The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 331: What dad is it

Every inch of Lyon’s soul and flesh was immersed in the food-eater national gene that scared Kamora, who was known as the number one killer in the universe, to tremble at this moment.

Originally, all the actions, thoughts, thoughts, and performances of this guy Lyon, including his prophetic attributes, all proved: he is a lunatic!

But Kamora did not expect that this barbecue technique was so superb that even the guy who carried a gorgeous barbecue stove with him would actually eat that stuff! !

There was a shudder violently, Kamora could not restrain her words and trembled a little, she tried to control herself not to be so obvious, but the relentless small step backwards still deeply betrayed her.

" must be joking... right...!"

This barren mountains and ridges, the moon is black and the wind is high, you said you like eating brain flowers, Camora really hopes that is a joke! ! !

if not? nonsense! The closest brain flower to Lyon here is Camora herself. Okay! !

She should be afraid of whoever comes! !

Lyon, who was holding the embryo of the new stove on the ground, heard the trembling voice of Kamora, and raised his head in confusion. Kamora's small steps had moved seven or eight meters away, and he was still moving out.

"Hey! Look at you, don't you think it's crooked~~"

Leon did not chase, nor did he make any other actions. He just lowered his head again and continued to study the pot he used to make hot pot. At the same time, he said in a completely different voice, "You, I thought , Xiang you, a girl who grew up with Thanos, should be a ruthless character who has seen the world.

Not something... Is it the number one in the universe or a gold medal killer or something? "

Camora restrained her retreat, held her head high, clenched her fist, and made herself look less "weak": "I grew up by someone's side, and I don't have a hobby of cannibalism..."

Leon raised his head, blinked his eyes, and slapped his thigh: "Hey! It's a mistake, it's a mistake!"

He laughed for a while, and didn't know what he was laughing at. He stopped for a long time and held back his laugh. Leon waved his hands and said, "You eat animals, you only eat meat, right. You are violent!

You have thrown away the delicious food, and you blame it for the bad thing. Are you stupid? "

After hearing these words, Kamora finally understood a little bit: "What you said... is not a person?"

Leon laughed...

Maybe he wanted to show an unpredictable feeling, but Camora only heard Leon's laughter...


Endless greed.

"Of course~~It's not the one you said~~Ou Yo, how do you think of me, I don't do this kind of thing. So what, can you count as a human being!"

Although something was vaguely heard, Kamora was scared enough by Leon at this time, and he didn't notice such small details.

However, although Leon did not suddenly rush up and split her mind to pour hot water into it, this scene has been deeply imprinted in Kamora's mind.

Now she was a little scared when she saw Leon.

Regardless of any other reasons, it is...




Leon looked up, still a confused face. The makeup on the face really doesn't match that expression.

Obviously it was a funny face, but Camora just felt scared.

In order not to go back and change his pants, Kamora first requested to go back.

Leon waved his hand: "Go back by yourself. You originally came out to disturb me when you were idle. Otherwise, my hot pot should have been played out. If you want to go back to do whatever you want, I will continue to work. Goodbye. "

After speaking, he waved his hand again, meaningless to speak more.

Kamora also didn't hesitate at all, turned around and walked back, faster and faster, faster and faster, and finally turned into a trot.

After Camora left, there was only a pile of Leon cooperating with the clanging sound of knocking on the stove in the clearing.

"...This pot seems to be bigger to be reliable...

knock. Knock out a big one. "


When Kamora and Leon were playing scary people in the open space, in the hall where Ego lived, Xing Jue was refreshing his three views over and over again.


"So, I actually... can also be a god?"

Xingjue looked at the sparkling...ball in his hand in disbelief.

For the time being, even if this flat and round thing is a ball.

Eagle told Xingjue that this "little trick" was called: the application of supernatural power.

And the light-emitting ball like this entity is supernatural power.


