"Are you okay?" Han Shu asked at this moment.

"Not bad." Shang Wen said as he watched the corpse being carried away.

"I think it's a bit bad." Han Shu asked concerned.

"I'm fine, but, why, why do you want to shoot those Mohist people, those who are innocent, why do you want to kill innocent people indiscriminately." Shang Wen said.

"You'd better not care about this kind of thing." Han Shu explained.

"Why?" Shang Wen asked, turning his head.

"Some things are unexplainable." Han Shu said, covering his forehead.

"Oh. That's right. Your wound." Shang Wen asked.

"Nothing." Han Shu said with a smile.

"Let's go back first. Your wound should also be treated." Shang Wen said, opening the car door and returning to the car.

In the car, Shang Wen didn't send it out, so Shang Wen personally treated Han Shu's wounds.

"You need a cold compress, maybe it will be better." Shang Wen said.

"Thank you." Shang Wen was treating Han Shu's wounds. The posture of the two is a bit ambiguous, but Shang Wen thinks it is nothing? Han Shu could only blush and said.

"It's nothing?" Shang Wen said.

"Actually, it's nothing. For political considerations, many people at the top would do this." At this time, Han Shu said to Shangwen.

"What?" Shang Wen asked.

"It's about the Mo family." Han Shu continued.

"Oh." Shang Wen just agreed.

"Chivalry, although it is of great help to the people, but it is not very good for the country's legal system. There are some conflicts." Han Shu said.

"En. But he has the meaning of existence after all. Since it exists, it must have the value of existence. Just like those western cowboys. The reason why they appeared, they were..." Shang Wen couldn't explain it anymore. He believes that the existence of these chivalrous people has meaning. As for the other Shangwen, he really didn't think too much.

"The chivalrous practices of the Mohist school have seriously disturbed all countries. The kings of all countries will not allow such people to interfere in their rule. Unless." Han Shu paused and said.

"Unless what?" Shang Wen asked.

"Unless. A country can survive with the power of the Mohist school. Otherwise, the Mohist school has no such meaning." Han Shu said.

"The King Qin issued the order to kill the Mo Family. When was this order issued. I don't even know." Shang Wen said.

"No matter what? It's impossible for the Mo Family to get support." Han Shu said with a certain conclusion.

"They also represent a political force. It's just that no one takes it seriously. If a party is established, they may have a place of their own. I think this can help them. This way the country can retain chivalry without conflicting with politics. . It’s just that no one did this. The two sides determined their antagonistic relationship from the beginning. How bad this is.” Shang Wen said.

"What did you say?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"Oh. No, nothing, I just want to complain." Shang Wen waved his arm and said.

"Let's go to your place, mine is not very convenient." Shang Wen then changed the subject.

Immediately Shang Wen and Han Shu left. It is convenient for them to go to another place.

Shangwen began to express some dissatisfaction with King Qin's attitude, not only for his personal freedom, but also for his treatment of the Mohist school, which was too arbitrary. Shang Wen expressed his incomprehension very much.

Although Shang Wen did not understand this, he could not change the current situation. Because he can't get involved in this matter yet.

Just when the Qin State was quietly changing. And in the waters of the East China Sea today, a **** little naval battle is taking place.

"There is a wooden boat ahead." A man in Chu costume wears a large felt hat, which comes from Qin. Because this kind of felt hat can shelter from wind and rain, it is very important to sail on the sea, so this kind of felt hat is very popular.

The man in the felt hat shouted.

"Let me see." At this time, a sturdy man looked at the distant situation with a telescope in his hand.

"It's a slave ship, we're rich." At this time, the man shouted loudly.

"Get in quickly, we are going to grab the ship. Come on." The man roared loudly at this time.

"Come on." The sailors behind eagerly cheered loudly. In their view, as long as they catch up with them, they can easily win each other.

"No, the ship behind is coming towards us." The ship in front, a young man, is less than ten years old. Shouted the young man.

"Don't panic." An old man with a white beard on the side said calmly at this time.

"We need to calm down." The old man said at this time.

"These **** water thieves went to sea and became pirates." The old man said viciously at this time.

"These wolves on the water. A beast who eats people without spitting out bones." The old man scolded fiercely.

