26 – That was it (7)

This is a branch of Secretto under the administration.

I was waiting for my teammates to do a specific task.

One of the team members is Han Tae-woo in a purple suit standing in front of him now.

is the chief

“Are you here, senior?”

I put the cell phone I was looking at in my pocket and said hello.

Taewoo Han pointed at my pocket with his chin and asked.

“You were reading my novel, right?”


“Then tell me what rank the main character achieved in the latest episode.”

“It’s grade B.”

“Yes? I guess I saw it.”

“hahahaha… Yes. Who else can see it besides me?”

Han Tae-woo smiled and sat down next to me.

“I’m writing as a hobby, as a hobby. If I use each one, I can make a big hit.”

“Then why don’t you use each one and retire early?”

Han Tae-woo, who had been looking at me blankly, suddenly put on a headlock and shouted.

“Is this bastard making fun of the senior, what is it?”

“Isn’t it the senior who said it first? And it doesn’t hurt at all.”

I didn’t feel any pain because I already had a shield on my head.

“Eh. Anyways… Wait a little longer. The big one is coming in the next episode.”

“I don’t know how many times that big one comes.”

A strange novel in which the only daughter of S-class hero parents goes crazy at the academy and ends up messing around after graduation.

That is Han Tae-woo’s web novel.

In words, these days, such materials work or something.

I don’t know if it’s a web novel, so there’s no way to confirm it.

But what is certain is that the senior’s web novel has already been ruined, regardless of whether it is a material that can be eaten or not.

First of all, the character of the female protagonist is not very good.

Not enough to control the academy with their parents on their back, they harass one poor professor by designating him as their advisor.

There were already all kinds of curse words in the comments, and at that time, senior Han Tae-woo was having a hard time.

Whenever I say that I use it as a hobby, it seems that I actually pay a lot of attention to it.

Still, readers who expected something to happen with the advisor continued to follow, but the advisor disappeared without a rumor after the main character’s graduation and has not even appeared until now.

I’m the only one following up to the latest update after another big drop in readers here.

I don’t want to read it at all, but I have no choice but to read it because I’m the closest senior to me.

If I read every episode and don’t give feedback, I’ll probably feel depressed again.

Even if I don’t want to see the team leader go back and forth like that, I’m forcing myself to read it.

And… Han Tae-woo is the only friend I can open up to.

“Just wait. Something big is coming soon. But don’t you give me feedback on this episode?”

“Yes… I have to…”

I’m not sure where to start commenting.

“That Dr. Cube is the villain. Did that copy Dr. Thief?”

“What are you talking about? You copied the name because it’s like two letters. It’s definitely a character I made.”

“Is that so? Anyway, but what the hell is that villain?

The villain Dr. Cube, who appears in a web novel written by senior Han Tae-woo, who claims to have never imitated Dr. Sif, a very famous fictional villain.

He used to be a former hero but turned into a villain by turning himself into a villain.

The most representative of these is the technology that compresses a person into a square.

That’s why it’s called Dr. Cube.

“Why? How is it?”

“I’ve never heard of using Aura like that. And the motive for turning into a villain is clumsy. No matter how novel it is, there has to be some probability. Because I create a character without thinking about it, readers fall away in droves whenever a new person comes out. “

Senior Han Tae-woo scratched his head annoyed at the harsh feedback.

“Mr. Ha… It’s strange… I thought I picked it out nicely…”

“Then I’ll do it as the main villain, how can you kill so vainly in just one episode?”

“If it was like that, you should have said it earlier, man! Shall we revise it again?”

Senior Han Tae-woo groped for his suit looking for his cell phone as if he was about to make amends right away.

“By the way, is Jia late?”

“I’ll bring Minha to school and come back.”

“Will you take the grown-up child?”

“Ah. I told my parents to come for counseling on higher education.”

Read from noble mtl dot com

Min-ha is the only daughter of senior Han Tae-woo and my classmate Seo Ji-ah.

“Aren’t you going to the academy?”

“I have to send them. If possible, I’d like to send them to Grafford, but since Jia and I aren’t in Class A yet, we have a lot to prepare separately.”

“I guess so. Grafford is better than halfway academies. Then work harder and achieve A-level before entering Minha. Stop writing web novels.”

“Why don’t you guys work harder and raise your performance instead of pushing me?”

“I don’t intend to do that. I’ll do my best and go on to become an academy professor.”

