The Wandering Planet

Chapter 80: Saturated rescue

Before anyone else responded to Qiao Li's proposal, physicist Ding Yi stepped out and said:

"In fact, I just discussed this plan with the Israeli scientist group, and it is indeed feasible."

After all, it is not the first time to use a planetary engine as a weapon, and scientists should consider it.

Biao Qiaolu asked straightforwardly: "So what are your possibilities?"

Ding Yi replied: "Since it is impossible to determine to what extent the cyber planet is weak, we dare not talk about possibilities. But if we only use a planetary engine to launch an attack on Cybertron, it will indeed It is possible. "

That is totally feasible for Qiao Li.

Qiao Li continued to ask, "What conditions are needed to realize this plan?"

Ding Yi explained: "Because the current slowdown of the earth is mainly caused by Cybertron ’s gravity, if we look back now, it is equivalent to going from upstream to downstream, and the speed can be increased at once. a lot of."

In principle, it is similar to using Jupiter's gravitational slingshot to accelerate, but this time it uses the gravity provided by the planet Cybertron itself.

Ding Yi suddenly turned around again: "But the main problem is that we must not only stay close enough to Cybertron, but also ensure that the two planets do not collide. This is still very important for planetary engines. The big demand to the current number of planetary engines is definitely not enough. "

The failure of the planetary engine has reached more than 3,000 seats, and the number of stalled engines is constantly increasing, which certainly cannot meet the needs of the plan.

"We have made predictions that at least 70% of the propulsion engines and 90% of the steering engines must remain in normal operation in order to meet the needs of this plan. If this is not the case, we will probably directly hit Cybertron."

It is not what Qiao Li hopes to see at the same time, but the rescue of a planetary engine cannot be done by one or two people.

What they need is a huge number of rescue teams, and they must continue to reach the overwhelming crazy offensive of the machinery giant in the Susu Qing agreement to gain time for restarting the planetary engine.

This difficulty is too high, and it is accompanied by great risks.

It is not only the hard work of one or a few people, but the joint efforts of millions and even tens of millions of people that can be achieved.

It is like the plan itself of the stray earth.

Qiao Liaowang looked to Luo Feng, and all the government representatives who were informed of the contents of the plan through a telecom meeting.

"I know this is a difficult decision, but this situation is not as bad as sitting still! We have always done this, haven't we?"

After all, this is a stray earth. Even crazy ideas such as building 10,000 planetary engines to push the earth away from the solar system can be carried out. Don't worry about this lack of courage.

代表 The British representative George, who is commanding resistance in London, first stated:

有人 "Some people say that we are doomed to fail, no, because it is doomed to fail, it is worth a fight. I agree with this plan."

Behind him, British fighter aviation is desperately guarding the British Isles, using all means to resist the bombing of enemy air forces and defending the planetary engines from further damage.

Dungeon Radio is still echoing the classic speeches of Churchill:

We will fight to the end!

We will fight in France, we will fight in the ocean, we will fight in the air with increasing confidence and strength, and we will defend the homeland at all costs.

We will fight on the beach, we will fight on the enemy's landing points, we will fight on the fields and streets, we will fight in the mountains.

We will never surrender! !! !!

On the other hand, Russian representative Vasily who is directing the nuclear launch at the Moscow missile launch base also said:

"What else is there to say? Our people are never afraid of any challenge, just give them a little look!"

As an important missile launching base, naturally, this place is also under fierce attack from the machinery army.

But the heroic Russian soldiers refused to budge, blocking the enemy's fierce offensive with the momentum of the Great Wall.

甚至 Some of them even climbed to a nearby high-rise building, took a machine gun and jumped directly to the top of the Decepticon spacecraft for a firing, performing a single-person boarding operation in the hardest way.

Leading military officer shouted the classic saying: "Although Russia is big, we have no way back. Moscow is behind us!"


All the soldiers responded to the enemies who dared to invade with a scream of exuberant battle, daring to attack the dare to attack.

In front of the White House in Washington, the United States representative Derek looked up at the Decepticon army that descended like a dark cloud, reiterating indifferently what President Kennedy had said in his speech on the moon:

Surelytheopeningvistasofspacepromisehighcostsandhardships, aswellashighreward. (Of course, the vision shown by space will be hugely rewarded, but it will also be accompanied by huge difficulties and high costs.)

Soitisnotsurprisingthatsomewouldhaveusstaywherewearealittlelongertorest, towait. (So it's not unexpected, sometimes we wait in a hurry and wait anxiously.)

ButthiscityofHouston, thisstateofTexas, thiscountryoftheUnitedStateswasnotbuiltbythosewhowaitedandrestedandwishedtolookbehindthem. (But Houston, Texas, and the United States of America were not founded by those who are stagnant, content, and willing to fall behind.)

Thiscountrywasconqueredbythosewhomovedforward--andsowillspace. (This country is conquered by those who keep moving ~ ~ So is space.)

As soon as the chanting voice fell, hundreds of anti-aircraft missiles rose from around the White House, whistling towards the huge metal torrent in the sky.

Continuous blasting brightened the sky like daylight, the enemy's wreckage was falling like raindrops, and huge smoke covered the entire battlefield.

There are more war machines still on the horizon. All the weapons and equipment that used to be known to be able to perform exercises with aliens are all in use today.

"Just do what you say, I agree with the plan," Derek said decisively.

代表 French representative Bevin also agreed to the operation.

In this way, only Luo Feng who is sitting in the earth ’s cab has not yet expressed his position.

This is really an unusual thing. After all, he was the first person to stand up in the past to show his support for Qiao Li.

But this time, he was silent to the end.

Luo Feng finally asked Qiao Lu until all four director representatives had voted to agree:

"Joel, would you trust us all?"

This sentence made Qiao Li feel a little strange.

But he replied without hesitation: "Yes!"

Luo Luofeng smiled with satisfaction, then connected to the global broadcast, seriously announced:

"According to the provisions of Article 23 and Article 2 of the" Wandering Earth Law ", I initiated a call to all people, and asked all adult residents who are able to drive delivery vehicles, as well as those related to planetary engine engineering, to volunteer to go to the nearest call site to register for rescue action······"

"Saturated rescue for all damaged planetary engines!"

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