“I knew Iron Man would help them! Sure enough, as his wife said, he could never be persuaded to stop!!! ”

“Yes, maybe as long as he doesn’t die, he will never be able to rest in peace…”

“But that’s what he wants to do, let’s respect his choice, just to see how they collect gems!”

“That’s right, we can only respect Iron Man, and now he should also go back in time, but we haven’t seen him in other videos, but I have already guessed that the black figure must be Iron Man!”

“Did you say the one who was knocked off by the Hulk? Hiss! When you say that, it’s really like that!!! ”

“But wasn’t that Cosmic Cube taken away by Loki? And what kind of particle Scott said before, it doesn’t seem to be enough, right? ”

“You’re absolutely right, but have you forgotten who turned things around every time? Is it Iron Man!!! He plunged into the wormhole alone in the New York War, and Ultron won with his intelligence, and this time, he will definitely be able to turn things around! You can always trust him! ”


When the Avengers members entered the instrument.

Countless people are discussing what Iron Man will go through.

So they all guessed that the black figure that appeared in the previous video must be Iron Man!

But the problem is that the Cosmic Cube was taken away by Loki.

Just when people are in a state of concern.

A barrage caused an uproar on the dimensional platform like a bombshell!!

That’s right!

Many times it was Iron Man who turned things around!

This time is certainly no exception!

Can you trust Iron Man forever!!!

In an instant.

The sense of anticipation of countless people is full at this moment.

The heart is pounding and beating non-stop.

Shortness of breath, dilated pupils, staring at the screen….

They want to know how Iron Man can turn this around…!


The video continues.

The music immediately became urgent from the magnificent, magnificent, and moving sound just now!

The scene of Loki leaving with the Cosmic Cube flashed again in the picture.

I saw the camera zoom in.

The black figure that was slammed to the ground by the Hulk finally revealed his face….

It’s Iron Man!


Countless people were so excited that they could not speak.

And sure enough, as they thought.

The one who went to take the Mind Gem Scepter was Captain America, and the one who took the Cosmic Cube was Iron Man!

“Sure enough! I knew it was Iron Man! He came to find the Cosmic Cube! ”

“Shhh! You can always trust Iron Man, he can definitely turn this around! He will definitely be able to obtain the Cosmic Cube again! ”

“yes! It’s enough to believe in Iron Man! ”

The screen turns,

When Captain America jumps down from above with a psychic scepter.

I saw Iron Man and Scott sitting on the abandoned car, and called out in annoyance:

“Captain, I’m sorry, we’re in trouble…”

After some conversation.

Captain America learned that the Cosmic Cube was gone.

And the essence of Scott’s words is no worse than that of a small spider.

Keep repeating my words.

Because Stark said that they only have this one chance, and if they can’t get together, they will play it all….

The atmosphere gradually froze and sad.

Even the music sounded with a hint of despair.

But people who are watching the video are not worried at all.

Because they know that Iron Man must have a way!

“Is there any way to get the Cosmic Cube?”

At this time.

Captain America asked the question that everybody wanted to ask.

I saw Scott respond with great chagrin:

“No, there’s no other way! No chance to do it again! We only have one tube of particles each! That’s all, got it! ”

“I know! There’s another way! You can get the Cosmic Cube again, and you can add new particles! Take a few more steps on the path of memories, New Jersey Military Base! ”

Right at this moment.

The music is on fire!

It was as if I had walked into the light from the darkness, and everyone felt the sense of transparency that was suddenly enlightened!

Their sense of anticipation was filled at this moment.

Sure enough, just as they thought!

Iron Man is the one who reversed it all!

But they are also curious, how can they get the Cosmic Cube and replenish new particles at the same time?

The video continues.

When Iron Man said the words.

Captain America had to think deeply.

But amazingly.

He didn’t think much about it.

Just asked a rhetorical question:

“Are you sure those two things were there at the time?”

“I’m pretty sure, and I know why I know!”

Iron Man said categorically.


What did Captain America choose?

Of course, he chose to believe in Iron Man!

Just like anyone watching the video, you can always trust Iron Man!

So when Scott looked confused and kept asking questions.

