“Isn’t it! The superhero first, it turned out not to be Scott as I imagined, but an even more terrifying existence! Hiss!!! Then how terrifying this author should be! ”

“Shit, we all guessed wrong!”


This is the moment.

Everyone’s faces were shocked and shocked.

They either guessed Scott or Captain Marvel, and even joked that maybe it was really Star-Lord.

And when they saw that the first superhero turned out to be such a terrifying existence.

I saw that their pupils were sharply dilated, their backs were cold and their scalps were numb, and they couldn’t believe that the author was able to edit out this terrifying existence!

Oh, my God!

They used to think that the author was just able to foresee their future.

Only now do I realize that they are too simple, too small…

The author is not only able to foresee the future.

It can actually involve that level….

As soon as I think of it.

Their hearts were like being smashed by a giant hammer, trembling madly, extremely shocked!

Crazy anticipation, what exactly does this creator look like!

After all, although knowing his name is Stan Lee.

It is also known that he often appears where superheroes appear.

But they never had any information about the name “Stan Lee.”

“Found it?”

“No, I searched all of them using S.H.I.E.L.D., and it seems that there is no such thing…. Even though there are the same names, but after investigation, none of them match. ”

Nick Fury’s voice was shaking.

Even though he was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he had never panicked when foreign enemies invaded.

But this time, he had to panic ….


A person who created the universe is on Earth, how can we not let him panic?

But now that he couldn’t find it, he panicked even more.

So together with Tony Stark, Little Spider and others, they shifted their attention to the dimensional platform, and then continued:

“I’m afraid, only the video can give us the answer, let’s see with our own eyes, what that person looks like…!”

And not only them.

The whole universe boiled.

Crazy guess what he really looks like…!

“You say, Stan Lee will not be the bald head that appeared in the hidden video before! It looks so mysterious! ”

“Shhh! Don’t say it, it’s really possible! Do you remember the first time I saw him, even though he disappeared, I still felt that someone was staring at me, as the author said, Stan Lee was keen to observe, and he had been observing all this as an observer! ”

“I lean! It’s really possible! If it weren’t for the author, I’m afraid we wouldn’t be able to reach that level in our lifetimes! The more I think about it, the more excited I feel! ”

“Yes, yes, the author is awesome! After watching this video, I will definitely watch it ten more times from beginning to end! ”

“Me too! Just wait for the video to give us the answer now! ”

“Looking forward to looking forward to it! Stan Lee must be that bald head! ”

Accompanied by the high-burning background music.

Countless people also feel that their blood is boiling.

And the sense of anticipation is pulled to the top at this moment.

They speculated that Stan Lee was the bald head that appeared at the end of the hidden video….

And yet, right then.

The video continues.

From the scene of heroes just now, it has transformed into a huge square.

I saw neon flashing.

A familiar figure came into people’s eyes!

It was in the Spider-Man video that the first Spider-Man Peter Parker appeared!

I saw that he was full of spirit, constantly approaching forward from the middle, and immediately stopped on the side of the road, turning his head to look at the subtitles in front of him.

“Spider-Man becomes a hero of the city and saves the daughter of the police chief”

Right at this moment.

The music becomes very soothing and peaceful at this moment.

Let the hearts of countless people begin to calm down.

I even feel a little proud in my heart.

Be able to see this level of video.

And Peter Parker in the video.

Why not.

I saw his eyes staring at the subtitle, full of pride in his heart, and the camera came behind him.

It’s as if this subtitle is a barrage in the video.

After announcing to the entire universe that he is a hero…!

But many people’s eyes are not here.

One by one, they are like detectives, not missing a single detail in the video!

Staring at the people coming and going.

But none of the bald heads they speculated about were found …

Even if a bald head is found, it’s just a baby ….

“Wait, where is the bald head, you shouldn’t be lying to me?”

“Shhh, yes, where is Stan Lee hiding? According to the author, he is keen to observe, and he released this video clip, which is bound to appear! ”

Just countless people are puzzled.

It’s like searching for treasure.

A white-haired back came to Peter Parker’s side!

Immediately afterwards, the background music suddenly rises, giving people the joy of finally finding a treasure!

I saw countless people holding their breath one after another, their pupils dilated sharply, staring at the white-haired figure!

Right now!

The camera turned!

