“Hulk, Hulk?!”

This is the moment.

When Lin Lan said the ninth superhero.

A big green man appeared in the minds of countless people.

With the dimensional platform.

They were also fortunate enough to see the power of the Hulk.

And now, it seems to be fighting with another big red man!

And in their hearts,

This big green guy doesn’t deserve the title of hero at all!

At least the last Spider-Man, although his strength is not as good as him, but he wanders the city, punishing evil and promoting good.

But this big green guy.

Every time it appears, there are people killed and injured!

Buildings were destroyed!

How can this be called a hero?

Can’t figure it out!

I really can’t figure it out!

People in the universe are puzzled.

Logically, superheroes are all positive images.

But the impression of the Hulk is only destruction…

“Last time the military rounded up the Hulk, many people died, and the battle with the red giant seemed to be even worse, and some innocent people were also involved.”

“yes, why did he make the list?”

“I don’t know, but I don’t think we should jump to conclusions so early, so as not to be slapped in the face by this dog author again!”

People talk about it.

Although there is no amount of puzzlement in their minds.

But none of them continued to question it.

Instead, watch the video.

Expect the author to give them a satisfactory explanation.


Nine Realms.


At this time.

Once again, the people of Asgard thought that this was Thor!

After all, the thunder god roared, and the nine realms were shocked!

With one punch, I wonder who can withstand the ordinary gods of Asgard other than Odin and Heimdall?


“I’m going, isn’t it! It wasn’t Thor yet!!! ”

“How is this big guy!!! Also, he can beat me with one punch???? ”

“This author is crazy! Must be crazy!!! Put us gods out of sight at all! ”

Everyone complained indignantly.

As a citizen of Asgard.

It is inevitable that there is pride in their hearts.

Claim to be a god!

But what is this author’s assessment of the Hulk Hulk?

One punch down, so that the gods cry?

Come on, come on.

You give me a punch to see.

See who cries first!!!

And not only ordinary people.

Thor’s face also showed anger.

Now is the time for him to be crowned king.

As a result, this big man who doesn’t look very smart can get such a high evaluation?

How could he be willing!

Ask the entire Nine Realms, how many people have been beaten by him!

With one punch, not only the gods will cry, but the entire Nine Realms will tremble!

How dare you tell me that this big green guy can get this evaluation?

Thor naturally substituted himself into it.

Very unpleasant.

I want to destroy this Hulk.

So he turned to Odin and asked

“Let me take the warriors of Asgard and destroy him!” The reputation of our gods cannot….! ”


I saw above the throne.

Odin slammed the Eternal Scepter in his hand to the ground.

Make a crisp humming sound.

Unleashed powerful coercion,

Let the whole hall be quiet!

Although Odin is also a little confused now.

But compared to everyone, including Thor.

He believed even more in the words of this author.

After all, even a strong person like him cannot do that against the sky, so for the author of this video, with a trace of respect…!

The crowd was speechless

I had to watch it silently.

And Loki saw Thor’s stunned look.

An imperceptible smile on his face….

I don’t know.

He will be called a “weak god”….


The other side.


“Hulk Hulk? Is that the one that made a fuss on the streets of New York the other day? ”

Nick Fury couldn’t have imagined it.

It would actually be this big green guy.

Although the operation to capture the Hulk was in charge of General Ross of the military.

But as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., I still know a little about this.

Easy to run away, extremely powerful….

This is the information he obtained.

In addition to being powerful.

No matter from which point you look at.

None of them conform to the characteristics of superheroes…!

So he also wants to know.

Hulk Hulk.

What makes the list?

And yet, right then.

Captain America on the side suddenly opened his eyes, sat up, and looked around in confusion…

“Where am I?”

“Hello, Captain America, welcome back.”

Nick Fury spoke.

Tony and Spider-Man on the side also shifted their attention from their mobile phones to Captain America.

“Hello, my name is Tony Stark.”

“wo~ really Captain America! Hello, my name is Peter Parker, you can also call me Spider-Man, I have heard your story since I was a child, really… (10,000 words omitted)”

Just when Peter Parker was guilty of talking again.

Nick Fury projects the dimensional platform onto the room’s huge screen.

Then said to Captain America:

“Captain, I think you should learn to understand the modern society, you might as well watch this video first….!”


Throughout the universe.

They all held their breath.

Hopefully, this video will give them an explanation as to why the Hulk Hulk was able to make the list!


Karma Taj.

“Mage, did you foresee something?”

This is the moment.

Mordo asked.

Furuichi, who only met before, had just finished using the Eye of Agomoto.

Her face was confused for a moment, relieved for a moment.

So Mordo thinks.

Koichi must have foreseen the future….

“Yes, I see countless futures, this Hulk Hulk, he is indeed a hero, however, I seem to have found another guy who can become a Supreme Mage…”

In the future.

She sees many kinds of futures.

But without exception, they all ended in failure.


But she found a possibility.

It was the Hulk who crossed over and borrowed her Agomoto Eye…..!

The ancient mage looked into the distance.

It seems to run through the entire earth.

Came to a hospital.


“Stephen Strange…”

Mordo’s pupils dilate dramatically.

The heart is extremely shocked….!

Unexpectedly, the appearance of the video not only changed the future, but also allowed the ancient mage to find another supreme mage…

At the same time as I was in awe of Gu Yi in my heart

Also in awe of the makers of this video….


At this time.


Banner has been through so much.

Long since escaped.

These days are evading the military’s pursuit.

I thought I would be able to live a dull life.

But I didn’t expect it.

The ninth place in “Inventory of Top Ten Superheroes” turned out to be himself?

“I’m just a murderous maniac who can’t control myself, how can I deserve the title of hero…”

Banner is in the doldrums.

There is no such excitement that anyone else wants to be on the list.

Instead, he let out a long sigh.

Want to see.

How exactly did he get on the list….


[Thanks to Reader Papa “18713….” 100 tips!! And the flower ticket of the reader dad!!!! Xiaomengxin is here to thank you and kowtow to you! Bang bang bang!!! 】

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