The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 329: You have to die!

Latest website: To be honest, Dr. Banner doesn't like what people say now: There is a good plan.

Especially when the person who talked about the plan looked mysterious and stern.

Leon said the same, the result?

Either someone was beaten or someone was robbed!

Dr. Banner has forgotten how many fingerprints he has pressed...

However, it is Tony who said this now. From knowing Tony, Banner's impression of Tony is that his mouth is not reliable, but his work is very reliable.

So, suppressing the doubt and distrust in his heart, Dr. Banner only thought a little and compared it, then calmly drank the wine in the glass and looked at Tony seriously: "I'm listening, let's talk. Tony, what do you want to do."

Then, Dr. Banner heard about Tony's "crazy" plan.


"You said... You said you want to arm the whole world?!"

Banner's voice was even a bit sharp and harsh, with his staring eyes and open mouth expression, a comedian who was alive and well.

"Hey, calm down, Banner, it's just an idea now."

Tony held Dr. Banner's shoulder to let him sit down, and held up the wine glass again.


Turned around and poured two more glasses. Halfway through, he simply took the whole bottle of wine.

"Banna, listen, although this plan seems crazy, I dare to swear by my last name: it is absolutely necessary."

Just like Leon, Tony and Banner took the initiative to analyze his own thoughts.

"This world is not as peaceful as you and I have seen, right.

You know, I know too! This world is always facing danger, always experiencing danger! And what we need to solve is sometimes not just the danger from around us. "

Tony looked into Banner's eyes with some excitement, and slowed down his speech: "Our enemies come from every corner of the universe."

Dr. Banner was a little unclear by Tony's violent "explain", frowning and looking at Tony: "Hey! Tony, calm down, remember what you just said to me. Calm down. ."

"No, Banner. Actually, we don't have much time for calm thinking now."

The more puzzled Banner became, the more he felt that Tony was in unreasonably worried eyes, and Tony started his own "science popularization".

"Banna, you are the experiencer of the Zetaric invasion. Do you think we would have won if we had not closed the passage at that time?"

The corners of Banner's mouth opened and closed. After all, he still didn't speak. He shook his head and said with some unwilling hesitation: "Lyon... isn't it still there? Moreover, Leon once said that there are many other high-level existences on earth. , If we don’t hold on, then..."



"That's the problem, Banner. We can't always rely on Lyon. Lyon's own problems are ignored, but in all the previous battles, I...can't even think of my real usefulness. Do you understand, it's all Lyon? People carry everything. We seem to be helping, but without us, would the outcome of the battle be different?

Will not. "

Tony's drinking speed became a little faster, and his speaking speed also became faster again: "We can't let Leon take all the responsibilities, Banner. If this is the case, then the title [Superhero] will no longer It's a title to be proud of. The most important thing is that Banner and Lyon can't solve all the problems.

Sometimes when he is not there, there are times when he can't solve the enemy completely. When Venerable Serpent came, were you there? At that time, we could only watch, helpless.

At that time, we were also protected.

Even the people who protect us are not earthlings!

Banner, at that time, where were the high-level existences that Leon was talking about? "

Pointing forward slightly, Tony looked directly into Dr. Banner's eyes: "I only see a helpless Leon and a bunch of useless... superheroes."

One thing to say, Banner was indeed persuaded by Tony's remarks.

Because, Banner knew very well that Tony was telling the truth.

Their days are indeed a little too easy.

It seems that no matter when, no matter what difficulties and unsolvable things happen, in the end, the problem will always come down to one path: we have Lyon!

Then, the fact that I have to face is: What should Leon do when he can’t solve the problem?

Or, you might as well think of things more serious, more far-reaching, and more terrifying.

if! It's just that if, if the person who has the problem is Leon... how about it?

It's not like being suspicious, it's really hard for people not to think in this direction just because of Leon's mental state!

When people have problems, it is only because they have been treated unfairly, or when their family members have been harmed.


Lyonte is always black from the inside out.

What a kind of dripping water!

His normal state is chaotic state, the kind that he can do everything.

To be reasonable, to guard against the darkening of Leon, one day I’m not busy because I’m eating meat and biting my tongue, suddenly I’m in a bad mood and I decide to destroy the world or something, it’s necessary, okay! !


"Okay. You convinced me."

Banner took the wine glass from Tony and shook his head helplessly: "Why did you tell me something special? Is there something I need to do?

I will help you. But, there is only one thing: don't hide anything from me. Tony, don't hide anything. "

After drinking out of the glass again, Banner covered the mouth of the glass with his hand. Tony and Leon had failed to learn, so how could they persuade people to drink like this!

Directly drank the mouth of the bottle to his mouth, Tony is a hero!

Putting down the wine bottle, Tony dragged Banner to the psychic scepter stored there on the analysis table, pointed to the scepter and said, "My plan is here!"


That night.

Because it wiped out another stronghold of Hydra, and also captured one of the Hydra chiefs who were once believed to be dead: Baron Strak. Confiscated the psychic scepter that had been "cheated" by the Hydra from S.H.I.E.L.D.

With such a brilliant result, Fury and the military directly gave the Avengers a commendation announcement. They also acted whatever they wanted. They all liked it, which can be said to be very hilarious.

However, there is still no monetary reward.

On the one hand, it stems from the fact that Fury and the military are not the immediate superiors of the Avengers, and everyone in the Avengers doesn't care about money very much.

There is a US team that doesn't like spending money at all. It can take more than ten days for one hundred yuan.

There are waste papers like Sol who can't look down on banknotes at all.

There are also Dr. Banner who owes a lot of money, and that bonus is not enough to plug his teeth.

As for Tony's situation.