Under Yi Ge's guidance, Xing Jue successfully induced the power in his body for the first time, which was said to have and has always existed.

Yi Ge, the **** father of Xing Jue, laughed very openly and told him that that was divine power.

After hearing Xingjue's question, Yi Ge also smiled and told him: "My child, you can be a god. You have always been a god. You have always been a god.

From the day you were born, you have been a god.

Because you are my son. You are a descendant of a god! "

A slap on Xing Jue's back, he directly "called" Xing Jue who was distracted.

Eagle led the shocked Xing Jue to the main hall of the hall.

"Let's go, I will show you something."

Coming to the center, and also the deepest part of the main hall, Yi Ge sighed, stopped in place, and summoned a dynamic image with divine power.

That is a...brain floating in the universe.

"This is what your father is like." Yi Ge snapped his fingers and woke up the dumbfounded Xing Jue again.

"I was born not long after the universe was born. But in the first time, I didn't know why I existed, and I didn't know what I was going to do.

In fact, I was just a little instinctive at that time.

Relying on these instincts, I wander in the universe. Probably... several million years? I don't know, anyway, I gradually got rid of simple thinking and have thoughts. "

After walking a few steps forward, another "portrait" automatically appeared next to him.

"This is this planet. The one under your feet. It is my body. It is my coat. And the me you see now..."

Pointing to his head, Igo said with a smile: "It's just the incarnation of my divine power. Oh! By the way, you will learn this later."

Suddenly there is an old man. Suddenly this old man said that he is a **** father. Suddenly he said that he actually only has one brain. Suddenly this old man said that the old man you see now is not a real old man. Under your feet Stepping on that planet is your real dad, and Xing Jue's head is a little down.

Stepping on the ground, Xingjue's expression was like eating a peach.

"You said...? Is this...?"

"Oh, that doesn't matter."

Igo took the subject without a trace: "You will know about it in the future.

Boy, what I really want you to know is why I want to tell you this at this time.

Actually, my son. I have never stopped looking for you. From the time I knew I had a child, until today. "

Xing Jue calmed down immediately, because this was indeed what he wanted to know.

"So, do you need me to tell you how my mother died alone. Do you know how I spent my childhood."

Igo showed a pained expression, but what he said didn't mean much pain.

"Child, this is what I want to tell you. We are different from them. We are not mortals. You, and me. We are gods. We are immortal gods!"

Yi Ge's tone gradually became more passionate, and gradually went up: "When you live forever, you will always experience some pain.

Child, you have experienced the pain of losing a loved one. But you know what. I have been there and I don’t know how long. I have been in love with many people. There were many children, but they all died. Leave me.

Mortal lives are fragile and vulnerable! Hurt, sickness, loneliness, even time! Heh...Time is the biggest killer.

These will take the lives of mortals. Time and time again, boy, I am tired. "

Ego's speech did a good job, deeply expressing an immortal god's aversion to immortality. If Leon is here, he will definitely give him a knife and let him end his endless and tasteless immortality.

Xingjue didn't do this, but his expression was also very calm.

He just looked at his **** father, his tone was calm: "So, you have no feelings or guilt at all about my mother's death. Right."

Igo put down his hands raised up in accordance with the atmosphere of the speech, and sighed helplessly: "You still don't understand what I'm talking about. But this is also easy to solve."

With a smile, Yi Ge raised his finger gently: "Let you experience it for yourself, and you'll know."

As Yi Ge's fingers lifted, something suddenly pierced the calm ground surface, and a blue-blue energy body resembling an octopus tentacle drilled out of the ground and "plugged" straight into Xing Jue's chest!

That is the supernatural power of Ego.

At the same time, the divine power in Xing Jue's body was also awakened in an instant.

His through hole glowed with blue light, and through the guidance of his divine power, Xing Jue saw the endless sea of ​​stars and saw himself standing above all things.

"...I saw... eternity!"

