Using bonds, Xiao He was forced to come up with an emergency solution. Because at this time, the market lacks paper money. Without paper money, the credit of bonds is still relatively high. It is with this in mind that Xiao He boldly issued bonds to replace paper money withdrawing funds. This reduces the pressure to mobilize funds from abroad.

Xiao He knows this very well. Wenyang Bank can no longer mobilize funds to transport them back to China. Raising one and a half two dollars from abroad is equivalent to Qin's loss of ten and a half two dollars abroad, and how much the subsequent loss is. Xiao He was too anxious to imagine. It was precisely this way that Xiao He was forced to use such a method helplessly. But this method gave Shangwen an inspiration.

"Look at this plan." In Yingyu's office, Yingyu gave Xiao He's plan to Shangwen. Xiao He has the right to act independently, and there is no need to report to Yingyu, as long as he makes a report after the fact.

This is Yingyu's trust in Xiao He. It is also an improvement of the management level. The reason why Yingyu did this is because she also knows her own abilities and she knows nothing about management. Given such a large enterprise management, she has no ability to manage such a large enterprise. For this, Yingyu is very self-aware. Xiao He was recommended by Shangwen, and Yingyu had absolute trust in Shangwen. Therefore, she also used this trust on Xiao He. In this regard, Xiao He believes that this kind of entrustment, so Xiao He exhausted his whole body of wisdom to repay Shangwen and Yingyu's kindness.

"Bond-for-fund plan. Let me see." At this time, Shang Wen picked up the report and looked. Yingyu just nodded. This attitude towards Shang Wen. Yingyu has become accustomed to it. It can be said that Yingyu is used to it. Shang Wen always took great interest in the things he was interested in. Then put your heart and soul into it.

Shang Wen carefully saw this plan. Shang Wen quickly read all of the plans, although it was a rough overview. But Shangwen expressed great satisfaction with this brand new view, because the boldness of this plan and the brand new ideas gave Shangwen a great impact. Ying Yu just lay on the table and stared at Shang Wen blankly.

And Shang Wen propped his chin with his hand, and looked up at the ceiling to think about some of the ideas in this plan.

The idea is bold. Shang Wen thought so. Xiao He boldly took advantage of the credit function of bonds. In this way, Qin State had a large amount of bonds to inject into it. Not only that, Qin State could also inject part of the funds into the private sector in the name of buying bonds. In this way, it can be exchanged for valuable things. Who can say that bonds are worthless?

In this way, the road of gold exchange for currency is avoided. Not only that, the Qin government can purchase excess funds from multiple banks, and large-scale corporate bonds help them raise funds. In this way, Qin can establish a central bank to control these companies and banks.

Shang Wen suddenly realized this time. The emergence of this plan will greatly solve all the problems of the Qin State. Because of the bond issue, a great deal of control has been returned to some banks. If necessary, Qin Guo can also purchase shares of some banks. In the end, the goal of Qin State to control these enterprises and become national enterprises. In this way, there is sufficient liquidity in the market, and the government can achieve the purpose of controlling the bank through bonds and shares. Controlling the bank is equivalent to Qin controlling Qin’s financial lifeline from a national perspective. From this point of view, Qin will seize control of the National Bank from private hands for the first time. Moreover, it is expected that an organization such as the Central Bank will be established in Qin.

Thinking of this, Shang Wen suddenly realized. This program. Very feasible. Moreover, all problems will be solved.

"All the problems have been solved. This plan will solve all the problems of the Qin State." Shang Wen said blankly at this time.

"What?" Yingyu didn't understand what Shangwen was talking about at this time.

"I said, all the problems of the Qin State have been solved. Xiao He's plan will solve all the problems of the Qin State, and it will bring the State of Qin to a whole new level." At this time, Shang Wen said blankly.

"You mean to say." At this time, Yingyu seemed to realize something?

"I mean, Qin’s crisis can be solved immediately, do you know? We can solve all problems by issuing bonds, or through government acquisitions. We can add funds to the market to solve all problems." Shang Wen said Time said.

"Rather than Meng Yi's method of only using gold for exchange." Shang Wen said while looking at Yingyu at this time.

"Do you know what I mean?" Shang Wen said while looking at Yingyu.

"Hey." Yingyu smiled awkwardly at this time.

"I don't understand." Ying Yu said.

"That's right if you don't understand." Shang Wen said at this time.