“Professor Gyohyun? Associate professor?”

At my words, senior Han Tae-woo giggled and punched me in the shoulder.

“Would the academy accept you? A hero whose name wasn’t even listed in the administration? And if that was the case in the first place, you shouldn’t have entered Secreto. What are you doing here?”

“I told you. I don’t like being photographed, being criticized, and receiving attention from normal people.”

“Anyway, a slimy bastard like mold.”

Han Tae-woo, who had been clicking his tongue, snapped his fingers as if he had suddenly remembered.

“Hey! Then we can do it like this.”


“You suffer just a few more years and move on to the academy. You go first and become a professor before Minha enters the school.”

“So what?”

“So what’s the matter? You’re our Min-ha advisor.”

I stopped laughing at that absurd remark.

“Do you have a job to make Min-ha an F-class hero and send it to a construction site?”

“What? Are you going to be a professor now with that attitude?”

“I teach you defense techniques, so where are you going to use them?”

“Hmm… that’s also true. Then, from now on, practice a total attack or whatever.”

“Easy to say…”

The door opened and another hero entered.

It was Seo Ji-ah, wearing a purple suit similar to Han Tae-woo.

Seo Ji-ah, with long black straight hair and a rather gloomy expression, looked at me and smiled.

Read from noble mtl dot com

Min-ha is more like her mother than her father.

Until now, I had only seen Minha in pictures.

When I first saw such a picture of Min-ha, I thought it was a picture of Jia when she was young.

Read from noble mtl dot com

Minha and Jia look alike to that extent.

“Are you here early?”

“There’s nothing to say because I’m single. I heard you’re taking Min-ha.”

“Yeah. Anyway, I went to school and had a meeting with my homeroom teacher.”

Then Taewoo Han, who was next to him, intervened.

“What do you say? Can you go to Grafford?”

“You and I asked first?”

At those words, senior Han Tae-woo shut his mouth.

Han Tae-woo and Seo Ji-ah are both B-class.

“Well, you can do it if you work hard.”

Senior Han Tae-woo, who had heard the difficult answer, scratched his chin and said it was not a big deal.

“But do you know what? I heard Professor Hyun-yi is going to become a professor at the academy?”

“What? Why? Suddenly, what professor?”

“I decided to make Minha our advisor.”


When Seo Ji-ah saw me, she shook her head.

“I just said I wanted to be a professor, but what about an advisor?”

“That’s great. I hope you can make Minha into an S-class.”

When Seo Ji-ah took another drink, I smiled awkwardly.

“Right now, I have to upgrade, but there is no parent who is completely troublesome to be in S class.”

“If something goes wrong with Min-ha, can I go to the academy and grab her by the neck and slap her in the face?”

Senior Han Tae-woo laughed loudly while talking nonsense.

At that time, a broadcast calling us came from the command and control room.

Now that all three of us who are going to sortie today have gathered, we are about to start a detailed mission briefing.

“Where did you say you were going this time?”

“Central border area. Decided to intervene in recent border disputes.”

When I asked while walking down the hallway, senior Han Tae-woo answered.

“This sortie is not too burdensome. It’s against a conventional army, so if you don’t leave any traces, it will end easily.”

Seo Ji-ah, walking next to me, tapped my shoulder.

“Hey, Professor Gyo-hyeon. How about spicy braised ribs when you get back from work? There’s a place Minha and I went to the other day, and it’s really good.”

“You know I hate spicy.”

“No. It’s spicy there, but it’s deliciously spicy. It’s true. Trust me.”

“It’s deliciously spicy? After all, it’s spicy.”

We went into the command and control room, having small talk.

The moment the automatic door of the command and control room closes,

In an instant, the scenery turned upside down, and I was again on the ground and looking up at the sky.

As in every recurring dream, meteors were slowly falling through the clouds from the sky.

And I looked up at it, devastated as always.


Soon, the meteor crashed on a mountain far away, and I fell on my knees in extreme despair and fell to the ground.

* * * * *

When I opened my eyes, I was lying face down on the cold floor of the archive.

The mental barrier, which shook like crazy and drove me to the brink of fainting, was quietly and firmly defending my mind before I knew it.

Slowly raising my upper body, I picked up Han Tae-woo and Seo Ji-ah’s school records that were scattered on the floor.

What I just saw was… what…?

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