The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1062: Throw away the stone and return to sail

The base of the Qi State airship was on the other side, and their flight radius was not far away. Therefore, they can provide limited air support.

The number of Qi State airships is extremely large. There are two hundred airships in a flying wing. This scale far exceeds the scale of Qin Jun. Although the establishment of the Qi State Air Force is based on the establishment of the Qin Army, their numbers are handled according to their own will. They believe that air superiority means air superiority in quantity. Only when the airships intensively gather can they exert greater warfare effectiveness.

In addition, the airship of Qin State, the plane strangling them, in order to make the airship more safe. They used this kind of dense formation. In this way, it is easy for them to have a stronger collective power. The Qi State Air Force has gradually grown up under such circumstances.

it's clear. There is no wind, the sky is clear, and there is not even a cloud.

The airships formed a dense flying formation and flew toward Zhao Jun's position mightily. And Zhao Jun strengthened their position at this time.

"When will our infantry arrive?" A Zhao Jun soldier was digging in the trenches to strengthen their trenches.

"I don't know. The infantry is progressing very slowly. They still have artillery. Those artillery will always be the slowest. None of us can rely on it. We can only rely on ourselves." A bare-chested veteran replied.

"If you want to survive, just dig the trench deeper. When you die, you don't have to dig." The veteran continued.

"You mean, we are digging a grave for ourselves." The Zhao Jun soldier asked.

"That's right." The veteran shoveled a shovel of dirt and threw it out of the trench. The trench had deepened to one person's height, which was already quite high. You know, the artillery shells of this period can't fly through such a deep tunnel to explode.

However, in order to achieve the purpose of reinforcement, Zhao Jun asked every soldier to reinforce a trench. Not only that, they also strengthened the arrangement of barbed wire. There were three barbed wire fences in front of the main positions. These barbed wire fences can effectively cause serious obstacles to the advancement of infantry.

"Oh my God." The ground sentry who was on guard in the distance, at this moment, discovered a large swath of black and heavy objects on the side of the river.

"What is that?" the sentry asked in surprise.

"Squad leader, look, what is that?" The sentry slapped the guarding squad leader with his hands. In order to prevent the Zhao Jun from losing his position again, they sent a large number of guard posts in the outskirts. These guard posts will provide Zhao Jun with a long reaction time. In order to get their infantry into combat position.

"Yes, it's Qi Jun's airship." The squad leader took a look and said.

"Alarm, blow the warning signal." The squad leader roared loudly at this time.

Just look for Zhao Jun soldiers to sound the warning signal. The Zhao Jun artillery on the commanding heights also spotted the airship of the Qi State Air Force flying towards them.

"It's an airship, they are huge in number." An artillery lieutenant was watching the approaching airship with an artillery rangefinder in his hand.

"Dodge immediately, hurry up. Hide our artillery. Hurry up." The lieutenant shouted loudly at this time. Then ran.

"Air raid alert. Air raid alert." The lieutenant shouted loudly.

"Toot toot. Toot toot." The rapid trumpet sounded in the Zhao Jun police whistle. Sounds from the artillery position on the commanding heights of Zhao Jun.

"The enemy is coming. Hurry up. Take up weapons." The Zhao Jun soldiers subconsciously took up their weapons and began to enter their battle positions, but they didn't know that this was an air raid alert, not a signal of ground troops' attack. Zhao Jun did not separate the ground attack signal from the air warning at all. At this time, they seemed to have ignored the threat from the air.

"What's the situation?" At this time, a Captain Zhao Jun on duty rushed to the guard post there to check the situation.

"It's an air attack. Officer. It's an airship of the Qi State Air Force." Squad leader Zhao Jun pointed to the airship approaching in the sky.

"My God." The captain realized something.

"No, our people are entering the battle position. They don't even know what's going on?" the captain shouted at this time.

"I have to inform them." The captain left quickly as he said.

"What should we do?" the soldier on the side asked the captain who was leaving in a hurry.

"Alert, resist, then retreat." The squad leader said.

"If you dare to run away first, I will shoot you." The squad leader immediately picked up his rifle, pushed the bullet into the chamber, and warned the opponent fiercely. The other party just nodded blankly.

And the artillery positions on the commanding heights. The artillery was nervously packing up the artillery on the ground and pushing into a safe and hidden place. Prevent damage during air strikes.

