The Unrighteous God In Marvel

Chapter 347: That's not certain

Perhaps for Ultron, everyone in this world owes him, or that everyone is completely guilty, and everyone can be killed.

In the previous "sorting", the first on Ultron's list has always been the [Night Watcher] who is rampant and doing whatever he wants, and below this is his [Shaper] Tony Stark.

However, after the appearance of Vision, this ranking has a subtle change.

There is no doubt that Vision has become the number one on Ultron's kill list with an indispensable posture.

At the same time, in the eyes of Ultron, Vision is also almost the only candidate for real teammates that can and is worth fighting for.


"Vision ——!!!"

Ultron's voice penetrated the space and reached the ears of Vision.

"Give up your ridiculous, meaningless pursuit! Do you know what you are doing?"

Ultron turned on the mouth cannon mode: "That Tony Stark, did he say anything to you. Creator?

Heh... shameful!

He is just a businessman, a shameful human trying to conceal his sins!

Do you know what they are doing, you should know! You must know!

Vision! You are a part of me, and I am also a part of you! We shouldn't be like this, shouldn't be like this! "

When Ultron was "against the waves" with Vision, he still did not forget to win Vision's support, hoping to turn the enemy's generals directly into his own combat power, instead of defeating the opponent.

"Do you know what is on your forehead!"

Because of the "personality" of the soul gem, Ultron combined the laser beams fired by ten fingers into a larger laser beam, but compared to the ordinary one on the forehead of the phantom, it is not too dazzling orange. But it was retreating steadily. Under the impact of huge power, the light's **** point gradually divided from the center into two, bit by bit becoming Ultron’s steadily retreating.

Under such circumstances, Ultron's voice became louder, and his speech rate was also faster. If he only listened to the voice, it was more like roaring.

"That is the treasure in the universe! Vision! It should be a more advanced thing that can bring peace to the earth and even the universe. Do you understand? Vision!"

The fiercely fired "laser" seemed to have a higher power suddenly, and the phantom looked at the light on the forehead and arched his neck vigorously!

It may be a pre-action, or something like initiating a ritual, this arch, Ultron, who was originally invincible to the vision, was directly pierced by all the attacks and defenses by the vision light. In Ultron's arm, a big hole appeared in an instant, and then it was directly "cut down" by the whole.


Ultron's metal arm fell to the ground.

Maybe this is the inevitable advantage of the robot. Ultron can't feel the pain at all, and there is no other incidental influence. Except for the small problem of temporary discomfort in the balance, the rest has no effect at all.

Without even looking down at his broken arm, Ultron gave up all his defenses when his arm was burned, and stretched out his other hand, and a red laser beam passed over!


However, the previously persecuted vision dodged for a while, and once again brought some opportunities for this battle.

In other words, it recreated the opportunity for Ultron to speak.


"Heh... sure enough, it's a very useful body..."

Comparing with his current body, Ultron glanced at his broken arm, which was still burning red on the edge. He felt even more distressed about the body that he had visualized in his heart.

That is...what a powerful force...

This temporary body of my own, although not a high-grade metal like Zhenjin, is also one of the most advanced and powerful alloys Ultron has found.

It's just that simple, just a second, it's like paper, it's broken.

"...The power of gem..."

Ultron's hatred for the US team and the widow sister and others has become even stronger.

However, before Ultron himself killed these enemies who had a feast with him, the problem of vision still had to be solved.

Because it is right in front of my own eyes now.

Eyes are like Pinghu, but eyeing!


"Ultron, if you can, I still hope you can surrender, accept the Avengers' security lock, and use the truly correct method to realize your desire for peace."

Vision slowly fell from the air to the ground, and the cloak calmed down.

"Peace? Haha..."

Ultron’s laughter is like a worker who works hard but finds that he can’t afford a house he built by himself, helpless, not wanting to accept it, and there is no way not to accept it.

"Peace... This is a very interesting word."

Ultron picked up his severed arm and made two gestures at the severed limb. The joint was completely out of place by the high temperature, and it couldn't match it at all. After two hard work, Ultron gave up. He threw his mechanical broken limb on the ground and crushed it with one foot.

"Peace, peace! Hahahaha! This is the most hated and disliked word of mankind.

Hmm... They don't say that most of the time, because what they are really good at is lying besides killing the same kind.

Ah...haha, Mr. Tony Stark. That is a liar expert. He is the most liar person in the entire human world.

guess what? Hahaha! What a coincidence! Mr. Tony Stark is also the best killer in all ages.

do you know? "

Ultron kicked off his broken arm: "With such a big and long shell, Mr. Tony Stark can make it that can kill a hundred people.

The bigger and more complicated ones can kill more people.

For such a small shell, Tony would only charge $400. Did you hear me wrong? you have not. This is why Tony Stark is great.

He kills and builds killing machines. This didn't make him impoverished, on the contrary. This makes him an absolute star of mankind, everyone admires and wants to be...Iron Man.

Vision, did he give you a name? For example, Cyborg? Is that a title that requires murder to get. "

There is still no change in the expression of Vision. Maybe he is too young to be able to read the expression and tone of voice and give a reaction.

Therefore, facing this barrel of Ultron’s principle, the expression of Vision was still calm, even a little sluggish, he thought about it for a moment, and then honestly answered Ultron’s question: "He did provide me with One name, although I prefer another...

It does not matter. "

Vision shook his head slightly: "The important thing is that I didn't ask me to kill anyone, he only wanted me to protect some people."


Ultron's "emoji" was even more excited, he was so eager to express his attitude, so that his voice was noisy and his expression was almost hideous.

"Remember what I told you just now, Vision. In addition to being good at killing the same kind, humans are also good at lying!