The two said as if immersed in their own world:

“Looks like I’ll have to improvise a bit.”

“Okay, ready to go!”

Captain America gave the Psychic Scepter to Scott and asked him to bring it back first.

Then adjust the time instrument at the same time as Iron Man.

Get ready for another time shift.

“Zero four, zero seven, nineteen seventy.”

“Are you sure?”

Captain America reconfirmed.

In everyone’s touched eyes, Iron Man’s face was still full of seriousness and confidence, and then asked rhetorically:

“Do you trust me?”

Do you believe me?

This sentence.

It seems to span the entire life of Iron Man!

From the beginning he was disbelieved by countless people, went through countless tribulations to become a superhero, and even finally when Captain America got the way to save the world, he was the first to find him!


That’s because, you can always trust Iron Man!!

“I believe!”

When Captain America said these words forcefully.

The background music played with a soft piano sound.

Not only does it represent the real ice release of the two of them,

It also represents that Captain America changed from distrusting him to becoming a superhero at the beginning to completely trusting Iron Man!

Because as Scott said, if they fail, they never come back.

But what is Captain America’s choice?

Only that sentence does not contain any doubt, I believe…!

See this scene.

Countless tears fell.

Every chord sounds.

As if tugging at their heartstrings, it trembled faintly.

They are sad for Iron Man at the same time, but also proud!

So they all raised their heads and looked at the screen, praying in their hearts and also expecting, whether they can get the Rubik’s cube and particles….?

The video continues.

The two went directly to the New Jersey military base in 1970.

This is not where Captain America was born.

But it was where the idea of creating super soldiers was born.

Then the two went their separate ways.

Tony Stark is responsible for finding the Cosmic Cube, while Steve is going to find the Pym particle.


Tony Stark came to a promenade.

Although it is a promenade.

But on both sides, there are experimental instruments everywhere.

And Tony Stark also ran, and looked for the Cosmic Cube with his glasses.

When the music suddenly starts.

People also saw that in a huge instrument, the rays released were very consistent with the Cosmic Cube!


Tony Stark didn’t say a word.

Directly cut it off with the rays of the steel glove, and took out the Cosmic Cube.

And yet, right then.

The background music is suddenly tight and full of crisis.

It made countless people’s hearts jump to their throats instantly.

Then I heard someone shouting!

“Arnim, are you here? Arnim! ”


The first reaction of those who are watching the video is that Iron Man has been discovered!

Know that this is their second chance!

If it doesn’t work out!

Then it’s really over!

Bang bang.

The small hearts of countless people thumped non-stop, swallowed a mouthful of spit with difficulty, and stared at the screen with rapid breath.

The moment Tony Stark closed the box, everyone could see who the figure was…

It turned out to be!

Tony Stark’s father, Howard…!?


See this scene.

Countless people’s faces were full of excitement!

They frantically look forward to what will happen to Tony Stark when he sees his father!

They still remember the little fat man crying when he saw his mother.

Is Tony Stark like that too?

They are expecting, they are curious…!

I saw that the music became softer.

It’s like a reunion after a long absence, which makes people feel excited and not easy at the same time.

Just when people thought that Tony Stark would also be like Thor, like a child in front of his father.

What they didn’t expect.

Tony Stark turned around directly and prepared to escape…..


He panicked.

Once upon a time, he thought his father didn’t care about him.

But he now knows that he is his father’s greatest creation…

Right at this moment.

The background music becomes gradually sad, as if reminiscing about the past.

The moment Tony Stark turned around, the translucent picture reappeared.

When faced with something handed over by others, he will never take it.

Even if it was handed over by his beloved, he followed it reluctantly.

And when he was on the verge of death.

Saw the video left by the father ….

Tony, you are too young to understand it now, so I will take this paragraph for you first, all this is made for you, one day you will understand that this represents not only human invention, it is also my life’s achievement…….. Just once you can change the world, but my greatest creations will always be… You! ”

When the phrase fell.

The picture flashes Tony’s reluctance to say goodbye to his father when he was young.

Who knows, this parting is a farewell forever….

The camera zooms in.

Tony choked.

The face has changed from the unhappy and unhappy when he was young to the sad and unbelievable look now….

