The Way of the Center

Chapter 744: Lore? Anti lore!

When Anjie once again assisted Iguodala to complete a layup, the Moda Center fans jumped out of their seats again.

"The Trail Blazers once again overtook the score! Anjie's pass was very accurate, and Iguodala didn't even need to reach out to catch the basketball! This is the eighteenth time that the two sides have taken the lead alternately today. Let's see, Warriors Can the team continue to respond!"

On the court, the situation of the game has not changed at all. The Trail Blazers and the Warriors each showed their talents, and the excitement of the game greatly stimulated the hearts of the fans.

Until just now, after Iguodala's layup, there was only 2 minutes and 10 seconds left in the game.

The game has entered the final stage, and Ricard and Steve Kerr brought up the starting five early on to start the decisive moment. However, neither of the two teams fighting on the field can gain a substantial advantage.

Now it's the Warriors' offense. As soon as Curry passed halftime, Lillard posted it relentlessly.

Today, Curry's repeated successes outside the three-point line made Lillard defenseless.

Originally, Lillard's height was not dominant, coupled with Curry's super fast shot, it was even more difficult for Lillard to interfere or complete the block.

Ricard did not dare to use double-teams rashly, because the threat of the rest of the Warriors outside the three-point line is also huge. He would rather let Curry score alone than let the Warriors play more blooming offense.

No matter how good the Blazers' defense is, it won't help if everyone on the Warriors shoots.

It is precisely because of this that now Lillard has to face Curry's impact alone. Curry wants to pass the ball after halftime, and then executes off-ball runs to launch the offense.

Thinking of this, Curry looked up, the Trail Blazers players were positioned very well, it can be said that they almost blocked Curry's safe passing route.

"Do you want to come by yourself!?" Curry saw that he could not organize an effective attack in a short period of time, so he prepared to use his personal ability to complete this task.

This time, Curry didn't want to pick and roll, but suddenly pulled back with his crotch, which shocked Lillard.

Although Curry is still two steps away from the three-point line after pulling back, this range has actually entered Curry's range.

I saw this confident No. 30 guard raised the basketball and stood on tiptoe. It looks like he is going to shoot directly!

"It's too small!" Lillard gritted his teeth, although he was pulled away by Curry's sudden retreat just now. But this does not mean that he can tolerate Curry's indifference.

Lillard's legs tensed, and he jumped up with all his strength. Not to mention Curry at such a height, even Bogut standing under the basket and preparing to shoot may be blocked. Lillard still doesn't believe that Curry's shot will never be interfered with.

Just when Lillard has reached the highest point, Curry's feet still haven't left the ground.

Lillard's heart suddenly lit up halfway, could it be...

"Beautiful bow fake, Steph Curry rocks Lillard. Curry passes Lillard after the jump, mid-range pull-up jumper. Beautiful! Basketball hits the net again. Li Kai said that there is really no difficulty! The leading team has once again become the Warriors, and the two sides have taken the lead alternately again!" Mike Brin couldn't help wiping the big beads of sweat on his face after speaking. The degree of intensity makes those who "stand by" feel nervous. Those guys on the court must be under pressure that ordinary people can't bear.

"Damn it!" Lillard waved his arm in disappointment. He originally wanted to retaliate against Curry's attack, but he didn't know that he was once again educated by this kid wearing the No. 30 jersey .

"Don't worry about Damien, the more we have to be calm at this time! There is still the last minute of the game, hold on!" An Jie picked up the basketball on the ground and touched the back of Lillard's head.

Lillard lowered his head,

Like a kid who did something wrong. However, in the next second, all the muscles in his body tensed, and his eyes seemed to be on fire.

That's right, the game is not over yet, he can't just lose to Curry like this!

Aldridge sent the ball from the baseline, and Lillard stepped on his feet and pushed towards the Warriors' hinterland again.

The tug-of-war is to fight until the last moment before there will be a result.

In the next minute, Aldridge's consecutive scoring and Klay Thompson's sudden fever caused the scores of the two sides to continue to rise alternately.

In the last 23 seconds of the game, facing the double-teaming of Green and Bogut, Anjie passed the ball through the cracks. Aldridge, who got an open shot, was not nervous. He jumped up and shot steadily. With desperate eyes, Green watched the orange ball fall into the net.

"Boom!" The next second, Draymond Green even felt the floor under his feet trembling. Aldridge's key shot gave the Trail Blazers a key lead!

Being one point behind the Trail Blazers in the last 23 seconds of the game is a fatal thing for any team!

"We are the Trail Blazers, we are invincible! We are the Trail Blazers, we are invincible!..." The fans in the stands shouted immediately, continuing to put pressure on the Warriors who were one point behind.

Steve Kerr hurriedly called a timeout, and he must bite the last 23 seconds!

After 48 minutes, if the final defeat was within 23 seconds, the Warriors would be too aggrieved to lose this game.

Seeing Steve Kerr start to pick up the tactical board to write and draw, Ricard did not waste time. He's developed three defensive plays for the Blazers that can pretty much handle most situations that come their way.

Under the mobilization of the live DJ, the atmosphere of the scene has been pushed to a climax, and the pause time passed very quickly.

ESPN's cameraman pointed the camera at Stephen Curry, who was biting his braces. The Warriors' last goal is very likely to be executed by this kid!

Sure enough, after a series of off-ball runs and off-ball pick-and-rolls, in the end, the Warriors' sideline ball was successfully delivered to Curry.

