"What?" the captain asked back in surprise.

"I don't know. What did he say?" The farmer replied helplessly at this time.

"Do you know what Qiang people say?" the captain asked.

"I understand what the Qiang people say is different from what they say?" At this time. The farmer replied.

"Different?" the captain asked suspiciously.

"Yes. It's not the same. I can't understand a word of what he said. Moreover, his pronunciation is completely different from that of the Qiang. Their sound is dragged. Although the pronunciation is slow, it is vague. And the Qiang. The pronunciation of that kind of rough madness is different. It's completely different." The farmer said at this time.

The captain didn't know what to do at this time. He never thought it would be such a result.

"So. Do you have a good way. Do you know these languages?" The captain asked for help at this time.

"It's not easy. You need to know. Learn a language. Be able to communicate. Both parties need a lot of patience and understand through life habits. Otherwise, they will not be able to understand these things at all. This is the language of the Qiang people." The Lord said. Most of Qin's foreign languages ​​were through prisoners of war and kept communicating with those slaves. The two sides have learned a lot about living habits, and then they have gradually gained language compatibility. This requires both parties to establish a certain foundation of trust, and at the same time, understand each other's living habits. Without these. I am afraid it is difficult to understand the language characteristics of the other party in a short time. Able to communicate.

"One more point." This time. The farmer kindly said.

"I think. This Qiang is different from the Qiang that we are in contact with. I think they should be another ethnic group. Or they are. They are a different kind of person. They are completely different from the Qiang we are in contact with. Their language characteristics. Usually. It indicates that they have a mature group." said the farmer.

"You'd better explain it in detail. I need to sort out and send it to our staff to know. What we know now is too important for us." At this time. Said the captain.

"Okay. I can help." This time. The farmer said happily.

So the captain and the farmer started by interrogating the prisoners of war. They wanted to tell the staff in Xianyang through some examples that their opponent was a completely unknown ethnic group. This group has never appeared before. But Qin people wishfully regarded them as the Qiang people they had met before. They think that as long as they deal with them with the same set of dealing with Qiang people before.

The actual situation is that the people of Qin didn't know much about their neighbors, especially the surrounding situation. It is not surprising that the Qin people know nothing about their enemies, why the Qin people's military actions cannot be carried out except for their own reasons.

This report will take some time to complete. It will take some time for the Qin Army Staff to understand what is happening on the front line. The surrounding national defense situation of Qin State. What kind of situation has it reached?

And in South Korea. The Queen of Korea heard good news and bad news.

"Prince King. There is good news from Qi. Qi Jun wants to purchase a large amount of supplies in Korea, and they will use the money we lent them to pay for the cost. There are a lot of things to purchase. It needs to be armed with less than 80,000 people. The army." Zhang Liang said with a report.

This is the news from the Qi army camp. The Qi army is still taking a break, and they are reorganizing their army according to the Qin army's organization. They plan to adapt to three divisions at the beginning. And two independent brigades. Such an establishment can just complete the establishment of an army of more than 80,000 people. Reorganization can reorganize and gather their combat forces. And according to the Qin Army's organization, especially these organizations need to incorporate a large number of non-commissioned officers and military officers. Such an opportunity for reform. In fact, it is equivalent to giving a lot of civilian classes and slave classes a channel to rise. Moreover, such a channel can well allow the army to carry out a major exchange of blood. Those military posts long occupied by nobles will be filled by more capable people. In fact, this is indeed the case for Qi Jun’s officer arrangement.

In the past, the positions of centuries and centuries will be marked by a specific military rank system. At the same time, their military ranks are directly linked to their military pay. The extra rewards motivate the officers and soldiers to fight the enemy bravely. Complete their tasks.

The military system, especially the reform of the military system, has begun to make the arrangement of weapons and personnel more reasonable, rather than a vague and unclear arrangement as before. This arrangement makes it more combat effective. In this way, the previously loose Qi army's combat capabilities have been reintegrated.