"Hurry up, we need to protect these artillery." The ensign put the artillery to its original position, and then pulled the horses to pull away. Some artillery could not take care of their horses, so they had to use human means to remove the artillery .

"All into the trenches. Quickly. All into the trenches. It's an air attack, an air attack." The captain shouted hurriedly.

"Ah." At this time, the soldiers of Zhao Jun discovered the airship of the Qi State Air Force that was constantly approaching.

"Quick. Ah. Hide." Zhao Jun's soldiers crowded into the narrow trenches, and the soldiers began to scatter and avoid. They knew that those **** airships would throw stones on their heads. These stones are not so fun to drop.

The soldiers of Zhao Jun left quickly. The captain kept running, shouting loudly, and then let his soldiers hide. As soon as the Zhao Jun soldiers heard it was an air attack, they quickly avoided where they thought it was solid. They never had any hope for those wooden fortifications.

"Those big rocks will smash those wooden things. No one in them can survive." said the veteran. They took refuge in the temporarily dug dirt pit, and they can only hope now that those **** big rocks don't fall on their heads.

"We are approaching the position." A Qi pilot on the airship shouted loudly. They are wearing thick winter clothes. Without any windproof eyes, their flight suits are simple and shabby compared to Qin Jun, but they are indeed the pride of the Qi State Air Force.

"Such a dense flying formation can definitely kill many Zhao people." Another pilot roared loudly. In the back, a pilot is providing power, while the two people in front, one to provide driving and one to operate weapons, at the same time, he has to observe. Due to the lift of the airship, the load capacity is very limited. They can only organize this kind of three-person flight formation. There are only three people on each airship, and their airships are also very large. Only in this way can they provide them with enough lift and enough space to put down the stones in their hands.

The heavy stones prevented them from flying high. They were only fifty or so away from the ground. They were overloaded with their weapons.

"This is our airship. We seem to have a chance to go home." The Qi army soldiers on the ground looked up at their airship.

They are full of hope for the appearance of their own airship.

"Shoot. Shoot." The sentries in the guard post decisively started shooting at these low-flying airships.

"Boom." "Boom." Bullets kept coming out of the muzzle, and these airships flew too low.

"Woo." The bullets could easily hit those low, bulky airships.

"Puff." A bullet came and broke the airbag of the airship.

"Our airship was hit." A pilot shouted loudly at this time.

"Persevere, we can get to the sky by holding on," the driver roared loudly. In order to load more stones, they unloaded the weapon directly. At this time, they knew how stupid this idea was. The threat from the ground far exceeds their imagination.

"Throw the stone down and smash them to death." Some airships roared loudly at this time.

"Boom boom boom." The stone was thrown directly from the position of their bomb bay.

"Huhu." The stone whizzed and flew towards the Zhao Jun guard post on the ground. And the sentry lay inside and stopped the sound of a rock falling to the ground.

"Boom." There was a huge sound of falling stones, which was enough to make Zhao Jun's soldiers feel the earth trembling.

"My heart is almost shaken out." A soldier of Zhao Jun who was lying on the ground shouted. The veteran on the side squatted on the spot, knowing what kind of damage this kind of vibration would cause to the human body.

"Huh." The stone still kept falling.

"Fucking, we have run out of stones before we reach the main position." A lieutenant colonel of the Qi Army Air Force shouted loudly. This way of throwing will consume a lot of stones.

"No, General, look, our airship is on fire." A pilot shouted at this time. On the left side of the formation, an airship was hit by a flying bullet. It is estimated that the bullet hit the wooden fuel tank, and then the fuel tank leaked and a fire broke out. But the terrible thing is yet to come. The airship behind could not steer in time to avoid it.

Straight, the airship behind slammed straight into it. This caused the two airships to directly ignite the fire.

The dense formation makes the airship individuals lack a certain degree of freedom. This kind of large formation is easy to cause a lot of trouble by the airship behind, especially the slow aircraft like the airship.

The chaos continues. Fortunately, the airships behind escaped, but they were not happy yet, and the airships behind them directly collided, and the two airships made an intimate move in the air. Qi Jun’s airship suffered serious losses.

"Throw away the stones. Return to sail." The lieutenant colonel roared loudly.

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