The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1199: I want to restore my position

"This budget is ten times more than the pre-expenditure we gave, Prime Minister, I think we should send someone to see what is going on. The amount of 100,000 gold is not a small number. Ah." A Korean official said to Zhang Liang with a telegram form at this time.

"En." Zhang Liang took a look at the telegram list and then threw down "En."

"Did they explain this matter?" Zhang Liang asked at this time.

"Yes, they said that building a warship cannot form combat effectiveness. They need to build more warships. They initially built ten warships. Ten warships are equipped with cannons. Moreover, they can all sail out to sea. The ship can carry one hundred to two hundred people, and it can carry more than four hundred slaves.” The official added at this time.

"En." Zhang Liang nodded at this time.

"Then Chu State's Yangtze River waterways and oceans, do you say that is the most dangerous?" Zhang Liang asked such a question at this time.

"Well, what does your lord mean?" the official asked at this time.

"Both dangers are great. If only one warship is built, then ocean voyages will not be supplemented and cared for in time, and water pirates are rampant. Therefore." Zhang Liang paused at this time.

"It is necessary to build multiple warships." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"Let's do this according to the telegram. If there are any more such things, just approve it directly." Zhang Liang said directly at this time.

"Then. The villain retire." The official wanted to say something at this time, but when he saw Zhang Liang's heart was determined, he didn't say anything. So he retired.

Just when South Korea vigorously developed their navy. Qin's domestic situation is continuously deteriorating.

"Gold is rising too fast. Qin has no gold at all. The price of gold is almost one price per day." A news reporter said in the newspaper.

Before Meng Yi's plan was implemented, the price of gold had already started to rise. The big bankers represented by Yingyu have begun to do everything possible to extract large amounts of gold from the market. But Yingyu's actions immediately drew other people's actions that they wanted to follow, and this way. Qin’s other bankers began to follow frantically. Such large-volume demand could not conceal the huge market demand. Therefore, Qin’s gold futures rose rapidly, not only the price of gold futures, but also another market. The gold spot market has also risen rapidly. Although this market is not so formal, gold can be provided at any time. Bankers don't care about this at all, and the price of gold keeps rising. Prices have repeatedly broken new historical highs.

"My goodness. The price of gold has reached twenty-three gold to one gold." An investor looked at this frightened historical price in horror.

They couldn't believe that gold, which was not worthless before, rose so much overnight.

The previous price of gold basically maintained a ratio of 0.8 to one to one. In other words, the amount of gold is still much higher than the supply of paper money, but now, with the tension of paper money. The government adopted Meng Yi's plan to inject a large amount of paper money by selling gold, which caused the price of gold to rise rapidly. One gold. A unit of weight for Qin's gold, Shang Wen himself didn't know how many grams this gold had.

But the fact is that the demand for gold was suddenly opened up to a huge demand, and Qin has never had such a crazy demand for gold today. As a result, Qin's gold demand was greatly stimulated by Qin's Mengyi plan.

In particular, the boosting role of banks has contributed to this situation.

Qin's domestic demand for gold has greatly increased, and abroad, the limited banknote resources of Qin's banks are constantly being transferred to Qin's country, and many banks are mobilizing banknotes to Qin's country at almost no cost.

"Anyway? Banknotes are needed here, and gold is fine. In short, more. The more the better. Within two days, we must see the banknotes and gold, otherwise, we are all finished." A banker was holding the phone. Loudly shouted at the manager of a branch of a private bank in Qin State, which is far away in the State of Zhao.

"But..." The manager thought it was crazy to do so. They were so crazy that they did not care about the investment situation here, and how much disaster Qin Guo's bank would bring to the investment after the withdrawal of funds. They wanted to directly oppose it, but the top people didn't give them any chance at all.

"Beep beep." But this time the phone is already busy. The bankers in Qin's country are already quite crazy. They use long-distance calls to communicate this matter regardless of cost. It can be seen that they have used almost any method in order to achieve the purpose of fund scheduling.

