"Huh." The violent wind and rain fell crazily at the place where the Chu State navy army stayed, and the strong wind continued to come.

"Carrara." There was a sound of broken branches.

"This is a terrible day." A drenched sailor cursed. Then walked out of the temporary tunnel that was already full of stagnant water.

The sailor, drenched and feeling cold, didn't have any good mood. Because the heavy rain came suddenly, and it rained heavily. This is the landing of a typhoon.

"We have to take good care of our ship. If our ship is blown away, we will be finished." The captain stood in the water-filled tunnel and looked at the warship not far away and another captured merchant ship with a binoculars.

"Don't worry, Captain, there shouldn't be any problems with our ship." A sailor said from the side at this moment.

"With such heavy rain and such strong wind, the captain is not in the post." The captain said at this time.

The captain looked at the heavy rain outside and said. This is the season when the typhoon begins to make landfall. Coastal areas usually encounter such weather. And the captain knew the possibility of changing the sky with his own experience. So he needs to stop and let the ship weather the bad weather.

"I don't know how many days this bad weather lasts?" The captain looked at the sky and said. The sailors curled up and looked at the captain, their clothes were all wet from the rain. Theirs is wrapped in their clothes as much as possible to keep warm. In this kind of weather, there is no fire to keep warm. And after they landed ashore, they could only live in tents. The tent simply cannot last in such weather.

The most terrible thing is that they have to hide in the trenches they dug. There is a lot of water in the trenches. The sailors were soaked. However, in order to avoid the rain, some trenches were covered with simple branches, but these things could not cover the raindrops at all. It is under such circumstances that they can only hide in such trenches full of stagnant water in order not to get caught in the rain.

Such a situation can easily make the situation of the sailors worse. Their health has been seriously tested. Such a situation can easily lead to infectious diseases. Because the human body can induce a cold. And when colds pass through these places, they will keep contagious.

The situation will get worse and worse. In fact, infectious diseases, such as dysentery and influenza, have been plagued by these bold sailing pioneers. The environment they encountered was quite harsh. However, they are not without alternatives. They try their best to find some herbs in the local area to treat their conditions, or they will seize some local herbs to treat these conditions. You know, when they are sweeping away those Vietnamese tribes. Some useful things will be automatically screened and left behind, of course, including the most primitive healing herbs and some other medicines.

But on the whole, it is impossible to control the spread of the disease. During the initial period of colonization. It was not war that killed the most pioneers. It's all kinds of different diseases. These diseases are worse than those of the more people. Many people die of dysentery. And they can't do anything about it.

There are many other diseases. The navigation environment is very harsh, coupled with the unsanitary food supply and the limited shelf life of food.

The sailors can only eat salted fish. This is their only meat product. Most of the time. They can only eat dry rice, which is ordinary steamed rice. Instead of cooking. Such a single food variety can easily reduce the immunity of sailors. Because they can't eat nutritious food, they can only guarantee that they have enough calories. Nutrition simply can't keep up. What the human body lacks will become more and more over time. Thus. The sailors have a lot of various diseases.

This also naturally led to a decline in the resistance of the sailors. Then, when the condition is good, there will be a concentrated outbreak. For the sudden illness that appeared, there was no way among the sailors to alleviate these things. They can only watch. It is not difficult to explain why the biggest killers of sailors are not those damned Yueren. But more and more diseases. In the early days of sailing, people did not expect this at all, and innate lack of preparation caused this situation to happen continuously.

"Buzz." In the sky of Yan Country. An airship flew slowly in the air of three hundred steps.

"Below is a forest. According to the situation given to us above. This forest is the easiest place to hide." A trainee officer shouted loudly.

"Okay. Just this place. Throw those **** flyers. Throw it down." a captain yelled from the front cockpit.

"Yes, sir." The trainee officer shouted loudly.

"Throw it down." The trainee officer took a bundle of leaflets and threw it down.

The flyers that fell from the sky fell down like snow. The airship is still spreading these leaflets to places where they think there are Qin guerrillas.