After receiving the ball, Curry did not rush to attack, but dribbled the ball in place between the center line and the three-point line. Curry believes that at the last moment, the number 0 in front of him will be even more impatient!

five seconds! When the game was about to end with five seconds left, Lillard really couldn't help it.

Now he is more nervous than Curry, and he took the initiative to post it, hoping to keep Curry far away from the three-point line.

Seeing this, the corners of Curry's mouth twitched slightly. He suddenly changed hands and changed direction quickly, and his calf suddenly exerted force. In an instant, Curry passed through Lillard!

Seeing this scene, Ricard felt his heart was about to jump out, Lillard hurried back to chase, but Curry didn't accelerate with all his strength, as if he was deliberately waiting for Lillard to catch up.

Lillard finally got around to Curry, but Curry changed hands and changed direction again. At the same time, Bogut's pick-and-roll came up just right. Lillard followed Curry's change of direction and moved laterally, but collided with Bogut abruptly.

Anjie pounced on Curry, and Curry calmly jumped up and shot.

The basketball flew past An Jie's fingertips, and the heads of all the cameras and fans followed the ball's trajectory.

On the backboard, the timer was almost at zero. The basketball fell into the net before the red light came on!

"Yeah!" Steve Kerr waved his fist vigorously, and Curry raised his arms, announcing that he once again successfully conquered the Moda Center.

110 to 109, Curry's last shot was successful, and the time left for the Trail Blazers was only 0.8 seconds!

"Great lore! This may be the last situation coach Ricard wants to see. Although the game is not over yet, the time left for the Trail Blazers is really too little!"

Ricard immediately used up the last timeout. Fortunately, this timeout was kept until the end, otherwise the Blazers would have lost now!

After the timeout, the Trail Blazers can attack directly from the sideline in the Warriors' half. Without a timeout, the Blazers would have to attack from the baseline. 0.8 seconds, not to mention dribbling the ball across the half court, even shooting must hurry up. So the timeout left by Ricard can be said to have become the last straw for the Trail Blazers.

Lillard gasped, and he was very sorry for his defensive mistake just now. Aldridge kept wiping his sweat with a towel. The Warriors' highly mobile lineup made Aldridge run hard enough.

Ricard looked at the remaining time, and then at the players in front of him. In 0.8 seconds, there are too few deployments that can be done. Once you receive a basketball, no matter what the opportunity, you must shoot it immediately!

"LaMarcus!" Ricard called Aldridge's name first, and Aldridge was taken aback. Could it be that he will be the decider of the outcome today! ?

"You serve the ball from the sideline, remember, use your height advantage to pass the ball as accurately as possible!"

"Damien! You run actively, don't you want to make up for your mistakes? Now is your chance! Give me an active running position, let the Warriors think that you are the one who executes the last shot, and attract their defensive attention. Ann Dere, you set up an off-ball screen for Damien, in short, you want the Warriors to think that the two of you are the final key!" Ricard wrote and drew on the tactical board, and now, it is time to arrange the last link, the end Clicked!

"Ann, you're outside the three-point line..."

Wu Hua saw that the Trail Blazers had a lively discussion together, and he couldn't calm down for a long time. He didn't know what tactics Ricard would use to complete the lore later on, and he didn't know whether Anjie could turn the tide again. But it is precisely because of this kind of unknown that basketball games are so exciting.

Just when Wu Hua was still fantasizing, the electronic buzzer sounded to represent the end of the timeout.

All the fans stood up to cheer for their team, and the red ocean in the Moda Center seemed to be boiling.

The Blazers lined up and the Warriors clung to their opponents, giving them no room to run. To Steve Kerr's surprise, Anjie actually stood outside the three-point line.

The referee blew his whistle, Cole didn't care about thinking, and began to pay attention to the court.

Lillard began to stand out, and Iguodala made an off-ball pick-and-roll for Lillard. It seems that in the last 0.8 seconds, Ricard intends to let Lillard come out to catch the ball and shoot.

When Bogut's attention was on Lillard, Angie, who was standing outside the three-point line beside him, suddenly started!

"What!?" Bogut reacted immediately, but he couldn't approach the direct distance between himself and An Jie because of his slow steps.

Just when Anjie ran into the three-point line, Aldridge suddenly passed the ball! The basketball was not passed to Lillard, who was active in running, but a high ball, so high that only Anjie jumped up to catch it!

"Is it an alley-oop!? It's impossible to complete an alley-oop dunk at this distance?" Cole growled his mouth. Unless Ricard expects Anjie to jump and dunk from one step beyond the free throw line, otherwise the ball will not be completed at all.

An Jie, who jumped high, adjusted his center of gravity. Seeing himself getting closer in the basketball, his eyes gradually shifted to the basket.

A second later, the basketball touched Anjie's skin, and the numbers on the timer on the backboard began to jump.

This time, even if An Jie was able to dunk, his gliding time in the air was more than 0.8 seconds!

However, after An Jie received the ball in the air, he did not intend to dunk, but pushed the basketball lightly with one hand. This looks like an alley-oop one-handed shot!

The basketball was changed by An Jie and flew towards the basket. The entire Moda Center fell silent, and some fans even closed their eyes, not daring to watch what happened next.

The red light on the backboard was on, but the basketball hadn't hit the net yet. An Jie didn't stare at the basketball like the others. After landing, this guy turned around directly.

It's not that he didn't dare to look at the result, but he turned his back to the basket, and before the basketball didn't know if he could make it, he raised his arms in advance...

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