The Wandering Planet

Chapter 54: New mainline missions

Pilot Jolly, you and your planet have acquired a new mainline mission: Capture the Core

Task profile:

Due to the long-term civil war between Autobots and Decepticons, Cybertron has been pushed to the edge of destruction, and the entire civilization has entered the post-apocalyptic era, and has become a mechanical wasteland belonging to Transformers.

But Cybertron's planetary energy core still contains huge energy, which is the key to let the wandering earth pass to the next world. However, it should be noted that the Decepticons, who are now gaining the upper hand in the Cybertron civil war, will not let this thing let people down!

Mission Objective: Extract and obtain Cybertron's planetary energy core, and use its energy to transform all planetary engines.

Quest rewards: 8000 civilization points, planet special abilities +1

"Good luck, pilot."

The result is not exactly the same, and it is an extremely ambitious task.

To extract and obtain Cybertron's planetary energy core, at least you must first know the specific location of this core and how to extract it.

Plus the system has clearly told itself that the main force occupying Cybertron is Decepticon.

If you want to solve this task peacefully, it can basically be considered impossible.

Wandering Earth must be hidden first, and after a detailed strategy plan is formulated, it will go all out to win Cybertron's planetary energy core.

Otherwise, once caught in the long tug-of-war between the two civilizations, no matter whether it is time to return to armament, the wandering earth is too much to lose.

The Cybertron planet, which has not been completely destroyed by the war, is as large as Saturn, which is 830 times the size of the stray earth. If you want to fight a full-scale war with the Decepticon, the nuclear bomb reserves on the stray earth are not enough. Used to wash the floor.

Not to mention the effect of nuclear radiation on these Transformers is minimal, it is impossible to cause a destructive blow to the Decepticon.

So Qiao Li must grasp two key points if he wants to achieve this strategic goal:

First, find the anti-decepticon forces (that is, Autobots) on Cybertron's planet, and provide them with a new home as a condition to recruit them to form a coalition against the Decepticon.

Second, directly find the location and extraction method of Cybertron's energy core, use joint raids to get the core and run, and never engage in too much entanglement with the enemy.

I want to do all this, he has to be personally entrusted by his special envoy to the coalition government.

"This task is much more difficult than last time." Qiao Li had to say with emotion.

Even though Cybertron is now a piece of mechanical wasteland, with the inherent combat ability of Transformers, Wandering Earth still has a small chance of success.

I don't even know if Qiao Li can win the game.

However, there is a need to try your best!

Cybertan, here I come!

The probing plan proposed by Bian Qiaolu was quickly adopted in the coalition government, because this was obviously the least expensive early action plan.

Wandering earth either hides itself and does not take any action, once it is taken, it will inevitably exert all human power.

Therefore, it is particularly necessary to detect the target in the early stage and formulate a detailed attack plan accordingly.

A new batch of detection teams was quickly established. Although each of them was told that this might be a dangerous task with no return, the number of volunteers was still far more than expected.

赛 Because Cybertan is much larger than Pandora, in order to ensure that the planet is explored as completely as possible, the number of detection teams has also been increased from ten to one hundred.

300 warriors were finally selected to prepare for this Cybertron landing operation.

They will be scattered around the corners of this huge mechanical planet, and only one will be able to return with key information.

As a matter of course, Qiao Li will continue to lead the team in person.

Qiao Li was surprised that this time Liu Peiqiang and Wang Lei resolutely participated in the operation and continued to serve as their own team members.

Bian Qiaolu bluntly said to Liu Peiqiang: "Liu Peiqiang, you have been in the service for 17 years. If you don't go home and spend time with your children, then follow me everywhere to take risks?"

Liu Peiqiang smiled with endless emotion: "Liu Qi has grown up and can take care of the blossoms. Maybe I don't have to rush back. Not to mention he is not willing to see me yet, I continue Complete my mission. "

Wang Lei also said, "You have heard, Liu Peiqiang, a man with a family and a mouth, has said so. I, a lonely person, need not say anything."

Knowing their thoughts, Qiao Li stopped talking. I am afraid they will continue to fight with themselves until the day when the wandering earth welcomes tranquility and peace.

对于 For now, war and sacrifice are inevitable.

The remaining 297 people also had the same consciousness before volunteering to join the detection team.

On the other hand, after confirming to enter the orbit of the stars, the Chinese sun can finally be used.

The huge mirror surface rises slowly on the earth. The curvature of the mirror surface is used to adjust the climate of the wandering earth by scattering or gathering star light.

The atmospheric motion model accurately calculated by Moss only needs to pinpoint a key point on the earth and use the heat of the Chinese sun to influence ~ ~ will produce a huge effect that is sufficient to gradually change the entire wandering earth climate.

This makes the temperature on the ground much more comfortable than in the past. People don't even need to wear protective clothing. They only need to wear a simple oxygen mask to move freely on the ground.

Looking at the new sun rising slowly in the sky, the people who lived in the dungeon for a long time gave out excited cheers.

Everything is gradually recovering. According to this situation, human beings can return to live on the surface soon.

Under these good ground conditions, the coalition government decided to move the launching ceremony of the pilot space station to the surface.

I let all the participants witness the scene when the pilot space station ascended from Earth to space.

Such a ritual will inevitably greatly enhance human morale on the stray earth.

Of course, ordinary people will not know about the important tasks that these astronauts and survey team members are carrying.

This is not the time to let them know.

In order to ensure the success of the detection mission, all the detection team members wore the latest power exoskeleton equipment with neural interfaces, and under the strong request of Qiao Li, each person carried the largest single-arm counterload. With weapons.

In order to be able to carry a bazooka, many team members even abandoned rifles and grenades. Anyway, they are not dealing with creatures that small caliber bullets can penetrate.

The range is truth, and the caliber is justice. You can carry as many guns as you can.

This is simply an incurable force of phobia!

乔 For Qiao Li, he still has a set of anti-matter power armor to receive, it is time to look at Luo Yun's research results.

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