"We will return to the Xianyang Palace immediately. I will take this plan. To restore my position, Qin needs stability now. It can't go on like this anymore. If this continues, Qin Guogu will defeat himself." Shang Wen at this time Stand up excitedly.

"Legs. Your legs." Yingyu shouted loudly at this time.

"What?" Shang Wen asked excitedly.

"Your legs are okay?" Yingyu asked loudly at this time.

"Oh." Shang Wen glanced down at this time.

"Oh. My legs." Shang Wen collapsed on the wheelchair.

And Yingyu hurriedly went up to help at this time.

Shang Wen found a way. But King Qin was immersed in great success at this time.

"My lord, this is the first quarter revenue and expenditure report just received by the Royal Bank." At this time, Zhao Gao carefully handed King Qin a report.

"Oh. Submit it, widows want to see, what is the income of the Royal Bank?" At this time, King Qin looked forward to taking this report.

"En. Not bad." King Qin showed joy at this moment. The royal family's bank income greatly exceeded Qin's expectations because of the large amount of gold hoarding. This moment, let King Qin's royal bank have a lot of income. Not only that, the Royal Bank took the opportunity to merge a large number of small and medium-sized banks, and at the same time merged and reorganized some enterprises. These companies are involved in all fields. Because the Royal Bank has sufficient funds. None of these banks. With a little capital, these companies and banks can be acquired on a large scale.

However, a small amount of funds is less than one-tenth of the usual income of these banks. It can be said that the Royal Bank is acquiring some industries in Qin with a huge amount of funds. And as some factory owners have said. Banks are rampantly robbing the efforts of these factory owners as robbers.

This is not an exaggeration. You know, these industries are hard to buy in normal times. And now, it was purchased at such an extremely low price. This is indeed far beyond the expectations of others.

Of course, King Qin was very satisfied with this result. Moreover, this result surpassed King Qin's own expectations. It can be said that King Qin was very satisfied with this.

"En. Royal Bank, it seems that it is expected to surpass Wenyang Bank to become the largest bank in the State of Qin." At this time, King Qin said happily.

"Congratulations to the king." Zhao Gao praised at this time.

"En." King Qin showed a rare smile on his face.

"Widow is very happy now." King Qin said at this time.

"Wang Shang. Wenyang Bank is no longer enough to pose a threat. You know, Wenyang Bank is now issuing bonds, and they have come to tide over the difficulties when they are raising debts." Zhao Gao said at this time.

"En." King Qin just nodded. He believes that what Zhao Gao said is right, but not all right, but there is something wrong. King Qin didn't know at this time either.

"The king, the prime minister, and the eldest princess urgently asked to see him, saying that if there is a need to see the king in person, tell him face-to-face." An attendant stood quietly at this time and said.

"It hasn't been long before, now it's coming again!" At this moment, King Qin shook his head and said.

"Let them in." At this time, King Qin ordered.

"Here." The attendant carefully retreated at this time.

Soon, Yingyu walked in with Shangwen. Shangwen's leg was replaced with a bandage and cast. And Shang Wen came in anxiously.

"See Father." Yingyu bowed in courtesy. And Shang Wen was obviously a little confused at this time. For etiquette. He has forgotten everything.

"My lord, the minister has found a brand new plan. This plan can not only solve Qin State from the current crisis, but also solve all the problems of Qin State and inject new impetus into Qin State's economy. "Shang Wen said excitedly at this time. He had completely forgotten the etiquette. And this made Zhao Gao see it. Zhao Gao frowned and looked at Shang Wen.

The strange look in Zhao Gao's eyes. Shang Wen didn't watch it at all. He was only excited to tell King Qin the news.

"Hey. Nerd. Nerd." At this moment, Ying Yu reminded Shang Wen from the side.

And Shang Wen was immersed in great excitement at this time. For, he knows nothing.

"Oh. Tell me about it." At this time, King Qin said very calmly.

"We can use the method of issuing bonds. To complete the method of injecting capital into the market. At the same time, we can also purchase government bonds and war bonds in the hands of those banks and companies. If necessary, we can also use paper money to purchase them. The bonds and shares in the hands of the government can become the creditors and shareholders of these banks. In this way, it is more conducive for the country to complete the control of these enterprises and banks. You know, these, we have never appeared before. We can use this opportunity to establish The central bank completely controls Qin's finances." Shang Wen said excitedly at this time.

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