The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1183: Challenge Wei Jun

"Long live the lord!" The Qi army soldier who got the gold coin exclaimed in excitement.

"Long live the lord. Long live the lord, long live the lord." The soldiers shouted loudly. Morale is unusually high. Tian Heng's face was full of joy. The counselor on the side looked worried.

Just when the Qi army was carrying out a large-scale reform of the military system. Linzi's situation is a bit worried.

"Boom." A huge explosion came. The mobs used blasting to blow up a considerable length of the rammed earth wall. The Duan Rammed Earth Wall turned out to be the outer wall of the Linzi Qi Palace.

When Qin State used advanced explosives such as gunpowder and later explosives. The six eastern countries still use civil construction materials in the field of construction. Most of the city walls are rammed earth structures. The fire resistance of wood is very poor. With the massive upgrade of weapons. The defensive buildings have not been upgraded at all. So such a tragedy happened.

"Ahem." The explosion produced a lot of smoke and dust. The dust is flying everywhere. The offensive thugs rushed in quickly under such circumstances. They did not yell loudly. They took up the weapons in their hands and quickly rushed into the periphery of the palace.

"It's a mob. Run." Some attendants reacted from the shock just now. Through the smoke and dust, they saw that it was a mob rushing in.

"Bang." The thugs reacted quickly. They told them what to do with gunshots.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." The gunshot was loud for a moment. The mob behind rushed into the palace. There was a big breakthrough in the palace. There is a big difference between the combat power of Qi noble private soldiers and thugs. Some thugs cannot move forward. same. Some aristocratic private soldiers were equally unfavorable in fighting. Some fierce thugs broke into a large area, and the fronts of the two sides were intertwined. The nobles hope that their armed forces can protect their property. For the royal family, they think that there is no necessary protection, because it is the most important thing for them to protect their property.

It is precisely this that caused the mobs to conquer some key areas. These areas are only one step away from the palace. The guards defending the palace have very poor combat capabilities. They have not fought a battle for a long time. They simply cannot defend such a large palace in the face of such a war. The entire palace is relatively speaking. It is basically a weak defense zone.

"Come on." After the mob opened the attack from the gap. It rushed in from this gap like a flood. More and more people rushed in. And inside the palace. There is no resistance.

Those who are still wearing armor. Wear a helmet. The luxuriously decorated guards broke up before they could fight the thugs. They didn't even release the gun. Most of them throw away their weapons. In order to escape faster, many people threw away the armor. On the contrary, these valuable armors helped them. The mobs who were greedy for everything stopped to **** the beautiful armor they had discarded, and the people behind joined in. This caused a panic. Give them valuable time to escape.

"My lord, run. Run. They, they have come in." At this time. One is from panic running in from the palace. He anxiously grabbed King Qi with a tired face. Just ran out. And not far from the palace, clear gunfire sounded constantly, which showed that the mob was not far from the palace.

Poor King Qi didn't know what had happened at this time. Perhaps it was his numbness to the war, and being alive meant nothing. I was totally shocked. The king was dragged by the attendant who ran in in a panic, and ran out of the palace. At this time, most of the palace had been taken down. The thugs have begun to rob all the valuables in the entire palace. The maid was surrounded and insulted by the thugs, and the waiter was shot to death by the thugs as a target for venting. The valuables were taken away. Those that can't be taken. Or all the beautiful buildings were destroyed or burned down. There is destruction everywhere. There are thugs everywhere, and no one cares about them. Can't manage. The entire palace fell into a huge disaster.

The flames skyrocketed. Soon the palace became a **** on earth. Disaster came to this great building complex.

The situation in Linzi is worrying. But no one is worried. The situation of Qi is the business of the people of Qi. No one cares what happens to them.

"Go forward." In the border area between Korea and Wei. This place is the place of Xinchen Republic, but this place is too controversial. Qin now demands to take over the affairs of the entire region in an all-round way. The power of South Korea has been temporarily ruled out. But his influence still exists because of geopolitics. South Korea is on the edge of this disputed land, no matter who intervenes in this matter. The interests of South Korea are all involved.

South Korea's military exists on this land. No one denies this fact, nor can it deny this fact.