In order to achieve a brand new atmosphere after the adaptation. Qi Jun is led by the Korean Royal Bank. In fact, Qi Jun is going to make large-scale purchases, and they cannot complete such purchases themselves. the reason is simple. It is that they cannot obtain channels to purchase what they want from various channels. But South Korea is different. They can purchase everything they want from Qin. As long as they have money, they can. During this period, Qin's trade was quite loose, and many strategic resources were not greatly restricted for export. For example, steel, arms restrictions are relatively loose. Automobiles, chemicals, gasoline, diesel, coal, and various scarce metal ores, etc. These have not been greatly restricted. This is mainly related to Qin's trade liberalism. This is the result of Shangwen's strong leadership.

The Qi army needs a lot of materials. First of all, they have to purchase a huge amount of weapons and equipment. These weapons and equipment are unified valve rifles imported from the State of Qin, with a unified caliber, instead of the previous major weapons companies of the State of Qin. We have developed various bullets of various calibers.

In addition to these, there are a large number of artillery. These South Koreans have agreed to provide them with a sum of weapons and equipment as a priority.

Secondly, there are various logistics materials. These materials include 300,000 sets of military uniforms. These uniforms range from soldiers to officers. Among them, there are unique military rank markings required by the Qi army. In addition to military uniforms, there are also a lot of blankets and bedding. And a variety of food supplies, which requires a lot of canned food. South Korea can also produce canned food. But the canning equipment needs to be imported from Qin. In particular, packaging materials for canned food also need to be imported from Qin.

At last. It is the requirements of the Qi Jun to equip some engineering and logistics transportation vehicles. South Korea also agreed to provide it. At the same time, it was also proposed to send engineering representatives to provide on-site guidance. This usually means that South Korea has to send out technicians to conduct on-site guidance.

These demands have brought huge stimulus to Korean domestic production. The queen was naturally happy to receive such a telegram. She is very clear. What do these orders mean for South Korea’s economy? This means that the entire Qi State’s war orders will be contracted by South Korea alone. These war orders will greatly stimulate the production of all walks of life in South Korea.

The production of various orders allows Korean factories to provide quite generous taxes. At the same time, it can provide enough jobs. South Korea’s unemployment rate will not be lower anymore. Koreans will find a job easily. What these war orders mean to South Korea. Han Shu couldn't understand too much. War orders have many advantages, the biggest advantage is that they can stimulate great economic prosperity.

Han Shu was very impressed with the war orders for a simple reason. She had seen it with her own eyes once, that time Qin State launched an attack on the Yue family. They outsourced a large amount of war materials and war transportation work, and at the same time contracted out a large number of engineering projects. This approach greatly stimulated Qin's economic development, and it was precisely that time that Qin experienced a huge transformation almost overnight. Qin State is not the former Qin State. Qin's strength suddenly rose a lot.

Han Shu is also very obsessed with war orders. Because the demand for war is the greatest, and the orders are the most intensive, the most rare thing is that war orders can greatly stimulate the prosperity of the country's economy. In a short period of time, national strength will reach a new, brand-new height.

This is the result that Han Shu most hopes to see. When she heard such a news. How happy Han Shujiang is. There is naturally his reason for such happiness. Who doesn't want such a situation in their own country?

"My lord, there is another bad news." Zhang Liang said respectfully at this time.

"Bad news?" Han Shu asked in surprise at this time.

"Let's talk about it, widows have to see how bad the news is." Han Shu confidently believes at this time that she can control the situation. Because, there was good news before that laid the foundation for her self-confidence.

"Master. Our country's factories will not be able to accept these war orders. Now many factories are shutting down and some workers have been fired. The most serious is that some factory trading companies are applying for bankruptcy protection." At this time. Zhang Liang said.

"What?" I heard the news. Han Shu was very surprised.

"Why?" Han Shu asked in surprise.

"Why? The widowed country has just received a large number of war orders, why is our factory going to close down?" At this time, Han Shu asked puzzledly.

"Because the funds are broken." This time. Zhang Liang said.

And Han Shu didn't know how to solve this problem at this moment. She did not understand. Why has my country just received an order? Some factories closed down, and she also hopes to use this to reorganize South Korea's economy, now. Can't do anything unexpectedly. Han Shu couldn't accept such a blow. She really didn't understand why this happened.

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