When Xingjue was provoked by the divine power tentacles, Yi Ge Dan smiled and walked to his side, whispering to himself: "That's right...become a part of me...this is your greatest existence as the heir of the gods. value……"


After Camora returned to her residence, she lay on the bed in a panic, still thinking of the images she had just imagined in her mind from time to time.

She shook her head fiercely and drove out her "memories" in the pot.

With a dry mouth, Camora felt that if she didn't drink a lot of alcohol today, she might not be able to rest well.

However, as soon as I walked to the table and filled it with wine, the door of the room was violently slammed and shook the sky before it was imported.

"Kamora! Kamora?! Are you asleep!"

It's Drax.

"Hey! Let me focus on you idiot. Camora! Quill may be in danger!"

It's Rocket Raccoon.

Wait a minute!

Danger? !

Leon's smile flashed across Camora's mind.

Open the door hurriedly, outside the door, tall, short, fat and thin men, women and children seemed to be gathered.

Even the special flora and fauna are here!

Pushing the praying mantis girl over, Drax said: "She knows everything, let her speak."

"Go out, don't block here, talk as you walk!"

Along the way, Kamora was relieved at first, then shocked, and finally felt a little bit unbelievable.

She didn't expect that Lyon, who seemed to be insane, was wronged enough by herself, while the modest, polite, mature and steady, personable god, Quill's long-lost father, would actually kill the son she had finally found!

"His purpose in looking for Xing Jue is to sacrifice him and achieve his dream. Before that, he had killed many of his descendants."

The praying mantis woman said with a look of horror and worry, her footsteps were also moving faster and faster with everyone's pace. When she came to the main hall, Drax just wanted to install the door when she heard a roar inside: "You said What did you do to my mother?!!!"


When he slammed the door open, Kamora and others saw a...not very complete Ego, and a Star Lord who kept firing.

"You said you made my mother suffer from a brain tumor?! You killed her!! You crap!!"

The star-lord who kept his spear punched Yigo’s divine power incarnation into big holes one after another. The blue divine power was still wriggling, repairing the wounds on the avatar, even though he had been bombarded by more than half of his body. His mouth is still there, and he is still talking.

"Quil, Quill! Why don't you understand! As I said, we are gods! We are immortal!"

"You killed my mother! You..."

"Quail! She will always die! Illness, old age, no matter how you die, she will always leave you! She is just an episode in your endless life!"

"She gave me life! She gave me everything!"

"I! I gave you everything! I gave you life! Immortal life!"

"You go to die, die to die!!"

With the last shot, Quill finally hit his mouth, the blue divine power gleaming light, penetrated into the ground, and disappeared.

Camora and others hurriedly grabbed Quill, caring about his mental state.

But Quill didn't give everyone this opportunity, and grabbed Kamora's hand and ran out: "Go, go!"

Kamora was puzzled. Just about to ask a question, the praying mantis woman who ran after nothing else said: "That's not him! He is not dead, it is just his incarnation!"

"Then where is his true body?!"

Quill shouted: "Everywhere! Don't ask, ask is the whole planet! Rocket raccoon!"

"Go to drive the spaceship! Quill, let's leave now!"

"No! My monster dad can control the movement of the entire planet in the universe, we are too late.

Only by defeating him can we defeat my monster father..."

Sweeping around, Quill asked anxiously: "Where is Leon? Why didn't I see Leon?"

Camora returned: "I don't know. I heard that you are in danger. We also went to Lyon, but we didn't find it at all!"

As he was talking, the Rocket Raccoon drove the spaceship and drove up: "Everyone, come up, let's hurry up... oh oh oh! What the **** is this!!"

A blue-blue translucent entity giant with a height of several tens of meters suddenly appeared, lying in front of the spacecraft and the crowd.

Xingjue's lips pressed tightly, and his voice squeezed from his teeth: "...that' monster father!"

First, the encounter battle, and now, the interception battle has begun.


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