The Way of Heaven

Chapter 262: Wanfa Hall

Eternal continent, Yuanzhou.


   is located in a lofty mountain range outside the territory of the Ninth Dynasty of Human Race, with uninterrupted mountains, thousands of meters high peaks can be seen everywhere, clouds and mists, tiger roars and apes reverberating in the mountains and plains, it is really a primitive and wild scene.


   But in the depths of this wild mountain range, there is a first-rate sect, which is its sect territory for thousands of miles. It is Taoist Yuqing Sect!


Yuqingzong originated from the Yuqing line of the three Taoist lines in the lower world of Kyushu. Several supreme masters of the Yuqing line ascended to the eternal world, and the thousands of years of inheritance of the Yuqing line also came to eternity. boundary.


   But the martial arts of the eternal world are different from those of the Kyushu world, so the ascending Supreme Masters were instructed by Master Yuanhao in the Tianyuan Academy for one or two.


   They revised and improved the inheritance of the Yuqing line, combined with the advantages of the two martial arts, and established Taoist classics and exercises suitable for the eternal continent, which formally laid the foundation of the Yuqing sect.


After hundreds of years of development and growth, and recruiting many disciples, Yuqingzong also gradually appeared in the sixth-order power of the gods, and barely entered the ranks of the first-class power in the Eternal Continent. famous.


   The people of the nine dynasties have also sent people to recruit Yuqingzong, wanting to make friends with them, and fight for more power in the future.


   However, they were rejected by the Yuqingzong. They established the sect on the edge of this human territory. They didn't want to participate in the dynasty hegemony, so how could they accept their solicitation.


   After a hundred years of "peace", the current nine dynasties have more friction, and the contradictions accumulated over the years, such as the explosive package that is about to ignite, will explode violently as long as a chance!


   During this period of time, the border armies of various dynasties have been frequently mobilized, and the situation has been tense. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that a great war will start soon.


   A terrifying battle that swept across the territories of the human race!


   The Great Cang Dynasty has been destroyed for hundreds of years, and the situation of the nine dynasties standing on their feet has continued for hundreds of years.


   And in the process, I don’t know how many people died of unfaithful fate, how many forces were destroyed in the flames of war, a careless, first-class forces may decline in the war.


  For example, in the world of Kyushu, the three powers of Taoism, Buddhism, and Demon Gate have declined in this way, and they have to surrender to the Daewoo dynasty and are unable to resist.


   Therefore, such a background as Yuqing Sect is not strong, and after another lesson, it is impossible to participate in the dynasty struggle of Yuanzhou Human Race.


   Yuqing Sect Master Feng Yuanshifeng, in charge of Qing Xuan in the closed room to retreat to practice, wants to break through to the fifth-order triple pill formation realm, and take the opportunity of breakthrough to improve the level of his Xuan Dan in one fell swoop.


   Suddenly, Qing Xuan was on a whim, and his soul throbbed, causing him to wake up from his spiritual state. He could feel that there was a big opportunity waiting for him outside, which would make his future path of practice smoother.


   "This is..." Qing Xuan hesitated a bit, and the next moment he waved his sleeves, the heavy stone door of the secret room suddenly opened and his figure walked out of the secret room as if shrinking into an inch.


  The martial artist's cultivation base has reached a level. A whim is of great benefit to the martial artist. Many martial artists have resolved the crisis of life and death and gained great opportunities by virtue of this.


   Therefore, Qingxuan has great trust in the throbbing in his heart.


   Qingxuan flew out of the secret room, walking in the air, black hair flying, light white robe raised in the wind, indescribably chic and elegant.


   As soon as he stepped out of the secret room, his heart throbbed more vigorously, his eyes looked far away, and he immediately saw the trace of the "opportunity".


   In the sky dozens of miles away from the gate of Yuqingzong Mountain, a magnificent palace and fairy hall loomed, surrounded by endless auspicious clouds.


   The purple qi and the shining golden light kept tossing, like a divine sword, flattening thousands of miles in the sky. I don't know how many creatures' eyes have been attracted by this alien phase of heaven and earth.


   Qingxuan's eyes are deep and deep, crossing a long distance, penetrating the purple and golden light, and falling on the palace, he found that its huge plaque was written with three spiritual writings with infinite Taoism rhyme.


   "Hall of Ten Thousand Faiths!"




   Cangjie, Luotiandaozhou, Tianburn Mountain Range.


   The three Shao Meng, who were about to enter the deep cave to see the spiritual veins, had a meal, their complexions changed drastically, and they looked up at the sky above the sky that suddenly changed.


   I saw the projection of the sun and stars that were still high above the sky and under the built wood just before, the light dimmed, hidden by the folds of space, and the day disappeared like flowing water.


   Dark night falls, ten thousand stars twinkling, and the endless aura of heaven and earth riots in a radius of thousands of miles, gathering somewhere in the sky, causing hurricanes out of thin air.


   Thousands of miles of clouds are moved, like a whirlpool, slowly rotating, and a magnificent palace in the center tries to break through the powerful constraints of space and descends into this world.


   Feeling the arrival of a majesty stronger than the rumors of the cultivator in the Purple Mansion, Shao Meng's face turned pale, his cultivation completely broke out, and his purple eyes were full of shock, "What is this!"


   And the old turtle on the side, when he first saw the palace appearing on the sky, his whole body shuddered involuntarily, and his voice trembled slightly, "This is the Palace of Wanfa!"


   "The Hall of Wanfa? This is the Hall of Wanfa that is rumored to contain the vast number of fairy magic and the number of Hengsha!" everyone around exclaimed.


   "It is said that the Wanfa Hall appeared once a hundred years ago. Almost all the first creatures in the blue world entered the Wanfa Hall. They obtained various levels of exercises and spells in it, and really laid the foundation of Immortal Dao!"


  The founder of the upper part of the Three Thousands, also because of the appearance of the Wanfa Hall, obtained high-level exercises and spells, and his strength grew faster, far stronger than him, and successfully occupied the three thousand sacred mountain and became the overlord of one party!


   "Yes, it is the rumored Hall of Ten Thousand Faiths." Old Turtle's eyes were extremely complicated, and the veins of the arm holding the Dragon Rod violently throbbed, obviously his mind was extremely shaken.


   When the Wanxian Temple appeared last time, the old turtle was one of the few first creatures who did not enter it, which also made his cultivation level far worse than others.


   As for the reason, he was practicing the spiritual turtle longevity art inherited from the bloodline, and fell into a deep sleep without noticing the appearance of the Wanfa Hall.


   When he finished his practice, he only saw the sight of a creature being sent out and the Wanfa Hall disappeared without a trace...


   This has made Turtle Lao a hundred years old, I don't know how many times he regrets it, and I can't wait to look back in time so that he can choose again.


   Now that the Wanfa Hall appeared in the blue world again, appeared in front of him, he must enter it and obtain a supreme cultivation technique!


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   At this time, the Wanfa Hall on the sky is completely visible in the blue world, purple air lingers for thousands of miles, endless golden light shining on the whole world, a light and crisp sound, the portal that is as tall as a mountain suddenly opens!


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