"Sir. Look at this." A bearded Qin national took a leaflet and handed it to a man with the rank of major.

"Let me see." The major said after receiving the flyer.

"It said that there is a truce. We don't have to fight anymore. The Qin army is retreating, and we must retreat immediately. The Qi army will not take care of us." said the beard and scumbag Qin countryman.

"Do you believe this?" the major asked.

"I believe this. I saw with my own eyes that an airship of the Qin Heavenly Army threw down these flyers. There are many more over there. I just picked up a few of them and everyone is watching the rest." The Qin national said .

"Oh. That's the end of the war?" said the major Qin Guo.

"Yes, we are over. We no longer have to worry about Qi people coming back. We don't have to risk our lives to attack those Qi people. We don't know why we have to do such a thing?" said the Qin countryman.

"God knows." Qin said, looking at the surroundings blankly. They are in the process of fighting. Great changes are taking place in Qin State, and they don't come for money. But to participate in this war. They have experienced a lot of casualties. The official Qin State did not recognize it, and they had to bear such losses themselves. Many people do not know why they came to participate in such a war.

When the war is over. They think that they are bystanders. They have no right to participate in such a war. But they got involved. After experiencing such a war. They don't know how to solve these problems.

The war is over. But the aftereffects of the war are still there.

Zhao Jun is retreating quickly. Yan Jun moved south quickly. And Qi Jun is also trying his best to leave here. And they have to return to their hometown.

everything is over. This war ended hastily.

"Wow!" Qi Jun's chariot was full of exhausted soldiers. They were all Qi army soldiers retreating southward. On both sides of the road, there were some Qi army soldiers lying on the ground in sloppy clothes. They looked so tired.

On the edge of the river. It was crowded with Qi army soldiers who were crossing the river. They are numb. His eyes were dull. A look of defeat.

And on a high ground not far from the mouth of the river crossing. Zhao Jun is slowly retreating. After the forward troops of the Qi army arrived. Brought news of ending the war. The two armies met immediately and ended the current state. Zhao Jun retreated by detour. Qi Jun went directly south to cross the river. Thus. Neither side will interfere with each other.

"Retreated. They all retreated." said one of Zhao Jun's captains holding a telescope to check the situation of the opposite Qi army.

"We are also going to retreat." Another captain walked over and said.

"They all retreated," another captain said.

"The current situation is like this. We can go back and take a good rest for a while. The people of Qi can't. They want to keep fighting and fighting. Keep fighting. It's really meaningless." The captain said.

"Yeah. Let's retreat. I already hate this place." said the captain. Then they left. More and more soldiers of the Zhao Army left with their equipment. They thought they were lucky, and many soldiers left in a hurry. They thought that they had escaped a war, which allowed them to avoid more bloodshed.

The soldiers of the Qi army couldn't see much. They know that they are still going to fight. This war has exhausted them. Now we have to fight. The soldiers thought there was no future.

In Linzi City. The front is criss-crossed. Some of the rioting troops went deep into the Qi army front. They almost only need a step away to reach the Linzi Qi Palace of their dreams.

But it is heavily guarded there. The reason why the front lines are staggered is that the private soldiers of the nobles in some places are very powerful. They are well equipped. The private soldiers are well-trained, and the mobs cannot go further. In some places, the private soldiers have poor combat effectiveness, and some of them even lost the noble mansion. This situation is not rare, but the property has been transferred, but their mansion has been reduced by a fire.

The entire Linzi was plunged into a sea of ​​flames. Thick black smoke wafted everywhere. Crows hovered over the city in groups. As annoying as those mosquitoes.

In the streets and alleys of the city, we often see thugs and soldiers breaking the law and committing crimes, and these are not forbidden. They arbitrarily killed the people of Linzi who had been ransacked and insulted. The corpses were thrown everywhere. The crow eats the carrion at will and no one cares about it. The whole city fell into death. The change of Linzi city is totally different.

The rumble of cannons and explosions still came from time to time. All these make this city feel the ravages of war.

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