The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4026: Complicated warlord problem

The Ministry of the Navy of the State of Qin.

"According to the current shipbuilding speed of various countries, it will not be long before the world is all their merchant ships. Not only that, but the number of their warships has also risen rapidly. This pressure is still very high." The Secretary of the Navy said. A report was given to the Undersecretary of the Navy.

"In contrast, the number of merchant ships in Qin State has decreased a lot. Qin State’s investment is mainly concentrated in banks. In contrast, the passage to the Americas and the development of trade have not improved, relying solely on our The development of the navy is very difficult." The Secretary of the Navy continued.

"What do you mean by the sir?" the undersecretary of the Navy asked puzzledly.

"The development of the navy is inseparable from the development of merchant ships. This is a foundation. But at present, the number of merchant ships around the world is increasing rapidly and they have stable trade routes. In contrast, the situation of Qin people is not so good. . We develop the entire Americas, we need to spend the price of Syrah to that big, this price is too big for us. Moreover, we still lack such a foundation, such a thing is a thing for us. Very unfavorable things. Therefore, in such a situation, the best course of action is to make a big change in our situation. This change is to actively encourage the development of maritime navigation. In other words, at least, we also There should be a trade and navigation route. Without such a route, we simply cannot develop related matters. We must resolve such matters.” The Secretary of the Navy said.

"This matter is difficult for the Navy Department to do. You know, we are only developing the navy, but we can't do anything about merchant ships. This is a matter for the prime minister's office. We can only report it to the prime minister's office and let them help us solve this problem. Things, other things, we can't go on at all." said the Undersecretary of the Navy.

"Therefore, we need to submit such a report. It is very important for us to let the Prime Minister's Office help us resolve such matters. Without such a foundation, the development of Qin's navy is extremely difficult, even if we have a port, There is a large amount of financial support. However, without such a foundation, everything we have cannot go on. Under such conditions, we simply cannot carry out such and such things. For us, this is extremely Important things, we need such things to go on, and this is what we are going to do at present.” said the Secretary of the Navy.

"Well, in this case, we drafted relevant reports. Only how to solve such a matter depends on how the Prime Minister's Mansion is laid out. We may not be able to proceed on this point, because we cannot carry out a lot of things well. ." Said the Undersecretary of the Navy.

The construction of a country’s navy does not rely solely on financial support. This is just one of the conditions. The biggest foundation is maritime trade. Because of maritime trade, a powerful navy country must build a powerful navy. The basis for dealing with mighty naval enemies that may arise is to solve such problems.

But at present, Qin State lacks such a situation. Although Qin State merchant ships will also participate in the trade of various countries, in general, his trade volume is not very large compared to Qin State’s land trade volume. Coupled with the strong competition from South Korea, Chu, Zhao, and Qi, Qin’s navigation industry suddenly entered a state of second-rate development. Such a situation can hardly support Qin’s development of a powerful navy. Although Qin's prime minister's residence has realized the importance of a strong navy, fundamentally, the state of maritime trade has not yet been completed. Under such conditions, many things need to be further improved by them.

South Korea, Ministry of the Navy.

"How is the situation in Persia?" the navy deputy asked the chief of naval intelligence.

"Sir, the affairs of the Persian warlords are the affairs of the Army Intelligence Department. Our Navy Department is not easy to intervene." The intelligence chief replied.

"Didn't you investigate?" the undersecretary of the Navy asked.

"Um. Yes," the chief of naval intelligence replied. He thinks this is a matter for the army, and it seems a little inappropriate for their navy to participate. After all, this kind of thing does not have a great impact on them. Under such a situation, they absolutely cannot do such a thing.

"Damn it. This is a matter of national strategy, not a department of ours. Such a matter must be investigated clearly, otherwise, you can retire." The Navy Deputy Commander severely warned. Then I went to the office. The chief of naval intelligence grinned helplessly. Because this matter is indeed the matter of the army intelligence department. They are the navy, and the navy does not care about matters on land, but this time, he didn’t know what his chief thought of all of a sudden, he would come up with something like this. It’s really hard to understand at times. He doesn’t know what will happen to such a thing, but sometimes he has to find a way to solve such a thing, and this thing becomes very big.

However, the intelligence department of the War Department is distressed. They have already started investigating the warlords, but as they started, they discovered that the investigation of the family's household registration was even more troublesome.

Warlords usually have factions, but these factions have other relations with each other. For example, some Persian warlords are a family. On the surface, they seem to be a warlord, but in fact, their internal factions, large and small, actually surpassed each other. More than a dozen, some are between father and son, and some are between uncle and nephew. What's more, the participation of a female warlord will make the whole faction more complicated, because the husband belongs to this faction. . But his natal family belongs to another faction, and there is a good relationship between the two factions and a bad relationship. For example, the uncle likes this camp, but the other uncle does not like this camp. As a result, it is another faction. Field melee. In this way, all these people can be confused.

"There is no way to analyze it. We can't figure out what kind of relationship it is. The relationship between these warlords is extremely complicated. They are all connected and organized. If we simply support one family, we will soon be affected by others. The home is calculated to die, and the final problem is that we still have nothing to do." A navy lieutenant painfully threw the pen in his hand into a large amount of information. For them, such a situation is simply a problem. A huge disaster. Because they really can't study these warlords.

"These warlords are too many. I just sorted out a good relationship table, but it turned out that another woman appeared, and everything was messed up. We need another relationship table. I really don’t know such a thing. How long can we study? This is simply creating a huge trouble for us. I really can’t study such a thing.” An army lieutenant said, looking at the relationship table on a very large piece of paper in his hand. To.

"Oh my God. This is too much." Another lieutenant said after seeing it.

"Yes, the situation is so complicated, and we can't carry out this kind of research, this kind of research, this is a huge disaster for us, we can't carry out this kind of research at all. Such a situation, Let's stop thinking." The lieutenant said.

"But this is a task. If we are not clear about it, the above will remove our position. Forget it. We still submit a preliminary report. If the above can know our difficulties, we will do another work. Research.” The lieutenant took up the pen in his hand helplessly and continued to research.

In the office of the Supreme Commander, Han Shu.

"What are these? This is this little uncle, that is this nephew, and this woman. What's the point of having her natal family participate in. We are not doing intelligence, but figuring out what is in their family? What kind of situation, it's damn, damn, **** thing." Han Shu said and threw the report in his hand on the ground. Not only the intelligence personnel of the War Department looked at the headache, but Han Shu also looked at the headache.

Zhang Liang laughed bitterly, not only Han Shu, but also he. Look at him. The headache is very troublesome. Perhaps this kind of logical relationship can only be clarified to those rural women, because they like some gossip news that they can tell them about the past year. This one is not good, that one is short. But the problem is that they need to solve the Persian problem. If they don't understand their relationship, it will be difficult to intervene. Zhang Liang felt that he thought the problem simple. Perhaps this complicated network of relationships has already plunged South Korea into it.

"No, we absolutely can't do research like this. If we continue to study like this, it will be us who will lose the most, and we will spend too much and too much energy on this. We absolutely cannot do such a thing. The only solution is, We ignore everything and do it all over again.” Han Shu said.

Han Shu is still very simple, she knows that she can't figure out this problem, just figure it out, everything is over. It doesn't make any sense. Under such circumstances, it is better to overthrow all of them and start over again. They can support the birth of a new warlord and eradicate all the military laws. In this case, all the problems are solved. They don’t have to worry about other things.

"I think things are resolved in this way. We need a new warlord. Without these things, without these troublesome relationships, with these troublesome relationships, our problems can become ten times more serious." Han Shu said. To.

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