Faced this old man and Peter Parker!

When the old man’s face came into people’s eyes.

The whole universe is boiling!

“Aaaaa!!!a Is he Stan Lee!?!!!! ”

“I lean!! I know him!!! Isn’t he the courier who called Tony Stark Tony Tucker!!! ”

“Hiss!!! Don’t say it yet!! Is it really him!!! It turns out that he has already appeared!!! ”

“Oh my God, he’s Stan Lee! I didn’t see it at all!!! ”

“Is this the Creator who created our universe?! It’s really the same as ordinary people, and you can’t find it at all! ”

Countless people raised their arms and shouted!

A look of excitement and excitement on his face!

They were still guessing that Stan Lee was the bald head.

But only now I found out!

It turns out that it has long appeared in the video of Iron Man!

And also called him Tony Tucker!

Right at this moment.

They also realized it.

Sure enough, as the author said.

Wherever there are superheroes, Stan Lee will appear!

Because they are like his children!

“I guess only one person can be so different!”

At this moment,.

Countless people have shifted their attention to the dimensional platform.

I saw Stan Lee say this to Peter Parker.

Peter Parker sighed with emotion in his heart, just when he took a breath and was ready to speak.

Stan Lee went on to say:

“Needless to say.”

With that, Stan Lee left.

But Peter Parker’s face was full of smiles.

See this scene.

Those who are watching the video know that Stan Lee’s words are said to Peter Parker, but also to Spider-Man, and also strengthen Spider-Man’s heart!

And yet, right then.

The background music stops abruptly!

Then there was an elegant jazz that made you want to dance.

Then the screen turns.

In a library.

The second generation of Spider-Man is fighting the Lizardmen.

But it’s confusing.

Why is the background music not passionate fight music, but this elegant music?

Just when countless people were wondering.


A school desk was flown by a lizardman.

It’s like flying off the screen in 3D!

Right at this moment.

Spider-Man spewed out spider silk and pulled the desk down!

As the camera slowly zooms in to the desk.

Countless people burst into laughter!

Because at this time, Stan Lee was wearing headphones listening to music and scanning books, completely unaware that someone was fighting!

“Hahaha, laugh at me, Stan Lee actually didn’t notice that anyone was fighting!!!

“I lean, what headphones sound insulation is so good, I want one!”

“Shhh! Stan Lee is very good! Not at all like a creator, more like an amiable old man, I found that I liked him a little! ”

“Yes, I feel that this time the video is definitely not sad, long live the author!”

“Long live the author! Finally won’t make me cry!! ”

“Nope! You’re wrong! I think I’ll burst into tears with laughter! ”

“That’s better than crying!”

Very good!

Very nice!

This time the video is finally not sad!

It’s happy!

Countless people were excited and excited.

Turn your gaze over again.

I saw Stan Lee gracefully and calmly swing his two fingers involuntarily with the song, and then left the library with the book in his hand.

Spider-Man and Lizardman were not found until they walked out the door.

People see this scene.

Can’t help but admire Stan Lee’s acting skills.

How could he, as an observer, not know?

This also makes people’s hearts like him even more…!

Right at this moment.

The god-level transition is coming.

The moment Stan Lee walked out the door, the camera turned to him, and I don’t know when, an extra pair of sunglasses.

Then the background music became extremely intense.

It’s like celebrating graduation.


The camera seems to be from Stan Lee’s gaze.

A sea of people.

All eyes were on the graduation stage.

But only Stan Lee looked into the distance.

I saw a figure floating high in the air, and while being blocked by a room, he changed his clothes and came out, which was the second generation of Spider-Man!

“Hey, I seem to know that guy!”

Right at this moment.

Stan Lee uttered the words.

This made everyone agree on one sentence,

That’s Stan Lee, he’s really an observer, he observes so carefully!

“Hahaha, so many people, he saw it alone!”

“Yes, this little old man is very bad, fortunately no one paid attention to him, otherwise Spider-Man’s identity will be exposed!”

“Maybe this is the keen observer Stan Lee! It’s so much fun! Now it’s the second Spider-Man, and the third! ”

“yes! I’m already looking forward to it! ”

Countless people have now found out.

Stan Lee also really appeared on the scene of superheroes.

And now there are only the first two Spider-Men in the Spider-Man video.

