The three wooden clones grew directly from Leon's body, and after falling to the ground, they began to seal the nosebleed guy without saying a word.

And Leon also stopped everyone's questioning and walked out with everyone.

"I'm going to destroy this castle, seal that guy here, and cover it with a forest."

Destroying the castle is still very simple for a bunch of superheroes. However, Leon did not let them intervene. Yes, and soon the entire castle was turned into a ruin.

Then, Leon, who returned to his normal form, squeezed the seal with both hands: "Woodun! The tree world is coming!"

Leon rarely used this technique, because during battles, such a technique of changing the terrain on a large scale seemed to be completely useless against powerful opponents of the same level.

Leon is still more accustomed to direct singles and close combat.


Under the gazes of everyone, the ground rumbling, the ground vibrated and trembled constantly, and large trees with staggered knots emerged directly from the ground, stretching their branches and climbing upwards. The dense root systems are constantly intertwined with each other and connected into a network-like structure.

After just over ten seconds, not only did the magnificent ancient castle disappear, but an ancient wood wolf forest appeared directly in place.

The kind of primeval forest.


"Is this also your ability?"

Captain Marvel had seen relevant information about Leon "who used to call himself a life magician and a great Druid" on the information Fury gave her. I have also seen the part "suspected to have created a forest during the battle".

Although Fury told her that what happened in the forest could be determined to be Leon, he himself admitted it.

However, looking at the forest in front of him, Captain Marvel was still surprised.

She looked back at her "teammates": "Why aren't you surprised at all?"

"Ah, this is..."

Tony, who was playing soy sauce the whole time, scratched his head: "When I first saw him, he was still a cat. So I think a cat can grow up to the point where he wears makeup and smokes and drinks all day, as if he can do anything. It's all pretty normal.

Well... at least that's what I think. "

The earth stopped shaking, and Leon also put down his hand that squeezed the seal.

"What a fuss."

Crossing the crowd, Leon looked at the little spider: "You, come here."

The little spider was still a little weak, and he didn't know if it was the problem of the anesthesia needle or the rescue by Leon.

He walked over ignorantly, and Leon patted his shoulder gently and said to him, "Although you were successfully rescued this time, this was just a clue I discovered by coincidence.

Those people will still come. Our planet... no, this universe is never safe. You have to pay more attention, exercise your body, learn martial arts, and make an emergency call. "

"I'll fix it."

Tony came out and walked aside with the little spider, as if he was explaining something.

"Let me train his fighting skills."

Team America couldn't be more appropriate to do this.

After Leon explained for a while, Captain Marvel next to him came out again.

"Lion, you said just now that our universe is never safe, and it seems that you also know some things in the universe.

The danger you mentioned does indeed occur on every living planet. I think……"


Leon hurriedly said, "Sister, haven't we already discussed this issue.

I don't want to go to aliens to be someone else's savior. To be honest, until today, I am not sure if I really have the strength to live safely until the day of old age and death.

You have the strength, you go, I won't stop me, I'm still on the earth, it's better to be honest with myself. "

Leon's speech was not very polite, and his tone was full of ridicule. When the two bosses quarreled together, whether it was because they didn't want to hear some news, or simply just to protect themselves and stay away from danger, they all tactfully retreated. After some distance, even when they saw that Leon and Captain Marvel were arguing more and more, a few people ran away.


"Boss, you are a real boss. I don't want to quarrel with you. I have said this many times."

Leon felt a little haggard in his heart. He had known that when he first met Captain Marvel, he would have done things better.

In that way, he would not suffer the sin of today.

Helplessly rubbing his brows, Leon looked at Captain Marvel who still wanted to talk, and said first, "I might as well say something serious.

Carol, a lot of what you do is actually useless.

Earth is special. Because of some ancient gods and demons, and super ancient bosses, the earth is destined to be plagued with disasters, and many major events that can affect the entire universe are destined to happen here.

In fact, not too long ago, a lord from another dimension: Dormammu. It almost came to earth successfully.

If it really comes, all the people on earth will die, and then, every other planet, living and inanimate, will eventually become a collection of Dormammu.

And now..."

At this point in time, it's really delicate.

Taking a breath, Leon tried his best to speak more logically and clearly.

"It's fine to think it's a prophecy, or it's fine to think that I'm unfounded, or just talking nonsense.

Maybe in the near future, the earth will usher in a catastrophe. A cataclysm that scatters the entire universe.

If you wish, you can stay on Earth and wait for this opportunity. do something. "

Hearing Leon's words, Captain Marvel is not too surprised.

Leon was a prophet, and this was the first thing Fury told her.

However, it is also true that Leon often speaks madly.

"If possible, since you already know something is going to happen in a certain future, why not do something ahead of time to stop it.

for example……"

"For example, killing a key person? think too much.

Too many to kill. And, some things are meant to happen.

Because this is a **** world.

Mad, I knew it wouldn't come..."

Look, he's talking crazy again.

After thinking about it for a while, Captain Marvel said: "I will leave Earth in a month. I was leaving in two days."

Leon nodded: "You can go tomorrow if you want. I didn't say you must be forced to keep you on Earth. You don't take this as your master anyway, how fraternity you are."


The conversation broke up.

This is also expected in Lyon.

Captain Marvel has always been arrogant, and she also has the strength to be arrogant.

Before meeting Leon, Captain Marvel basically didn't suffer any loss after gaining the ability.

Now that Leon is talking to her about it, it's normal to make a fuss like this.

