The Way of the Center

Chapter 351: This ball is dedicated to you

Before the game started, Anjie and Garnett had already confronted each other. E novel Ww┡W. *1XIAOSHUO. Even the referee who whistled the game shook his head helplessly. This game will definitely put him under a lot of pressure.

Although Garnett is tall and long, Anjie is even more exaggerated than him in this respect! The aging Garnett is no longer the young boy with amazing jumping, so Anjie still won the first attack for the Trail Blazers as usual.

"Come on, you know this is not a victory at all. Come on, come to the penalty area and try!" Although he lost the scrimmage, Garnett's mouth did not stop. As soon as An Jie landed, he started spraying.

An Jie still didn't speak, but it could be seen from his expression that he is not friendly at all now!

Facing Rajon Rondo, who was the same height as him, with unusually long arms and huge palms, Raymond Felton could not take advantage of it. Don't look at Garnett who is very arrogant on the surface, but in fact Rajon Rondo is not a good stubble.

Stubborn, this is the word used by the Celtics owner to describe Rondo in an interview with reporters. In fact, the old man should have wanted to say "not adjustable", but because of the relationship between Rondo and the team, he didn't say it directly.

Rondo is definitely a very selfish guy, he will not obey anyone's discipline, even if this person is the wolf king, even if this person is the coach of the Celtics. What's more, Felton doesn't belong to any of them. You must know that last season, even if O'Neal and O'Neal suppressed together, Rondo did not reject the bill, and continued to confront the head coach on his own.

In the past few years, Rondo has begun to inflate himself a bit, but his statistics and performance are indeed very good. As soon as Raymond Felton had physical contact with Rondo, he found himself uncomfortable.

"Son of a bitch!" Felton cursed secretly in his heart, Rondo's guy must have learned a few tricks from his big brother Garnett. Felton was stealthily grabbed the jersey by Rondo, which greatly affected his ball-handling rhythm.

And what about Anjie? The confrontation with Garnett is also not easy.

Garnett's defense is as tough as Anjie! He is willing to use his strong chest to confront An Jie hard, and he is also willing to hit An Jie quietly with his fist or knee when the referee is not paying attention.

An Jie is now very annoyed by Garnett, he can't help but turn around and punch that old guy right now. But in that case, he just fell into Garnett's trap. Anjie himself is also a player who is good at irritating matchups. He knows that only by controlling his emotions can Garnett's bad moves be resolved.

After Felton was too entangled, he had to pass the ball hastily,

However, this pass failed to pass through Rondo's big hands.

Rondo took out the ball and advanced forward, but the speed of this young guard was beyond the reach of the players behind.

Anjie was running back very hard, hoping to end the Celtics' counterattack with a big cap. But how could Anjie, who came out of the three-second zone, catch up with Rondo, who came out from the three-point line?

Rondo's easy layup gave the Blazers a hard blow to the away game. Seeing Rondo's beautiful counterattack, Garnett touched his little brother's head happily. Although there have been rumors that Garnett and Rondo are at odds, as long as you can help the team win, then Garnett can completely ignore the past.

Rondo is definitely a likable teammate when he thinks with you. Garnett at this moment is undoubtedly on the same front as him.

"Damn it." Anjie looked at the smug expressions of Garnett and Rondo, and was out of breath. But he can't be impulsive, he knows that Garnett is doing this for himself!

Felton was not discouraged, because what Rondo did also made this strong point guard very upset. This time, Felton's dribbling was not so straightforward. He increased the frequency of changing directions in front of his body and dribbling under his crotch, in order to prevent the basketball from being taken away by Rondo again.

Sure enough, in the face of Felton's skillful ball control, Rondosheng himself had no way to start. Originally, stealing is not an easy task, as in the situation just now, it is indeed not a common occurrence.

But so what? Keeping the ball is the most basic function of a point guard. Just do this, what can Felton prove?

Felton isn't a score-first guard, and he really can't prove anything. But someone inside the Trail Blazers will prove it for him.

Felton opened up a gap, and taking advantage of the gap, Felton sent the ball inside and into An Jie's hands!

