The Wandering Planet

Chapter 29: Spherical Lightning Weapon

When Qiao Li finished recording voice samples, she found that Liu Peiqiang and Wang Lei had been waiting for him long ago.

培 Liu Peiqiang stepped forward and said, "When I heard Moss remind me that simultaneous interpretation also supports Neville translation, I wondered if you were back, and I was guessed."

Wang Lei also smiled and said rarely: "It seems your plan is successful, now the Neville people are on our side."

当然 "Of course, I am your special envoy." In front of two old friends, Qiao Lu was not so polite.

It is indeed a great credit to bring Neville and Wandering Earth together, and no one can deny it.

What made Jolly curious was that the two of them were driving in a mineral carrier, the one he had driven when he first came to stray the earth.

But this vehicle was obviously modified a bit, the armor became thicker, and a bulldozer-like shovel was added to the front.

But the most conspicuous part is that there is an additional mobile turret on the roof with a 20mm machine gun mounted on it. This firepower obviously exceeds the scope of self-defense.

Qiaolu asked: "This car you drive is ..."

Liu Peiqiang replied: "Oh, this is an armed mining vehicle modified with a carrier vehicle, because we are not going to start digging the ore immediately afterwards? So we directly converted the carrier vehicle into a combat vehicle and dropped it. We would not dare to casually use a tank. Fired, so I used this 20mm cannon. "

"You guys are really budget-conscious."

Qiao Qiaolu also experienced the performance of these carriers, and it is no problem to convert them into armored vehicles. A 20mm cannon should be enough to penetrate the RDA's bipedal human mech, maybe it can really work wonders.

Wang Lei interjected suddenly: "Don't say so much, General Luo Feng should be discussing tactics with other people, let's listen to it."

"Is he still a general?" Qiao Li only knew that Luo Feng was a representative of the coalition government. He did not expect that he would become the frontline commander of this operation.

培 Liu Peiqiang nodded: "He is a soldier and is responsible for directing various military operations in the Wandering Earth plan. This war is about the fate of the entire earth, so of course he personally directs it."

That's an incredible task, at least Qiao Li doesn't have such a high level of military talent.

The three of them boarded the car and headed to the headquarters together. In this temporary hut, Luo Feng was discussing with other staff officers about the tactics to be adopted next.

"According to the Scout report, the other party has a large number of gunboat helicopters and bipedal human mechs. In order to avoid intensive fire damage, we should maintain synergy with the three-three system tactics, advance layer by layer, and alternately cover the attack. At the same time, we must avoid confrontation with the enemy. Fang Zongli confronted head-on, using the complex terrain of the Pandora jungle to penetrate and surround, infiltrating behind the enemy to launch a raid. "

Luo Luofeng explained various tactics on the stage intently, without paying any attention to the arrival of Qiao Lu and others.

I saw that he had worked out effective tactics for such extreme conditions in such a short period of time. Qiao Li also had to admire that what was really professional was different.

If the Neville people in the movie can also master this team assault tactics, at least it will cause a lot of trouble for the RDA troops. If they can use the jungle guerrilla tactics more flexibly, they may drag RDA into the people's war. Inside the ocean.

It's a pity that all this was ruined by only the reckless movie protagonist Jack in his mind. After gathering 20,000 people, there was only one human-like death charge. It was really not surprising that the other side's mechanized troops could not be beaten by the mechanized forces.

It seems that it is best to train the Neville tactical literacy within this week. Do not expect them to master how superb infantry cooperative operations, at least don't just keep hitting the opposite muzzle.

After the tactical meeting, Luo Feng only noticed the arrival of Qiao Li, beckoned to him and said:

"Joel, you're here. I happen to have something for you, come with me."

"Give me something?"

Qiao Li was very surprised. What was it that Luo Feng had to hand over to himself?

He then followed Luo Feng to the armory and entered a tightly guarded room.

In the center of this room is a very strangely shaped weapon. It is a sci-fi electromagnetic rifle with a long conductive barrel and a blue superconducting battery as its energy core.

There should be no such electromagnetic weapon on the stray earth. How could this electromagnetic rifle suddenly appear?

Just as Qiao Li was puzzled, Luo Feng explained: "This is a new concept weapon designed by my daughter Luo Yun. Her project is called the Spherical Lightning Project. Originally, this plan has been met because it has not been broken for a long time Giving up, I did not expect Luo Yun to use the superconducting ore you brought back as the core and successfully developed a superconducting battery that can provide huge energy, so that this plan can be restarted. "

It turned out to be a technological breakthrough caused by Pandora superconducting ore ~ ​​ ~ This is no wonder.

I just care more about Qiao Li, fellow, you have a daughter!

Of course, if he is so rude, Qiao Li won't really say it. He still asked step by step: "So this gun is the product of the Ball Lightning Project? Is it really a new concept weapon?"

Luo Feng replied: "According to Luo Yun, this is just an experimental weapon. It cannot yet produce a spherical lightning with quantum effects. However, we have tested and found that it can release a strong current and can be effective. Ground killers and ground vehicles. Since superconducting ore is needed, there is only such a prototype gun at this time. "

So, this gun should be called a ball flash rifle, a weapon that can fire ball lightning, at least on the battlefield will be very windy.

Luo Luofeng picked up the ball flash rifle and handed it to Qiao Li, and told him:

"Although Luo Yun is not satisfied with this work, there should be no more powerful rifle as a single weapon. So I want to give it to you and use it as your hero. I think Luo Yun will also be happy. "

Xun Qiaolu took this heavy ball flash rifle, which not only represents the trust of Luo Feng, but also the hard work of weapon designer Luo Yun, which is indeed of extraordinary significance.

He nodded solemnly and said, "I know, I will make good use of it."

Due to the need to ride a phantom dragon to fight, Qiao Li can't just think about hand-to-hand combat as before, and having a powerful long-range weapon can undoubtedly provide a lot of help. Qiao Li really wants to thank this unseen female the scientist.

Just wait for the end of the war. Before that, use this ball flash rifle to give RDA a little color.

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