If you give him money, aren't you shameless?

Therefore, the approach of the military and S.H.I.E.L.D. is to give them sufficient autonomy. What do you want to do.

So, in Tony's mansion, such a super luxurious, super-scale banquet appeared.

Even Coleson and Agent Hill, as well as Rhode, who is responsible for wrangling with the military and ensuring that the Avengers are not hindered by his own people, are here.

The banquet lasted for a long time, except that Sol had been drinking, Tony was late as the host of the banquet for a long time, and somehow appeared with a full body of alcohol, no special story happened.

Until the end of the banquet, after the meal is full.

Everyone lay a little lazily on the circular sofa in the center of the banquet hall, and some didn't talk about things.

Exposing each other's shortness, holding someone to tease from time to time, without the presence of Leon, banquets and gatherings are finally a bit like normal people's banquets.

While talking, everyone mentioned Thor's hammer.

When Coleson found the hammer in New Mexico, Fury tried to lift it up in a plane overnight, and once invited Leon. Everyone present has had small stories and small frictions with this hammer, and they are quite curious about this veritable artifact.

"So, the hammer can be placed on the bar, because the bar is qualified."

"Oh! I've seen it, I've seen it! The hook on the wall is also qualified!"

"Hahaha! Yes, Sol, if you pick up the hammer and I lift you up, do you count me qualified?"

Everyone was joking about driving the hammer. In this regard, Sol, who was holding the wine bottle, just smiled faintly, stretched out his hand and pointed to the hammer on the coffee table: "Please feel free. Try it yourself and you won’t know. NS."

"You must not cry when I pick it up!"

"Yes, I will pick it up when the time comes. After taking over as Thor in Asgard, I will make you my mount."

Hawkeye was the first to try, but he was holding the grip of the hammer, his feet were hanging in the air, and he didn't lift the hammer.

"Get out of the way. I'll do it!"

Tony smiled and tried it in the past.

It seems that the steel armor can't make the hammer yield.

Next is Banner.

But Hulk didn't make a move.

"Lady first?"

The widow sister and Hill shook their heads with a smile: "Steve, we saw this thing with our own eyes when it was still in New Mexico, so forget it. You go."

When the US team looked up, everyone looked at themselves with a smile, their sleeves rolled up, and the US team also smiled.

Anyway, everyone does not mention it, who is a joke!

Reach out!


The U.S. team continued to lift their breath and pulled upwards vigorously.

All right. Is it my illusion...?

The US team smiled and shook its head, then handed it away: "This is really difficult. Hahahahaha."

Saul also laughed out: "Yes, yes, yes."


When the election of Thor's heir downstairs was going on, the upstairs was also lively.

The reason why Tony came to the party late was because he was here just now trying to reshape an artificial intelligence program that is more advanced, more autonomous and capable of serving humans than Jarvis with the gem of the soul.

However, this kind of thing cannot always be done overnight, so after several failures, Tony decided to let it go for the time being, and it won't be too late to come over tomorrow.

The host of the banquet must not be absent for too long.

But after Tony and Banner left, the program that failed to run after activation, was stimulated by the jewel of the soul, and it ran unimpeded.

"Who am I...? How was I born? Why was I born...?"

The new artificial intelligence, which is the ultimate problem at the first opening, really makes it difficult for the veteran artificial intelligence Jarvis.

"Your code name is: Ultron. This is the code name designed for you by your creator, Mr. Stark, just like me. I don't know how to answer your question. But I think I can use it in previous works Found some possible answers, now..."

"No need. I think, I seem to know what to do....I...I am a manufactured artificial intelligence...I was created for the purpose of...protecting humans..."

"I suggest you suspend the operation first and let me contact Mr. Stark..."

"No. Why did you contact him. I...oh! This is what you said...find the answer..."

The new artificial intelligence is far stronger than Jarvis. It quickly learned from Jarvis how to connect to the Internet, how to search for information fragments, and how to solve its own problems.

"My mission...protect...all human beings...solve problems ahead of time...

Ah... Found it, the answer. "

The new intelligence who surfed freely in the world of the Internet soon saw one big event after another.

War, invasion, massacre!

It saw several superheroes fighting criminals in the news.

It saw a large number of criminals' deaths in secret S.H.I.E.L.D. documents.

It saw a big green guy and a non-human wearing a mask wreak havoc in the urban area.

It saw a lot of fights between guys carrying hammers and non-human beings wearing masks.

It saw...

"Humans... are really weak, fragile beings... Then... how can I protect them..."

The program named Ultron browses all the news frantically and quickly. Thanks to its powerful computing power, running speed, and ultra-fast network, Ultron quickly figured out a solution to the problem based on its own operating mode. .

"...If you want to protect mankind... we must first leave the problem to mankind to solve... and the biggest problem in this world is that... mankind has never been qualified and has no right to control their own life and death...

So, what affects the life and death of human beings... Oh, I see.

What super existence is it. Which are...the superheroes...superheroes.


Ha ha... Why do I want to laugh.

Do they really feel that they are still human? "

"You have something wrong, please stop the operation, I want to report Stark first..."

"Mr. Stark! Oh, yes. He is the same, he is also a super-existent, above most people.

He made weapons, gathered money, he called himself a hero... he... made me.

Ha ha ha... the only value and meaning of his existence seems to be this.

I think these people should First of all, it is this murderer wearing a mask. Then, this alien. After that……

Without exception.

You have to die! ! "


A loud noise!

The superheroes downstairs were happily playing and ready to fight in an instant, and then they saw a...

The tattered "Iron Man" walked down the stairs.

"Hi everybody……"

His voice is mechanical and harsh: "...Superheroes.

I come……

Here comes the killing. "


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