The Wandering Planet

Chapter 42: 1 ball 1 way plan

Scrutinizing that everyone understood what he meant, Qiao Li further said:

"Although the Nevilles are keen on hunting, their bow and arrow making technology is still only at the Stone Age level, and there is still much room for improvement."

"Although they can tame animals such as heavy armored horses, ikalan pterosaurs through neural connections, they are not equipped with reins and stirrups, and they just keep a part of the animals to maintain balance."

这些 "These are the things we can change for them, and not the high technology they despise, but the simplest and most practical things that best meet their basic needs and are most likely to interest them."

The words of Qi Qiaolu made everyone suddenly realize that these things may be more useful to them in terms of Neville lifestyle.

More importantly, the cost is even lower, and almost no resources are consumed. The wandering earth can easily produce a lot of bows, arrows, reins and horse stables.

If this can satisfy Neville people, it would be better.

But at this time, Dr. Grace shook her head and said, "These things are really useful for Neville people, but it is hard to say whether they are willing to accept them. Neville people are very traditional and they will instinctively reject them. All new things, these appliances we provide, may not really be accepted by them. "

In fact, this is the real problem. The tradition of Neville people leads them to be unwilling to try new inventions provided by humans. This is the root cause of RDA's helplessness.

If there is no way to overcome this problem, it is useless to meet their basic needs.

Biao Qiaolu nodded with a smile: "Of course I took this into consideration."

Dr. Grace's eyes widened in disbelief at once. In her opinion, such a problem is completely unsolvable. Qiao Li can all solve this?

"It is the Neville tradition that makes them reject new things, but in turn we can use their traditions to make them accept new things."

He said Qiao Li pulled out a bundle of reins from behind him and put them on the table for everyone to see.

Most of the people present didn't know what this meant, only Dr. Grace saw the special significance of the reins at a glance.

"this is······"

"Yes, this is the reins I used to tame the phantom dragon. I should have seen the Neville people who followed me."

After hearing Qiao Li's explanation, everyone immediately realized what Qiao Li wanted to do.

Li Li clapping his hands one by one, "Phantom Knight with the same reins, I don't believe they don't want it anymore!"

虽然 Although this sentence is vulgar, it is undoubtedly such a truth.

On the battlefield, Qiao Li has already shown the role of the reins by example. As a phantom knight worshipped by the Nevilles, do they have any reason to refuse to use the reins?

The role of the role model is unparalleled, just need to show it by Qiao Li himself, no Neville can reject the phantom knight's Amway.

In this way, the Neville tradition will not prevent them from accepting the new thing of reins, but will urge them to pursue this new invention frantically.

Then bows and horses and horse stables can be sold in the same way. All it takes is for Qiao Li to make good use of his reputation. It's all very easy.

In addition, these inventions are really practical and effective. Instead of feeling deceived, Neville people will be more grateful to Qiao Li.

Every problem is solved!

Dr. Grace couldn't help but admire it, which was really something that only Joe Law could do.

The problem that RDA couldn't solve for more than ten years, Qiao Li took less than half a month to get it done.

He is truly unmatched.

"This is indeed a perfect plan that leaves me speechless." Dr. Grace admitted simply.

She has spent so many years, so much money on the Avatar plan, after all, is better than Qiao Lu alone.

Wandering Earth has such leaders, and it is no wonder that so many difficulties can be overcome.

Seeing that everyone had agreed to Qiao Li's plan, Luo Feng announced on behalf of all the directors:

那么 "From now on, we announce the implementation of the aid program for Neville people, with aids such as bows, reins, and stables."

With the order of the coalition government, these things can produce tens of thousands of sets a day, enough to sell to all Neville tribes.

Compared to the benefits that can be obtained, the cost of these items is almost negligible, and it is not as valuable as a carrier on the wandering earth.

Can be called a profitable business.

As for the project, it is naturally Qiao Li who is a phantom knight.

"Then, this project is called a one-ball, one-way plan." Qiao Lu said happily.

So the next day, the one-ball, one-way assistance program was officially launched on Pandora.

Just as Jolly thought, when Neville found that Jolly had been using the reins to control the phantom dragon, their resistance to these new things disappeared.

They happily put reins on their Ikaran pterosaurs, and learn to look like Jolly, trying to use the reins to maintain balance during the flight.

This test completely destroyed the Nevilles, and the reins are much better than they thought, so that they will not be dragged by the two ears of the Ikaran pterosaur, which will feel more to people and dragons. Comfortable.

Relying on this rein, they can make more difficult moves in the air, such as standing up on the dragon's back to shoot, or a roller rotating around the prey.

These are the bold operations of old hunters and advanced arts when there is no reins. Now even young hunters can easily do it with the help of reins ~ ~ The same is true for horse stables, they do n’t need it anymore Struggling to pinch the horse's belly to maintain balance in the heavy armor immediately. Stepping on the stables with both feet can give better strength and stability, greatly improving their riding skills.

The heavy armored horse was originally a means of travel for the Neville people, and it was not until they learned to use the stables that they really mastered the skills of fighting on horseback.

In particular, in the case of using large weapons, you can arbitrarily swing on the horseback in a wide range of directions, angles, and angles, and complete complex combats such as left chopping, right chopping, or dodging without slowing down or worrying about falling. Is unimaginable.

Instantly, the Neville people ’s gratitude to Qiao Li and the Wandering Earth reached a new height, not only because they had fought side by side, but also reached a new height in their exchanges on trade.

Many scientific research experts hope to get the cooperation from Neville people, and they have got their extremely enthusiastic cooperation, especially the research on [Neural Interface] technology has achieved a great degree of breakthrough.

神经 [Neural Interface], which originally required 5000 civilization points for accelerated research, was reduced to only 3,000 civilization points under the efforts of researchers in all aspects.

If you can spend more days in Pandora, this special research project can be completed naturally without acceleration.

But now, compared to this research project, Qiao Li is more concerned about another ability of Neville people.

That is, they rely on the soul transfer ability exerted by the soul tree, not to temporarily transfer the spirit from one body to another, but to permanently transfer the soul from one body to another.

This technology is simply an enhanced version of the Avatar plan. Qiao Li should go see it anyway.

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