Can’t help but look forward to it, the third Spider-Man, will he also be there?

The sense of anticipation is filled at this moment.

That’s when the result is.

The background music becomes extremely scary and dangerous.


That ring-shaped spaceship came into everyone’s eyes!

They knew that this was Iron Man and others who flew to Titan on this spaceship.

Then I saw the camera zoom in.

Inside a school bus.

Peter Parker appeared in front of everyone’s eyes just as they thought!

“Hey, Ned, I need you to distract everyone!”

Right at this moment.

Peter Parker calls out to his good brother Ned.

And the latter is clearly sensible.

Shouted directly, and then attracted the attention of the classmates, and ran to the back of the car, looking into the distance.

As for Peter Parker, he took advantage of this gap and put on a hood outside the car window.

Just when the classmates were making noise.

The camera switches scenes and comes to the driver’s seat!

“I said what’s going on with you kids, you haven’t seen a spaceship?”

Haven’t seen it… Spacecraft?

Stan Lee’s disgusted tone immediately caused countless people to burst into laughter!

“Hahaha, what’s going on with you kids! Haven’t even seen a spaceship !? I’m Stan Lee but the creator!! ”

“Six, six, six, it’s really worthy of Stan Lee, it’s worthy of being a very calm person in Spider-Man and Lizardman fighting!” And what is this spaceship ?! ”

“Hahaha, I’m almost laughed to death by his words, this disgusted tone, and this action, it’s really inappropriate!”

Very good!

This is very Stan Lee!

Always so calm!

Just when people thought every Stan Lee appeared would be so much fun.

The video continues again.

Soon people realized.

This time it’s the Hulk!

“It should be the Hulk this time, right?”

“That’s right, it must be the Hulk!!!!”

“That’s not necessarily, maybe Stan Lee can’t be busy sometimes!” Not all superheroes have him! ”

“With or without him, this time the video is so fun! Finally, you don’t have to see dead people anymore! ”

Countless people are looking forward to it.

Eyes fixed on the screen.

There was even a little excitement.

Expect what fun Stan Lee will show in the next hero.


Video transitions.

The lens is as if it were stuffed in the refrigerator.

When the refrigerator is turned on.

Stan Lee’s figure came into view.

Then he picked up a green drink.

It’s not just confusing.

Which hero does this have to do with it?

There are many opinions, and there is no one exact answer.

And yet, while people are discussing.


The background music is full of horror and trembling!

It’s like something very bad is going to happen.

Let the heartstrings of countless people tighten, they all hold their breath, and even guess whether it was the Hulk Hulk who fought and rushed in!

And they saw it.

Stan Lee drank the green drink.

A word of appreciation:


Not bad?


Make us worry in vain!

Although people complained, they breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts.

I thought something bad was going to happen.

And that’s it!

“Snap! ——”

The bottle shattered on the ground!

And Stan Lee also fell!

The general who is tracking the Hulk is heard in the picture, and the location of the Hulk is discovered!

Seeing this scene,

Countless people froze in place!

Okay, the whole video is easy and enjoyable!

How Stan Lee died!!

“I lean! What’s going on! Isn’t it easy and happy! I want to see him continue to pretend to be happy! ”

“Shhh! Why, why did he die! I’m not convinced! I’m not convinced! ”

“I finally had a happy video! How could this happen again! ”

“Are you stupid, it’s obviously Stan Lee pit the Hulk! Isn’t he still alive in the back! ”


Knock knock!

When this barrage comes out.

Countless people were stunned.

It seems to make a little sense?


It turned out to be acted!

“Good fellow, I’ll just say how can Stan Lee die, he must have deliberately pitted the Hulk and let him be exposed!”

“That’s it! This little old man, very bad! ”

“[Hulk]: He’s so well-intentioned that you actually call him bad! How would I join the Avengers without him exposing me!? How can I fuse with the Hulk!? You guys are too careful with your eyes! ”

“6666, your ideological consciousness is very high, hahaha!!!”

“I lean! Hulk cow wow!!!!! ”

“Hulk, my hero!!!! How have you changed!!! ”

Countless people laughed,

And sure enough, as they thought.

Where Stan Lee is there, there is joy!

This video, good-looking!

They are also looking forward to what interesting things Stan Lee will do in the next hero picture!


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