"Hey...then there are so many big events in comics, half of them are from different dimensions, I still kill, kill shit.

However, if the purple sweet potato essence can be killed now...

Forget it, let's take a step by step. Anyway, the space gem is here, he wants to do something, he must pass my level.

Oh, it will always come. always come..."

After muttering a few words to himself, Leon also left.

In situ, only an abrupt dense forest was left.


Meanwhile, deep in the universe.

A half-destroyed donut ship lands in smoke and sparks on a somewhat dead planet.

When it hit the ground, it wasn't very stable, and it broke a little bit.


The hatch that had been squeezed and deformed made a creaking sound, and then flew out with a bang.

Inside the cabin door, an ugly b carried his hands on his back very elegantly, flew through the air, slowly flew out of the cabin door, and landed on the ground.

If you deduct his face and ignore the holes in his clothes, this guy's appearance is perfect.

As the first person came out of the cabin, people kept appearing in the dark cabin door that had lost its power system and power system.

A big ugly b with an oversized mechanical pick, an ugly b with a long axe like a vampire, an ugly b with a good figure, but still an ugly b in his face, and an ugly b with his entire body hidden in a cloak, with no gender visible, but with a high probability Ugly b's ugly b.

In the end, it was the one holding the front and back double-spinning swords, wearing a dark-gold helmet, and wearing a dark-gold armor... a purple potato essence with a shoehorn face.


"My lord. This seems to be a deserted planet."

The person who speaks is the first to fly off the spaceship. Among the five obsidian generals under Thanos, the most cunning, the best at hiding strength, the most lickable, and the ugliest.

Mighty Mage, Whisperer: Ebony Monkey... O Ebony Throat!

"Sir, we have been here before."

Holding a special-shaped long blade, the words of the dead blade general, the head of the Obsidian five generals, clearly revealed a message.

The desolation of this planet should have been caused by the Night Army under Thanos.

Sitting quietly on a rock, a former cosmic pirate who fought countless battles in his long life, covered his body with scars, and truly killed Thanos, he did not take the loss of this battle to heart.

Although, his armor is full of scars scratched by small daggers, although he suffered a heavy loss this time.


He only said one word, standing beside General Dead Blade, his wife, Moxing Proxima, who is also one of Thanos' five obsidian generals, nodded and walked to the side.

With a huge army, Thanos usually doesn't do everything by himself.

As the most reliant generals under his command, the five obsidian generals usually perform their own duties, and everyone is responsible for some legion missions.

Proxima Dark Night is the one who is responsible for connecting the entire legion and conveying all orders for Thanos.

They landed here, and the spaceship also had a problem. Although Ebony Maw and another member of Obsidian Five: Black Dwarf could repair the spaceship, it obviously didn't directly call someone to pick it up faster.

"Sir, that's all."

The voice of the speaker is also neutral. It is the one with the most special abilities and the most loyal to Thanos among the five obsidian generals: the master of telepathy and mind control, the superstar.

The reason why he has not spoken just now, and Thanos has been silent, is that the superstar is telling Thanos the information that he observed during the battle just now, through the teleportation part.

After "observing" his own failure again, Thanos' mood is obviously not happy.

They were originally waiting somewhere in the universe outside Asgard, preparing to die in Odin. When Asgard ushered in Ragnarok because of the mad woman Hela, they seized the opportunity to **** that existence in one fell swoop. Asgard's cosmic rough, but...

Bad luck.

For some unknown reason, that mad woman gave up revenge and gave up the throne of Asgard that she longed for.

Although after experiencing the battle once, with the help of his five obsidian generals and Thanos himself, he successfully defeated Hela with six against one, and he also defended the spaceship and was not snatched by Hela.

However, the plan failed in the end.

"There must be something wrong on Earth."

Thanos finally spoke, spitting out a long sentence.

The most observant, Ebony-throated stepped forward, bowed, very polite, very elegant, and asked with a very ugly face: "Sir, what are we going to do next.

Are you looking for Hela's revenge? "

With a smile, Thanos was very free and easy: "That woman, it doesn't matter.

She won't give up Asgard for no reason, haven't you investigated it for a long time. The conflict between her and Asgard is my best chance, so I will shoot at this point.

However, something affected her. Someone... expelled her.

Something must be happening on Earth that we don't know about.

You haven't given me any information about Earth since that little frost giant failed the mission and lost my Mind Stone.

How can this work. "

Thanos' voice could not be heard of anger or anger, but it still made the generals around him shudder. Except for the superstar who has always been "aloof" and usually doesn't even talk much, the other three generals lowered their heads. Head, dare not look at Thanos.


Thanos said by name: "After we go back, you go to Earth for a while. Your ability should be able to detect enough information."

The superstar nodded and said nothing.

"Ebony throat."

Thanos called again: "Where do you go to the space pirates, find out the news about that crazy woman, next time I start a war, I don't want to be so coincidental and meet her again.

understand. "

"Yes. Obey, my great looked down at the big sword beside him, and Thanos said, "Dead Blade, remember that I once told you that the peerless gift I bestowed upon you. The blade, isn't it its final form? "

The dead blade general's gaze couldn't help but deviate, looking at the peerless blade in his hand.

"Now, it's time to give it its final power.

And I, too, need the same weapon.

The war has begun...

We, still need some help. "

(Ps: I have never found out how the tyrant's double-blade of Thanos and the peerless blade of General Deathblade came from, but there is one thing, although the peerless blade is given by Thanos, it has enchantments, and Thanos will not. magic.)

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