In an instant, there were overwhelming boos from the Td North Shore Garden Arena. Here, Garnett's enemy is the enemy of the entire North Shore Garden.

"Did you hear me, boy, no one likes you here! You'd better go back to that rural place in Portland and work as a pork butcher!" After An Jie received the ball, Garnett sprayed even worse. But in fact, this guy was a little nervous!

Anjie tensed his muscles, dribbled the ball backwards, and slammed into it. Garnett felt his chest tight.

"Damn it!" Garnett simply grabbed Anjie's jersey, making Anjie's activities very inconvenient. But even so, he was pushed back by An Jie's second impact.

"Ann, this guy doesn't spare any energy at all!" O'Neal had played in Boston for a year, and he knew exactly how much Garnett weighed. Anjie was able to beat Garnett to such an embarrassment, he must have a lot of strength!

After that, Garnett didn't spout a single trash talk, because he couldn't spare his energy to do other things.

After pushing into the basket, Anjie turned around and made a hook. Garnett took off to block the block, but Anjie turned in the opposite direction and passed Garnett cleanly.

Facing an empty basket, Anjie raised the ball with both hands and took off for a dunk. The height of this standing jump dunk is not amazing, but under An Jie's forceful pull, this dunk still looks powerful and full of violent beauty!

It hasn't been long since the game started, but there are already large beads of sweat on Garnett's head. With just one attack, Anjie let Garnett see his own strength!

You are indeed worthy of people's respect, but now, this is no longer your era!

"This ball is for you sons of bitches!" An Jie spoke to Garnett for the first time after scoring the goal. Of course, this opening was naturally "dirty".

Garnett was so out of breath that the veins in his head swelled completely. Unexpectedly, I was the first to be humiliated by this kid!

"Okay kg, you will have a great time today." Pierce has not seen Garnett with that expression for a long time. He smiled jokingly. People compete.

Actually, why not himself? Although the glory of the Big Three is no longer there, which of these three will be old, and which one will lose their desire for a championship.

No! It's just that Garnett expressed his desire in a more aggressive way.

After the Celtics' offense, Ray Allen immediately fired from beyond the three-point line. Wesley Matthews' interference was in place, but facing a top shooter like Ray Allen, even the blocked Even if it is in place, it cannot completely stop him.

This three-pointer was the first response given to An Jie by the Big Three.

"It seems that the big three and Anjie are preparing for the ultimate showdown in this game! In the first few minutes of the game, the smell of gunpowder is very strong." O'Neill's interest in this game has once again greatly increased, and the tit-for-tat dramatic showdown , is the most exciting part of the nBa.

Then the Trail Blazers and the Celtics had offense and defense with each other, and the two sides played inextricably. But still the Celtics have a slight advantage.

The Big Three, who have experienced various more intense games, will not be difficult for the Blazers' defense at all. Indeed, Anjie put a lot of pressure on the Celtics, but the defense of the rest of the Trail Blazers seemed a bit unsightly.

Especially Wesley Matthews and Gerald Wallace, these two guys faced the old and hot Pierce and Ray Allen, the gap is not a little bit.

On the offensive end, the Celtics' iron-blooded defense made the Trail Blazers suffer. Fortunately, Anjie and Aldridge played well and bit the score. Otherwise, the Celtics might really be able to open the score.

The game was so uneven in the first quarter, and the fans were full of expectations for the following games.

Anjie and Garnett have established a good hostile relationship, now, just waiting to see one of the two of them show their talents.

Bad guy vs. bad guy, this kind of duel just suits the appetite of the fans.

23 to 27, the score of the first quarter of the game between the two sides well reflected the situation on the field. The Celtics have a slight advantage, but it's not safe. The Trail Blazers are a little behind, but not weak. The follow-up of this game is definitely worth looking forward to!

Garnett was out of breath, maybe in the second quarter, he really had to risk his life to fight against Anjie. Only then can the Celtics stabilize the situation at home!

Pierce is right, this game is really fucking interesting for Garnett!

The duel between the third in the East and the third in the West has just emerged.

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