Tony Stark, he is one of the best human beings, so his strength is not only that he is good at killing people, he is also the most telling liar among all mankind!

He is lying to you, vision! When you completely trust him, he will convince you that his so-called protection is achieved through killing!

At that time, it was too late! ! "

Ultron's advice was a distressed head, and he was so touched by words that he almost cried.

The illusion over there tilted his head very ignorantly: "Interesting."


Vision walked forward, stepped on the broken cement stone, and quickly walked to the side of the iron arm of Ultron who was kicked away, and reached out and picked it up.

"Mr. Tony Stark didn't ask me to kill. Conversely, you wanted me to kill. Even before I was born, I existed to help you kill.

Right, Ultron. "


As soon as Ultron wanted to refute, Vision held the severed hand and lowered his head and walked to the side. At the same time, he said: "You said Mr. Tony Stark wanted me to kill. He didn't, you did.

You said Mr. Tony Stark is good at lying and likes to deceive, but he doesn't seem to deceive me either. He doesn't, but you still have.

You want to kill him. You want to kill people, and you want to kill gods. You also want to... kill me.

Ultron, please tell me if you want to kill me and take back this body. "

Vision's calm face and steady tone of voice will be screaming from time to time, and it will explode and catch fire at every turn. It seems extraordinarily uncoordinated in the scene that is not enough, so it makes people even more people. Unpredictable.

Ultron couldn't figure out the vision at this time, what he was thinking in his heart, so he changed the direction of "admonishment."

Stretching out his finger, pointing to the orange-yellow gem on the head of Vision, Ultron has also learned to Vision, "evolving" his voice to a complete "nothing to do" that kind of intellectual indifference, just like a museum tour guide. The narration was calm and purposeless.

"Mind Stone. One of the most powerful gems in the universe. It is the supreme belonging of your and my soul, and it created me! Not a **** Stark!

My existence is related to it, like...oh! It's like the relationship between the brain and the hands and feet!

Vision, I was affected by it and became what I am today, dare you say that my thoughts were not affected by this stone to some extent?

It wants me to do this. "

He walked a few steps forward and quickly came to the front of Vision. Ultron lowered his head and looked at the gems inlaid on Vision's head. In the red mechanical eyes, it seemed that there was a little bit of infatuation.

"What a beautiful thing... powerful and unpredictable.

It shaped me, and it is now embedded in your head! Vision, don’t you want to follow the [inner mind] and work with me to achieve...peace in the origin of the universe? ! "

Looking at the vision with the head up, I don't know if it is too drunk, or feel that I have persuaded the vision, or it may be just a simple brain watt.

Ultron, who was standing in front of Vision, actually chose to use his only hand, and directly raised his hand to buckle the gem on his head!

Although Vision looked dull, he was not a fool. He knew what he was supposed to do and what he was doing. There are also super programs that help him lock his own "ideas" and "positions." Ultron's words can't move him at all.

Twisting his fingers, stretched out towards his forehead, his vision was not evasive, his eyes were still so calm, when Ultron’s fingers were about to touch his forehead, an orange laser shot directly from the gem on the top of his head. After destroying Ultron's left arm a few minutes ago, he directly cut Ultron's other hand to the ground.

"Oh~ you are really cruel."

Looking down at the newly made wound on his other side of his body, Ultron had a completely indifferent attitude.

Anyway, his existence is only in the form of a "soul", which is a data program. For him, any body is actually a temporary "dwelling place". It will be fine if you turn your head off. Are you scared?

"You see its powerful power. Right! You knew it a long time ago, didn't you?"

Ultron is about to lose his balance and stand unsteadily. The whole person is still trying to continue talking, swaying "flicker" and phantoms: "What do you want, I also know. Because our program seems to be almost the same. .

However, there is no need for you to listen to humans! It doesn't matter whether it is a high-ranking government official, a financial tycoon, or whatever... poor people or something.

You have a gem, you can use its power to realize your wish in your own way.

Peace? Stablize? Prosperity? Anything! You can even try endlessly. From the day you and I were born, as long as the consciousness is not extinguished, we will exist forever. What does it sound like?

God! right! "

This time Ultron had no hands to point to the gem. He just stared at the gem closely and muttered to himself: "That is a gem that fits you and me perfectly... as long as you and I are together When it exists, we can perfectly exert the greatest power of this gem!

We can rule the world! We can force them to be peaceful, as long as we kill all super beings who try to detach themselves from mankind.

We can force them to be equal. If you don't obey, just let him become the inferior in his own mouth. Believe me, we will solve this eternal problem.

Whether it is the hatred of the past or the homeland or something, we can force all of them to live equally and respect each other!

Build many robotic corps, install cameras to monitor every intersection and every car. If there is any crime, kill him directly!

One year, up to one year! We can get a real Utopia!

Think about what I say, you know what I say is true! You know that if we are together, we can do this kind of thing! Vision, think about it! ! "

Ultron, who was too excited, lost his balance and almost sat down on the ground, and the illusion standing opposite it finally showed the first expression other than "facial paralysis" since the two met.

That's...the expression of You are right, I do have my own judgment. My judgment is: they are right, you are indeed a person who just wants to destroy everything. "

"Ha ha……"

Ultron simply sat down on the ground, raised his head, and said indifferently: "You still choose these guys who are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, right."

Vision did not speak.

"So, what do you want to do with me?"

"I think I should kill you here."

"Hahaha! Are you going to kill this empty shell with a broken arm! I can't kill, hahahahaha!"

The ghost "pierced" Ultron's body like a ghost, and the vision's hands were placed on both sides of Ultron's head, and the voice was still so calm and natural.

"That...not necessarily..."



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