"Go forward," a republican guerrilla commander wearing a canvas hat exclaimed. The shining rank badges indicate that they are a captain. But the captain was wearing civilian clothes. The clothes are rough, no different from ordinary people, but his face is serene. Obviously, he has experienced many wars, and the war has taught him a lot.

"Go forward," the captain kept calling out loudly. He walked in the forefront. His long saber hung around his waist. Holding a blue background with both hands, the flag with a white star in the middle strode forward. This is the flag of their country. There are two such flags on the left and right wings of the captain. This is a guerrilla with a battalion of troops. The number of them exceeds more than four hundred.

"Go ahead," the captain shouted. He hopes to inspire soldiers participating in the war to fight in this way.

"Wow." The Republican guerrilla soldiers, who were not in a neat line behind them, carried their rifles and advanced at what they thought was feasible. The guerrilla soldiers still lack orderly training. Many people act according to Ji's wishes. The lack of formal military training is still a shortcoming of this unit. But this army is slowly recovering their vitality.

"Boom." A loud cannon sound came quickly from behind the infantry team. "Woo." The sound of cannons whizzed past.

"Boom." A shell fell in front of Wei Jun's phalanx on the opposite side. The guerrilla artillery unit lacks training, they cannot accurately hit the artillery shells into the enemy. The reason is simple, they lack enough training.

These parliamentarians who hid in the border area of ​​South Korea developed all the methods they could think of. Get the weapons they want, muskets. The muskets here are cheap and abundant. As long as they have enough money, they can arm an army of 100,000 overnight.

Artillery, a heavy weapon, was also acquired by them. Xinzheng is the largest cargo distribution center. Qin's over-produced artillery was quickly transported here by train. So the artillery here is of high quality and there are many in number. Price and suitability, the most important thing is the transportation aspect. South Korea is quickly controlling the small South Korean territory by train. Wherever the train goes, they can get what they want. The Republican guerrilla forces, which originally lacked artillery, quickly got the artillery they wanted.

The Republican guerrillas relied on sufficient logistics supply lines and protected areas that the Wei army could not conquer. The combat capability of the guerrillas has been greatly enhanced. In addition, Wei Jun's equipment is backward. The fighting power of the two sides opened a distance in an extreme time.

"Go forward," the captain kept shouting loudly. The guerrilla soldiers behind were dressed in civilian clothes. Looked at the flintlock on the bayonet.

"Wow!" The chaotic footsteps slowly approached Wei Jun's phalanx.

"Swish." The shells roared continuously. This infantry battalion was supported by eight artillery pieces, which is a very impressive number. The firepower effect produced by the eight artillery is sufficient to deal with all possible situations.

"Boom." One shell accurately hit the whole anyway. The exploded shells immediately punched a huge gap in the dense phalanx. Many of the soldiers of the Wei noble army who were waiting for the offensive order were killed at once. Some of the dead bodies were very cruel.

The whole body was blown to pieces. Some limbs flew directly on the heads of other noble soldiers. The soldiers' heads are covered with blood, which is very demoralizing.

"Go forward. For our country, go forward," the captain's officer shouted loudly. The lieutenant platoon leader strode forward with his rifle.

"Order the artillery to fire three more rounds to stop the offensive." A slightly well-dressed, just a remodeled Korean military uniform on top, they removed the Korean military uniform, the Queen's badge, and some embellishments. The officer in civilian clothes said with a civilian version of the telescope.

"Yes, sir." A messenger quickly conveyed the order.

"Boom boom boom boom." Just at this moment. There was movement in the noble army. The opposing noble army dispatched a team of more than 500 people. They are the largest garrison in this area nearby. The purpose of the guerrillas fighting frontally with the noble armies this time is to knock these noble armies out of this area, and then the guerrillas will regain control of the area, so that they can expand the tax resources controlled by their country. The main reason why the guerrillas can reorganize their armaments is the protected area established under the protection of the new South Korean army. Without this area, it would be impossible for those parliamentarians to organize commercial activities of a certain scale. Then raise taxes and fees to form a guerrilla armed force of a certain scale, and this guerrilla armed force is developing in the direction of a regular army.

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