The Wandering Planet

Chapter 305: God plan

Qiao Li returned to the Frontier Base of the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force. At this time, the climate in the Antarctica became more abnormal. .

If it had not experienced the extreme cold on the wandering earth, I am afraid that the expeditionary forces would not be able to adapt to work in such a harsh environment, and everything around them seems to be back to the most difficult time, but now their equipment has been updated several times Time.

The Kun Kun fighter plane landed on thick snow, and a cloud of snow rose.

Qi Qiaolu stepped out of the cabin and asked Liu Peiqiang, who was welcoming him, "How can it become so cold all of a sudden? Even the South Pole is too abnormal."

"Yeah, it made me want to find a planetary engine for heating." Liu Peiqiang said jokingly.

Qiao Lu glared at him and said, "Is that how the planetary engine is used?"

培 Liu Peiqiang said very seriously: "If it is necessary, it is used this way."

The two entered the front base command, and the others were busy. During Qiao Li's departure, they gathered more information and learned more about what happened in this Overwatch world.

Zhang Zhezhong has been waiting in the conference room for a long time. When he saw Qiao Li returned, he quickly asked him:

怎么 样 "How is it, Joey, have you successfully contacted the Overwatch organization?"

Bian Qiaolu nodded and said, "Yes, but it will take some time to convince them to work with us."

"Really, then it's up to you."

Zhang Zhezhong then took out a document and said, "During your absence, we have also investigated more about this world. The first thing is about today's climate anomaly. Obviously this does not happen naturally, but A man-made climate disaster like our Wandering Earth project is just not as exaggerated as we were. "

"What's causing it?" Qiao Lu asked.

Zhang Zhezhong replied: "According to our climatologist's analysis, it seems to be related to the movement of the moon. When we used the planetary engine to push away the moon, a similar climate occurred, so we suspect that something is quietly changing. Lunar orbit. "

"Is there something on the moon?"

Qiao Li immediately thought of Winston's hometown, the Horizon Lunar Base, where it was genetically modified to become a gorilla with high intelligence today.

So maybe Winston will have some clue, even the changes that happen to him are related to the things on the moon.

"As for the other thing, the first generation of Bill mentioned earlier had the problem of human emotions, and we have found the reason."

Zhang Zhezhong called in the computer expert Bill last time and asked him to explain their latest findings to Qiao Li.

"Cough, the reason is actually very simple." Bill cleared his throat and said, "The intelligence technology possessed by humans in this world was not invented at all, but discovered from a series of ancient civilizations."

"Remains of ancient civilization?"

This discovery suddenly made Qiao Li even more curious. The intellectual technology in Overwatch actually came out by digging the remains of ancient civilizations.

概念 What is this concept? Could it be that during the primitive tribe, humans already knew how to make intelligent robots?

Gambier continued: "Yes, the remains of ancient civilizations that have been identified as linked to the intellectual civilization include: Anubis Temple, Nepal's Sanctuary, Ilios Ruins, Petra City, etc."

"Humans in this world created a large number of intellectual weapons through the technology found in the remains of these ancient civilizations?"

In this way, why can humans understand so little about intelligence? The technology of making smart devices does not belong to humans. Of course, I don't know how to understand the idea of ​​smart devices.

No wonder a mental crisis will occur!

但 "But where did these technologies come from? It can never be created by ancient humans."

Biao Qiaolu asked further, if this is too bizarre.

"We are also not sure about this. Unless we can go to these ruins for investigation in person, we cannot know the truth." Bill shrugged helplessly.

Zhang Zhezhong took the topic and said, "Except for the sanctuary in Nepal, which is occupied by a group of monks who believe in intellectual pupils, other ruins have been contracted and developed by enterprises. One of the first companies to launch intellectual instruments as a product was one of them. The developer of the ruins further validates our idea that the wisdom technology comes from the ruins of ancient civilizations. "

I can imagine that one of the companies must have begun to die in the first place, and then other businesses found it profitable to follow suit, and finally led to the situation where smart devices are now everywhere.

"During the investigation of these companies, our hackers also found a file called the" God Plan ", but unfortunately the file has been deleted, and we can only recover part of it."

As he typed on the keyboard, he quickly projected several photos on the screen of the conference room. These were photos of the ancient temples of Anubis, the sanctuary of Nepal, the ruins of Ilios and the city of Petra.

"It is mentioned in the archives that a powerful super AI has been unearthed in this ancient civilization relic. It has the ability to control all the intelligence equipment linked to it, and the core of God's plan is ..."

"Collect and use these super AIs to control all the smart devices in the world?"

Qiao Li directly interrupted Bill's words ~ ~ If this can be done, then at least among the intellectuals, they are God.

Now that everything is finally clear, this organization that is digging up the remains of ancient civilizations and trying to gather all the super AI and execute God's plan is the real power trying to control the world!

Zhang Zhezhong said: "This organization uses one eye as their logo, so we will temporarily call it Tianyan. There is no doubt that all companies trying to excavate the remains of ancient civilizations are one of them, but I am afraid they are far from all . "

"I see, it's much better for us to know that."

Immediately after his disapproval, Qiao Li received a communication from the Gibraltar monitoring station, and it seemed that Winston had already considered it clearly.

Qiao Li picked up the communication, and immediately showed Winston's characteristic orangutan face with glasses on his screen, and said solemnly to Qiao Li:

乔 "Qiao Li, I admit that you are right. Black Talon and Intellect are not our greatest enemies. We need to talk again. What do you say?"

"Of course, I'm happy."

一次 This time, Qiao Li was more confident that he could persuade Overwatch to reach a cooperation with Wandering Earth.

黑 The black technologies they have mastered are already in Qiao Li's pocket!

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