Beauty, God of Love, God of Sexual Jade.


Actually, that's enough.

Leon wiped his mouth and touched his lips with his hand.

Well, it's still familiar with its own makeup.

I don't know if this suit is not suitable for the clown outfit today.

But looking at Difan's reaction, it seemed to be pretty good.

He looked straight.

"You're such a stinky rascal! Look at your mother! Look where you are!"

The skirt this time is a bit short.


It is translucent.

It's still made of pink yarn.

As we all know, when you transform, you won't have the original clothes on your body.


Σ_(???」∠) Vomit...

Di Fan's brain may be down for a while.

After all, facing such a thrilling, so... shocking scene, most people really can't bear it.

Especially, Di Fan was standing too close, and his eyes were a little too good.

His eyebrows twitched violently, and a bead of sweat rolled down on Di Fan's forehead.

Di Fan, the elder of the universe, who had been fighting with Leon for more than an hour without a drop of sweat, suddenly felt a bit cold and insecure at this moment.

" You! You..."

Di Fan might not have thought that he would sway his fingers in his life, he would stutter, and he could not help but retreat in fear.

You haven't had a reason for it for a long time. Watching Leon drag his skirt down with his eyes closed, Di Fan felt that his spiritual world had been polluted!

Especially don't J8 pull that skirt there! !

You're so black and big there... Hey!

Di Fan felt that he was a little upset in his stomach and his eyes were a little bit painful, as if he was going to be blind.

"Ah, hahaha... this, sorry. This skirt is a bit short."

Lyon lit a cigarette happily, thought for a moment, held the cigarette in his hand, took the mouth red from the space, and gave himself a lip color.

As a person who paints himself in clown costumes all the year round, it is reasonable that Leon always has lipstick on his body.

As for what Emperor Fan thinks, it doesn't matter.

After applying makeup, Leon always scratched the inside of his thigh with his cigarette in hand, a little panicked.

"Well, hahahaha! Just watch it, no matter how you ask me to change to a shorter skirt, it's easy to overtake. That..."

"Don't come over here!!!!"

Di Fan jumped backwards fiercely, and stretched a dozen meters away.

Leon was upset, scratched his leg again, and stroked his hair.

"How can you speak swear words! Come over to my mother...cough! Cough cough, come over to sister...cuckled! Guest officer, come and play...cuckled!

Whoops...Wait a minute, I'll take a bit of time to fiddle with you, whoops, my chest is stuffy, I...why!

NS! I can't do it! "

Lyon, furious and furious, shrank Di Fan in the distance and shivered with fright.

"What are you doing? What are you doing! Don't come over! Hey! You... Leon! You..."

One side rushed forward angrily, and the other side hurriedly backed away.

Just now, he was still calm, as if Di Fan, who was unmoved by any foreign objects, this time, the fear that was visible to the naked eye was endless.

"Let me see... Her own skills are... well, the charm of the heart, the birth of the heart, the confusion of the heart, the beauty of the body...Huh? This skill is interesting! You..."

"do not--!!!!"

Hearing Leon chanting the names of those abilities there, Di Fan felt his legs tremble once without uttering a word.

Gritting his teeth and waving his hand, a glass box in the distance flew over. Di Fan couldn't care about being elegant and calm. He smashed the box with a punch, took out a crown of iron thorns, and directly pressed it to his own. On the head.

After wearing the crown, Di Fan seemed to be back to normal again, but his complexion didn't look good.

Leon pointed forward with Cigarette's hand: "Your helmet, it seems, has grown on your head...?"

"No -!-Wrong!!"

Di Fan was gnashing his teeth this time.

The thing that he wore on his head, called the iron crown, was the last gift that a certain dwarf king who loved to sing made for his queen.

Because when his queen was enjoying singing and dancing on her own, she was found by the king by making her hair and having an affair with a singer who went to and from the palace.

The angry king killed the singer and ordered the chief magician and craftsmen of the court to create the iron crown with his sword and a pair of rings between the singer and the queen.

It has only one function.

People who wear this crown will never be able to take off this crown until they die, and will never feel love or any existence that might be tempted.

In all fairness, although Di Fan has always wanted to find someone to bring this thing to him, he has always been reluctant to bear this interesting toy.

Unexpectedly, in the end, I left it to myself.


Di Fan wearing the crown became a ruthless collector again, and Lyon's "temptation" became worthless in his eyes.

On the contrary, it made him feel angry the more he watched, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt at a loss.

Especially my dignified elder of the universe, when did you experience such a big loss?

Isn't this...

Anyway, it can't be asking for trouble, my Difan doesn't accept this kind of argument!

Then, Leon can only be the one who is at fault.

"Boy...Run. Run!"


Leon still didn't understand what was going on, Difan flew over like a cannonball, and a head hammer hit Leon's chest, flying Leon to the top.

After landing, Leon crossed his legs and sat on the edge of the space.

"Fuck it! It's gone, it's gone! You didn't see anything!"

Although Difan wouldn't be disgusted by Leon's messy skills, the pictures he saw with his eyes still existed, so the disgusting ones still couldn't get away from the disgusting.

"What am I... I killed you!!!"

With a stomped foot, Di Fan closed his eyes and rushed over, and he secretly used all his skills a long time ago, and even used the suspicious skills of Mei Zhongxian, otherwise he deliberately spread his legs so open. What are you doing!

However, Di Fan seemed to be completely unsuccessful. Although it was disgusting, it seemed that it was due to other reasons.

In desperation, Lyon faced the crazy attack of Emperor Fan with full firepower, so he had to open the Eight Door Dunjia and armed domineering again, drew out the Holy Sword of Physics, and fought with Emperor Fan.

It's just that Leon couldn't beat Emperor Fan just now, and now facing Emperor Fan with its own "Vengeance" and "Furious" buffs, Leon couldn't even beat him even more.

Aphrodite is a **** of beauty, and her priesthood has nothing to do with direct fighting!

The full special code is the confusing skills!

But the current Emperor Fan, he is the sage mode!

The left and right branches were kicked and stabbed by Emperor Fan from time to time. Leon quickly couldn't support it, and his divine power was used to heal the wound.

But after Di Fan over there attacked Leon frantically for an hour, and made more than a hundred wounds on Leon's body, he finally lost his anger.

Then he calmed down and looked at the only strands left on Leon's body, as well as the messy blonde hair that seemed to have been harmed by someone, coupled with Leon's sweat now, and still panting...

It's so disgusting! ! !

Raise a knife and cut it!

Lyon’s transformation time is finally Ha ha ha... You have a special code, you played very well! Ah? ! "

"You can use all of these tricks, I believe you are already poor. Give up."

Poor skills?

"Who said that."

Leon smiled and took out a blue gem from his arms.

"You said, I use gems, it's not a shame."

"It's useless. You don't have the ability to use gems directly, and you don't..."

"Who said, I'm going to use it. Huh? Hahahahaha!"

Opening his mouth, Leon swallowed the gem into his stomach.

"Let's take a bet. Bet I die, or you hurt!"

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