ten minutes later

Li Qingxue finally finished applying the medicine to Li Qingshuang

"Okay! Sister!" Li Qingxue said with a smile.

"Yeah! Our Qingxue is awesome!" Li Qingshuang smiled and rubbed Li Qingxue's head

"Hey!" Li Qingxue enjoyed this feeling very much

"Okay! Qingxue! Let's go! I'll take you back to your room!" Li Qingshuang stood up and held Li Qingxue's hand.

Li Qingxue grabbed Li Qingshuang's hand and said

"Sister! I want to sleep with you tonight!"

"No! Your mother will be unhappy if she sees it!" Li Qingshuang refused.

"Sister! I haven't slept with you for a long time! Don't worry, I will get up early and go back tomorrow! Okay?" Li Qingxue shook Li Qingshuang's hand and said coquettishly

Li Qingshuang was a little confused

Once before, because Ma Yu discovered that Li Qingxue was sleeping with her, Li Qingshuang was beaten by Ma Yu for half an hour. It was no less severe than this time!

But looking at her sister's begging look, she couldn't bear to be cruel after all.

In the end, Li Qingxue got his wish and slept with Li Qingshuang.

"Sister! I want to hold you and sleep like this forever!" Li Qingxue smiled.

"Yeah! My sister wants it too! Go to bed early!" Li Qingshuang said dotingly.

"Okay! Good night, sister!"

"Good night!"

At the age of 8, it is easy to oversleep when you are really snooty. Li Qingshuang was beaten severely yesterday and was very tired, so she also overslept.

So Ma Yu finally found out that Li Qingxue was sleeping in Li Qingshuang's house.

She angrily picked up Li Qingxue from the bed, and then grabbed Li Qingshuang with her other hand.

The two of them woke up instantly

After reacting, Li Qingshuang was already prepared to be beaten severely again.

Soon several maids skillfully handed over the belts

But Li Qingxue was not happy. She panicked when she saw the belt. Her sister was beaten so badly yesterday.

she cried and begged

"Mom! I insist on sleeping here with my sister. If you want to beat me, just beat me!"

"Take the young lady out yet!" Ma Yu shouted angrily.

Several maids immediately took the struggling Li Qingxue out of the room. After closing the door, the sound of belt whipping soon came from inside.

Li Qingxue struggled desperately and finally struggled down, but could not open the door.

She had no choice but to go to her father for help

At this time, Li Long was sitting calmly at the dining table eating breakfast. Li Qingxue was crying and begging his father to save his sister.

Li Long seemed to have not heard anything and ate breakfast calmly.

In the end, Li Qingxue was so noisy that she was locked in her room!

After returning to the room, she cried and made a fuss, but no one cared about her.

So that day, Li Qingshuang was beaten again because of Li Qingxue

That night, when she went to see her sister again, she was turned away.

Although she is young, she also knows why

In the end, she said a few sorry words and returned to her room crying.

Since then, she knew that her mother didn't like Li Qingshuang and deliberately abused her and bullied her!

And his father also acquiesced in Ma Yu's behavior

She is only 8 years old and has no way to help her sister

She knew that her mother didn't want her to be too close to Li Qingshuang

So she began to distance herself from Li Qingshuang, and began to gradually become dissatisfied with Li Qingshuang and find fault with him.

Sure enough, Ma Yu saw that Li Qingxue had finally "enlightened", and specially called Li Qingxue into the room and warned her:

"Qingxue! You did the right thing today. That loser is not worthy of being your sister! She is the slave of our family! You will continue to treat her like this in the future, do you hear me?"

"Yes! Mom! I understand!" Li Qingxue nodded, with a hint of cunning in his eyes

Ever since Ma Yu discovered Li Qingxue's change, she never took the initiative to ask about Li Qingshuang!

She plans to train Li Qingxue well from a young age, so that when she grows up, mother and daughter will take action together, and it will be more enjoyable to torture Li Qingshuang in this way.

At the same time, it is also a pleasure to watch others torture Li Qingshuang!

Li Qingxue also ushered in a short respite period

But Ma Yu soon discovered that something was wrong. Li Qingxue was doing some painless operations. She didn't want Li Qingshuang to live so comfortably.

So Ma Yu gave Li Qingxue a second education

Li Qingxue knew that her mother was suspicious, so she had no choice but to intensify her efforts. She began to imitate Ma Yu and beat Li Qingshuang with a belt. Li Qingshuang did not dare to resist because Ma Yu was right next to her.

Although Li Qingxue's spanking didn't hurt, she felt very painful. How could the sister she loved so much become like this? She was heartbroken!

Later, Ma Yu even personally taught Li Qingxue to frame Li Qingshuang. Of course Li Qingxue was unwilling, but she was worried that Ma Yu would beat Li Qingshuang, so she could only take action.

Li Qingshuang was framed by Li Qingxue in various ways and suffered many crimes.

Li Long even beat Li Qingshuang himself several times.

Li Qingxue began to regret a little. She seemed to have done bad things with good intentions. Her original intention was to save her sister from suffering!

Ever since Li Qingshuang was beaten by Li Longye, the way she looked at Li Qingxue had completely changed. Before, she had imagined that this was Li Qingxue's intention!

But now she has given up completely!

The originally bad relationship between the two sisters was completely broken.

Later, after Li Qingshuang entered high school, she began to live on campus and never came back during this period.

Li Qingxue also breathed a sigh of relief. She finally no longer had to torture her sister.

The way Li Qingshuang looked at her made her feel uncomfortable, but she didn't dare to say anything

After entering high school, Li Qingshuang studied hard and was admitted to Xincheng University.

Even when she went to college, Li Qingshuang did not slack off and won scholarships from the school every year.

After graduation, Li Qingshuang directly joined the Li Group, but she did not leave the Li family immediately

Now she is no longer a piece of fish to be slaughtered by others.

Although Ma Yu still keeps looking for trouble, she doesn't just do it casually anymore! Ma Yu was so angry that she almost fainted many times.

Even Li Long came forward to reprimand Li Qingshuang, but Li Qingshuang was still not afraid because she had received the support of her grandfather.

Although Ma Yu is arrogant, she is still very afraid of Li Long's father

Seeing his sister finally getting tough at home, Li Qingxue was also sincerely happy for her sister

She wanted to go to Li Qingshuang to explain to her many times, but Li Qingshuang just walked past her like a stranger.

For Li Qingshuang, Li Qingxue's betrayal was even more unacceptable to her. She would rather Ma Yu kept beating her than her sister betrayed her.

Li Qingshuang climbed to the position of general manager of Li Group on her own within a few years of entering the company.

Later, before Grandpa Li Qingshuang passed away, he divided the position of president of the Li Group and all the shares in his hands among the Li family members.

Li Qingshuang alone received 40% of the shares

After Grandpa Li Qingshuang passed away, everyone in the Li family, including Li Long and Mayu, began to fall out.

But Li Qingshuang is no longer what he used to be, and he directly announced his departure from the Li family

Everyone in the Li family was stunned.

After reacting, they all reprimanded Li Qingshuang.

Li Qingshuang directly showed his identity as the president of Li Group to suppress everyone. Their positions and shares were lower than Li Qingshuang.

If Li Qingshuang is angered, they will not get any good results.

[The chapter was under review last night, so it was not released. It has been reviewed now! Sorry! 】

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