"Order all people to take up weapons, and we will fight them." The old man roared in a loud voice like a fire in his eyes.

"Yes, Captain." A sailor reported. He wears a navy hat, which he bought from Qin, and they bought it because they thought it was fun.

"Everyone, take up weapons and prepare to fight." At this time, the sailor shouted loudly. Their sailboat is still moving forward.

"Those things like wolves, they want to take our money." A sailor said angrily.

"Look at me not breaking their teeth." The sailor waved the bronze dagger in his hand.

"Go forward. Fast forward." The pirate ships behind, their speed is obviously much faster than that of the merchant ship. They have no load and are very light. Most importantly, they are all heavily armed. Of soldiers. All of them are eager to fight, they are here specifically to **** other people's property.

The merchant ships were full of goods. Whether it was industrial products imported from Qin or slaves transported back from their colonies, their ships carried a large load. There are cargoes everywhere on the ship. They simply cannot increase their speed quickly.

"They are catching up." At this time, the young man shouted anxiously.

"Don't worry, there is still some distance, we have to calm down." The old man said loudly to the young man at this time.

"All ready, boys. Only by defeating those pirates can we bring our money home." The old man shouted loudly. Talking. He drew his gun and saber.

"Come and watch." As he said, he handed the rudder of the ship to someone to command. He stood on the heights and waited for his opponent to arrive.

Ships at this time, because Qin’s artillery weapons were only recently exported, and the artillery was expensive, so none of the ships of this period were equipped with artillery, especially the ships of Chu. They only had guns, pistols and sabers used by infantry . There are almost no ships that use artillery. This will take time, as long as they are given a little more time, such weapons will go to Shanghai sooner or later.

"Kill." Soon, the pirate ship behind quickly leaned on the opponent's ship. As soon as the ships of both sides landed, the pirates on the pirate ship began to throw the rope in their hands, and then flew over with the help of the rope.

"Kill." A pirate shouted loudly, holding the rope in one hand and waving the machete in his hand and rushed directly.

"Fuck you." A sailor directly stabbed the pirate with the long pole in his hand.

"Puff through." A cry. The pirate fell directly into the sea.

"Puff." But more often, the pirates flew directly onto the merchant ship along the rope. They used their inertia to wave the machete in their hands to slash and kill the sailors. A sailor's neck was cut straight open, and blood was splashing everywhere.

"Kill." The pirate boarded the ship. Then began to fight. They are desperadoes. The sailors also fight as much as possible.

"Bang Bang." The sailor began to fight with the musket in his hand. But the musket can only be shot once, and after one shot, it is no longer able to fight. They can only wield the **** of the rifle to start a hand-to-hand fight with the enemy.

"Yeah." At this time, the pirate captain flew over and kicked a sailor directly into the sea.

"Ah." "Plop." The man fell directly into the sea with a sound.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded. The pirate captain leisurely pulled out his gun and shot it.

"Bang Bang Bang." He was using a revolver capable of continuous shooting. With the emergence of revolver, continuous shooting can be achieved.

"Haha." The captain smiled strangely.

"Boom." A huge gunshot sounded. He had a revolver in his left hand and a flintlock pistol in his right. The flintlock pistol made a loud noise, and then shot a lot of bullets. This is pretending to be a shot. In such a dense environment, it is very unwise to use shotguns. But the pirate captain didn't care at all.

"Ah." A pirate and two sailors flicked in their hands and fell on the deck, blood shed all over the floor.

"Ding Ding." Not far away, the old man was slashing and killing a pirate with a short sword in his hand. The pirate couldn't stand it, so he was forced to jump into the sea.

"Kill." The old man got more and more courageous as he killed.

"The old immortal thing." The pirate captain said at this time.

"Crack." The pirate ship changed the bullet in the pistol. Then he raised his gun leisurely and took aim. Pull the trigger. shooting.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." Three crisp gunshots. The pirate captain stood not far away and shot the old captain. The bullet hit the opponent's chest accurately.

"Woo." The old man raised the dagger in his hand and slowly released it, and the dagger slipped from his hand.

"Grandpa. Grandpa." At this moment, the young man shouted loudly.

"Oh oh oh. Go and die." The pirate captain pointed his gun at the young man at this time.

"Bang. Bang." Three shots shot.

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