

A soft piano sound sounded.

Then a picture appeared in the video!

The brilliant and colorful universe was quiet to the extreme, and I saw a huge spaceship floating in a vacuum, seemingly aimless, passing through one dazzling nebula after another!

With soft and sad background music, people watching the video fell into this calm.

However, at this moment, the spacecraft suddenly lost control and crashed into a planet full of deserts and ruins, stirring up a strong shock wave, setting off a rushing sand, dust and dirt, like a tsunami, rolling and roaring, sweeping in all directions!

Although there was no sound from the explosion, everyone was shocked by this picture, their pupils dilated sharply, and they swallowed a mouthful of spit with difficulty, as if they were on the scene!


Right at this moment.

A snap of fingers!

The picture goes black directly!

Then Lin Lan’s deep and magnetic voice sounded at the same time!

“Hero is never a title, but also a responsibility and responsibility!”

“Maybe he’s a god, maybe he’s a mortal!”

“But when disaster strikes, he will stand in front without hesitation!”

“Because behind them, there are ten thousand lights!”

That’s right!

This is what heroes have in common!

Countless people heard Lin Lan’s words.

The whole body is boiling.

They agreed.

Especially when the last sentence was spoken, they got goosebumps all over their bodies, and then they saw a few lines appear on the screen!

[Hero is never a title, but also a responsibility and responsibility].

[Perhaps he is a god who has mastered the power beyond all things].

[Or perhaps a man who is comparable to a god in the body of a mortal].

[Note: This video is for display only, regardless of personality, personality and other factors, the ranking is not divided into before and after! ] 】

[Maker: Lin Lan].



When the name of the maker appears above the video.

It caused quite a stir throughout the universe.

After all, the entire dimensional platform has a level of UP masters, and they almost all know each other.

But for the first time I met this creative and level person.

So I can’t wait to see who the next heroes are!

The video continues.

When a few lines of text transition, the final title appears!

[Inventory of the top 10 superheroes]!

Bite! ——

When the title appeared, a crisp clanging sound sounded, like a giant hammer slamming into people’s hearts, making them tremble and look forward to it even more!

Then I heard Lin Lan’s voice again!

“Next, start counting the tenth place!”

“He is brave, righteous, and the embodiment of goodness!”

“He has absolute power, but he does not abuse it!”

“Every punch he throws out is towards the enemy with precision, and no matter how hard it is, he will never give up!”

“He is a friendly neighbor to the people and a beacon in the darkness, guiding the way forward for the confused!”

“He has a strong responsibility! And think that if he does not act, then when the accident occurs, he will feel that it is his responsibility! ”

When the sound appears at the same time as the subtitle.

Those who are watching understand it.

This is what the video author said about this hero.

He not only has absolute strength, but also has a strong responsibility!

If he sits idly by, when the accident occurs, he will feel that the responsibility belongs to him!

What a noble virtue!

The people of the universe are in awe of this!


“Shhh! Who the hell is this person! No wonder you can be called a hero! ”

“I don’t know, but the latter sentence really poked me! If he has the power not to act, then when the accident occurs, he will feel that the responsibility belongs to him! That’s too responsible! ”

“Wait, there’s an evaluation later!”

The anticipation of people watching the video is full.

Just the sentence just now has already received their approval of this hero.

They continued to look down with doubts and expectations, and Lin Lan’s voice continued!

“With great power comes great responsibility!”

“This sentence is not just words, it is reflected in his words and deeds!”

“Despite all kinds of obstacles, he will not allow danger to germinate!”

“As long as it is the life that his hands can touch, he will definitely not give up!”

This paragraph made countless people’s hearts beat non-stop!

And at the same time doubt!

What exactly is it that can get such a high evaluation from the author ?!

Nine Realms.


At this moment, the entire hall was silent!

Everyone held their breath.

When they saw this description, the first thing that came to mind was Thor, son of Odin, who was about to be crowned king!

“Isn’t this Thor! Justice and bravery! Every punch blasted out, the giant can’t bear it! ”

“That’s right! And Thor isn’t our friendly neighbor! And every time I go out on a mission, I complete it successfully! Doesn’t this reflect that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility! ”

“It is!”

Above the throne.

Odin saw this assessment.

He also nodded with satisfaction.

In his heart.

Thor was in addition to being a little presumptuous.

Everything else is right!

Not only Odin and the rest of the people, but Thor himself watched it with relish and agreed with these words!

Except for the sentence containing “inaction” in the evaluation.

The rest of him felt that he was very suitable!

And hearing the praise of his friends around him, he felt that this hero must be himself!

I saw countless pairs of eyes staring at the video.

The atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

The video continues to advance, and it comes to the wonderful reveal.

The background music became passionate, and even Lin Lan’s voice was raised a few degrees, and then said word by word:

“He’s the tenth of the top ten superheroes!”


“Reason for listing: [The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, the spirit of responsibility and noble morality, he is brave and righteous, he is the embodiment of kindness, and he is an unknown and low-key hero! ] 】”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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