"What should we do?" some supervisors asked while standing at the manager's desk.

"What should I do?" the manager said at this time.

"Let's do it." At this time, the manager sat down helplessly and said.

"Doing so will have a great impact on us." A supervisor said.

"I know the disaster. But now that the country is in dire straits, what can we do. Do you know? Some small banks in Qin have closed down. Some panic in Qin has seriously affected politics. We simply Unable to solve these problems, Prime Minister and Prime Minister Shang Wen are also suspended now. Bad news one after another. We have no solution at all," the manager said.

"That. Okay." A supervisor said at this time.

"Maybe, we have any miracles that can happen." A supervisor said optimistically at this time.

And after all people heard such words. They are all silent, they all know how disastrous this is.

As a result, some banks, investment companies and various trust companies in Qin State began to do everything possible to raise their funds, which caused an unprecedented situation to happen.

"What?" a nobleman of the Zhao country called out loudly at this time. He was very surprised when he heard the news.

"Qin State Bank requires us to repay the loan immediately, and also demand that the shares in their hands be sold at a reasonable price." At this time, a subordinate reported.

"Returning the loan! What happened to the people of Qin! My money has all become projects. Now these projects are under construction. At this time, I want to return the loan. Grandpa wants their money. Now they want me to return the money. Bah. Where did I get the money?" At this time, the nobleman of the State of Zhao called out loudly at this time.

"Tell Qin people, there is no money. If you want money, you don't have money. If you want, you can kill this son with that weapon. Grandpa is not afraid of Qin people." The nobleman said arrogantly at this time.

As Qin State Bank demanded a large amount of funds, Qin State's projects in Zhao State suddenly went to a standstill. This caused some of the projects in the country of Zhao that had just started, at this time, suddenly fell into a state of pause. Many projects have only just begun, and they have all come to a halt due to funding problems. All of a sudden, Zhao Guo was left with an unknown situation.

But these Qin State Banks can no longer take care of it. The large-scale withdrawal of foreign funds began to be transported to Qin in a concentrated manner. They simply did not care about what was about to happen in Zhao State?

"You are really crazy. Do you know what you are doing?" Shang Wen asked loudly in Yingyu's office at this time.

"I know. Raise funds to let us tide over the difficulties ourselves." Yingyu said at this time.

"However, if you do this, you will guide the disaster of Qin to other countries, and other countries will also cause disasters that are more difficult to control." Shang Wen said at this time.

"I can't control these anymore. Do you know?" Yingyu said at this time.

"If you don't withdraw these funds, think about it. My Wenyang Bank will go bankrupt. Do you know? This morning, there was a small banker who went bankrupt and jumped off my building. His brains were falling everywhere. . Terrible. If you want me to be like this, I have nothing to do." Yingyu said at this time.

"Oh." Shangwen was greatly shocked when he heard the news at this time.

"Another life disappeared." Shang Wen said at this time.

"What's wrong? Do you have any good ideas?" Yingyu looked at Shangwen at this time and said.

"No. There is no way." Shang Wen said at this time.

"That's great. I can only do this." Yingyu said at this time.

"Perhaps, we can have other methods. In short, it is much better than this method." Shang Wen said at this time.

"If you can come up with a specific plan. This is always better than yours." Yingyu said at this time.

"Moreover, your current position, especially your current position." Yingyu said at this time.

"My father has suspended you from your job. If you want to handle this, at least what you need is to restore your position." Yingyu said at this time.

"Oh." Shang Wen uttered a little frustrated at this time. He finally realized the importance of power at this time. Power can help more people. Solve bigger problems, which involve more people.

"I don't know the specific method." Shang Wen said at this time.

"But there are always ways." Shang Wen said at this time.

"I need to restore my position." Shang Wen said at this time.

"I need to restore my position." Shang Wen said firmly.

"Then restore your position." Yingyu encouraged at this time.

"En." Shang Wen just nodded.

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