This is true. After Yang Guo went to Zhongcheng, no one even bothered to set up a small stall.

Until Xia Ye and Xia Jiu passed by Yang Guo's booth, Yang Guo was sluggish at first sight of you Xia Ye.

There are still such beautiful men in this world.

Yes, Yang Guo was fascinated.

Xia Ye's charisma was a fatal blow to an immature girl like Yang Guo.

I just wanted to get close, and then imitated my grandfather and said the classic hawking to Xia Ye and Xia Jiu.

Do you want to have a chat?

But his own words didn't attract Xia Ye, on the contrary, Xia Jiu on the side was more interested.

Moreover, when Yang Guo saw Xia Jiu, he could see through his secrets at a glance. For a hexagram master, a person's face can basically be seen.

In order to attract Xia Ye's attention, Yang Guo pushed the boat and said Xia Jiu's inner hexagram.

Immediately after that, he also fell into the pit one summer night.

Thinking of this, Yang Guo felt some grievances in her heart. All the good-looking men were the same, and they were entangled in peach blossoms.

Xia Ye is naturally no exception. Seeing the catastrophe of peach blossoms on Xia Ye's palmistry, Yang Guo's favorability has dropped a lot.

But things have already progressed here, and Yang Guo can only continue to count.

But no matter how Yang Guo looked at the palmistry, she felt that Xia Ye's fate was covered by a dark cloud, and she couldn't see through it.

After all, it was her first order. Yang Guo remembered what her grandfather had said, the most important thing for a Gua master is the signboard.

So he bravely used the mind method of the Gua master.

After the operation of the mind, the dense words had already appeared in Yang Guo's mind.

Immediately, she regretted it. Every time she said a word, her lifespan was thrown out as if she didn't want money.

So Yang Guo didn't want to talk about it. After calculating it, it was calculated. As long as he didn't know about it and didn't say the hexagram, there would naturally be no problem.

But in the next second, Xia Ye arrested himself, and the people around him seemed to take it for granted.

Xia Ye's vicious appearance, Yang Guo still has lingering fears, she has no choice but to read out word by word.

Seeing his vitality drop one by one, Yang Guo was of course scared, and then burst into tears.

Gua masters, there are special rules for doing things, you can figure it out and don’t say it, but if you say it, you will have to bear the consequences.

Although the hexagram master speaks out the hexagram images, the fans of the hexagram are still there. The interpretation of the hexagram is different from the fortune-telling. This is another job.

Of course, Yang Guo would too, but she didn't dare.

This hexagram alone can kill her, not to mention the interpretation.

If Xia Ye really held on to it, Yang Guo would only have one fate today, dying on the spot.

"Sister Ruan, I'm so miserable!"

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable it is, the more I think about it, the more wronged I feel. The first hexagram in my life to go out, I almost lost my life.

Who is to blame for this?

I can't blame others, and the divination people don't know what their own hexagrams are, and Xia Ye is even more unintentional.

"Tell your sister, what does that person look like?"

Ruan Yu became curious about Xia Ye. A person who bears the fate of heaven and earth will not be an ordinary person, at least it should be a kind of favored person.

But in this Shenzhou, if there are such people, no matter how young they are, they will not be unknown.


Yang Guo recalled what Xia Ye looked like in her mind. For her ability to describe, it was too difficult to describe a person's appearance.

"It looks very good-looking, but people are very fierce."

After racking his brains, Yang Guo could only give such an answer.

Such a good-looking person has such a turbulent temper. Logically speaking, this is different from the hexagram.

The so-called appearance is born from the heart, the quality of a person can determine his temperament and appearance.

Xia Ye is so beautiful, yet so fierce.


Yang Guo buried her head on Ruan Yu's shoulder.

Ruan Yu sighed. If ordinary people bullied Yang Guo, Ruan Yu would have to let out a sigh of relief.

But this man had such a lot of luck, Ruan Yu couldn't pay attention for a while, so he could only stroke Yang Guo's head and said, "Wait for the master to come back and see how to solve it."

Yang Guo's face was already muddy with tears, but Ruan Yu didn't dislike it, she wiped Yang Guo's face and said, "What's on your body, it's pitch black."

"Mask grass, my grandfather said that as a Gua teacher, especially a girl, I would cause unnecessary trouble, so I ground the mask grass into an ointment and rubbed it on my body."

Yang Guo's dark face was washed away by tears and stained on Ruan Yu's clothes, revealing a healthy wheat complexion.

"Okay, don't cry, didn't you sneak out to do fortune-telling?"

Ruan Yu put Yang Guo on the ground, Yang Guo was about to cry, and there was no more water flowing out, but her voice was still a little wrong: "I'm not here to make money?"

"Then how much did you earn?"

Ruan Yu asked with a broken look on her face.

"There is a middle-grade spirit stone, and silver."


Ruan Yu sighed inwardly, this little girl's teleportation formation alone doesn't know how many mid-grade spirit stones can be Fortunately, the master is relatively rich, and this high-quality spirit stone is not placed in the eyes.

To say that the most profitable professions in this world, apart from pharmacists, are Gua masters.

In a profession that is not at the top of the industry, even if Yang Guo's grandfather is not a hexagram, there will be many people who come up to compliment him.

The purpose is to form a so-called "good relationship"

Naturally, there is no shortage of such spiritual stones.

Otherwise, with Yang Guo's "shrewd" ability to settle accounts, it would have been over long ago.

I can't make ends meet.

But how can this be done? Yang Guo's parents died very early, and they were always brought up by her grandfather.

She grew up with Ruan Yu from a young age, and there were only Yang Guo, Ruan Yu, and her grandfather on the Yunguanzong Xingfeng.

Yang Guo has never been in contact with ordinary people since she was a child, so Yang Guo's nature is naturally a little naive, and it is easier to trust others.

Otherwise, she would not have been coaxed by her grandfather to learn the line of hexagrams.

Yang Guo was also nicknamed by the disciples of Yun Guanzong as the first female hexagram teacher in the world.

"Do you know the name of the man you fortunetellers today?"

Ruan Yu hesitated for a long time, but still wanted to investigate this person. In this world, there are only seeds, the masters of the world, and the devils of the world...

"I heard a commoner say that his name is Xia Ye, the son of the Xia family or something, and the others don't know."

"Okay, let's not talk about it, go and wash it. When the master comes back, we will discuss it again."

Ruan Yu would naturally not have to worry about it if it was righteous luck.

But if this is really the devil in this world, we must try to solve it. Before the disaster comes, we must contain it in the cradle!

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