The translucent picture disappears with the video….

See this scene.

Countless people seem to already know.

Tony and his father used to have a bad relationship.

And a long misunderstanding.

But now he already knows that his father cares about him ….

The video continues.

When Tony Stark turned and prepared to flee, unwilling to face his father.

Howard stopped him.

“The door is over here, friend.”


Tony Stark was very nervous.

Stumbling while walking.

Even when shaking hands with Howard.

The face is extremely red.

See this scene.

Countless people smiled.

They wanted Tony Stark to have a good chat with his father.

The result was something they didn’t expect.

Tony Stark was so nervous that when he left, he didn’t even take the Cosmic Cube with him.

It was his father who reminded him that he remembered.

“Hahaha, I just thought that Tony would not be like Thor, he was still nervous like a child, and he even forgot to take the Cosmic Cube!” It’s so much fun! ”

“Yes, but it’s really complete, I saw my father killed with my own eyes before, and now I can chat with my father, I really have no regrets!”

“That’s right, Tony should have misunderstood his father before, but this time, he should have completely untied his heart…!”

Just when countless people were moved.

Tony Stark and his father also walked slowly outside.

They talked a lot.

Even when on the elevator.

Howard also mentioned his wife’s pregnancy with Tony;

At this moment, Howard handed the flowers in his hand to Tony and asked him to help get them.

Countless people thought that Tony would refuse because he didn’t like to take things handed by others.

But to their shock and surprise.

Tony actually took it!

And he received the bouquet of flowers without hesitation, willingly, without complaining….!


Knock knock!!

Countless people’s hearts are pounding and beating non-stop!

A look of shock and disbelief on his face!


He actually took it!

Touching, beautiful.

Especially when Howard says, “Although the child is not yet born, I can do anything for him.”

In the lens.

There is the scene where Tony hugs his father tightly….

One can’t help but recall what Morgan said to him, love him three thousand times.

It’s just that this strong man can’t say his love for his father, there is only one sentence:

“Thank you, thank you for everything….”


After Tony said this,

A relieved, comfortable smile on his face.

He successfully untied his heart, successfully hugged his father, and successfully said that thank you to his father….

The regret in his heart was finally made up.

So Captain America left here.

Right at this moment.

The background music gradually became intense, and it seemed that thousands of troops were fighting!

The sound of bells and drums made the hearts of all those who were watching the video beat wildly, feeling that the blood on their bodies was boiling, every pore suddenly opened, and the sense of expectation was full at this moment!

Because they know that the final battle is coming…!

The video continues.

The moment when the Hulk snapped his fingers appeared!

Then the extremely silky transition reappears!

The moment when the Hulk slowly raised his right arm and was ready to snap his fingers, it transformed into Thanos slowly raising his right arm and stuffing the power gem back!


Knock knock!

The hearts of countless people jumped to their throats at this moment.

They remember in the last video, Thanos knocked down the Power Gem and knocked Captain Marvel away!

And now all the gems are gathered again.

Is he going to successfully snap his fingers for the second time!?

Nervousness, prayer.

Countless people’s nerves were tense.

Staring at the screen.

That’s when the result is.

They saw Doctor Strange raise that finger again.

When the camera turns from this finger to Iron Man who fell to the ground in the distance.

The music suddenly became intense, like the feeling of a hero appearing in despair, giving hope!

All of a sudden, the whole universe boiled!!

It’s on fire!!

Sure enough, as countless people imagined!!!

The only victory in the fourteen million endings who reversed it all, saved it all, was Iron Man!!!

“Aaaaa I knew it!! I knew I could always trust Iron Man!!! He can turn everything around every time!!! ”

“Compare with the body of a mortal god!! He is even beyond the gods!!! ”

“You can always trust Iron Man !!!”

“I believe in him and will definitely be able to save all this !!!”

Countless people are looking forward to it wildly.

They all held their breath and stared, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Staring at Iron Man on the screen, frantically wanting to know, how did this mortal who transcended the gods reverse all this!?

The last time he fought against Thanos of the Four Gems, he almost died.

This time facing the six-jeweled Thanos, what should he do, what will he do!?


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