The idea of ​​the Persian National Army has been in Tuple's mind for a long time. At the beginning, he thought that those warlords were actually fighting for their own interests. Warlords were actually a type of local protectionism. They used armed interests to protect their own personal interests. They do not have lofty ideals, but are fighting for their own territory and interests.

In this way, the pattern of warlords will become very low. Some are fighting to expand their territory, and some are fighting for passive defense. Regardless of their reasons, in fact, they are all A kind of self-protection formed in order not to infringe on one's own territory, this self-protection is very selfish. They have no ambitious goals or other ideas. In short, their ideas are very passive and realistic, which means that their structure will not be big. If a warlord thinks this way, he may have a certain degree of protectionism towards the place. After all, capital from South Korea, Qi, and Chu continues to expand and protect some local handicraft workshops. The economic order has entered a certain period of stability, and there is still a certain Of reason. But the problem is, it would be nice if he was a warlord who thought this way. But the problem is that all warlords think this way. In addition, there are quite a lot of forces doing the same here. This is a very bad situation. This has formed a melee between warlords. This melee makes them more chaotic and suffers. It is the people who suffer naturally. Their taxation will increase, because the main source of warlord’s financial income is local taxes. The destructive power of this heavy tax on the local economy will be even more crazy. The destructive power is even greater. This is doomed to their pattern will not become very big.

The Persian National Army is for the people. It has a big goal, that is, to build a Persian army, a real country, and end the situation of warlords like Persia. This situation will form a larger scale. War chaos. This kind of large-scale war is definitely not what he wants to see. What he wants to see is a peaceful and orderly Persian country. This is what he needs. Citizens are such a kind of political demand. He hopes to achieve such a demand and achieve such a goal.

Zhang Yun doesn't have any interest in Tuple's ideas. The Koreans' requirements are very simple, just guarantee the Koreans' own interests. As for other things, they are not what they can think of or what they can do. In their view, as long as they maintain enough South Korean interests, it will be fine. As for the extent to which the Persians were beaten and how many people were killed, to them, this is just a number, a number. That's it.

Koreans care about their own interests. As long as they agree on the ideas of the Persians around them to some extent, it is enough. As for other things, they don't care. After all, these things are a result that they cannot accept.

Mountain country, in A Gu's office.

"In the telegram, we have already talked. We even made long-distance calls." Addo said. Long-distance calls are extremely expensive, and in their opinion it is not as fast as using telegrams. But some meanings can be clarified through face-to-face conversations.

"Goguryeo people are willing to let some companies come to mountain countries, but what they worry about is their consideration of capital safety. After all, this is a big matter. If the safety of their funds cannot be guaranteed, we cannot let them Companies set up here with us. In addition, they also hope to get some tax support, or give them some land convenience, they are willing to consider these." Addo told Ado about some of the results of his exchanges. bone.

"Well, land is easy to say, taxes, we have already given them low taxes. If the taxes are lower, our situation may not be good. You know, we attract these people to come, in fact, it is for them. This is something that we agree with. As for the current situation, we still need a lot of things to do. Taxes cannot be reduced. As for other things, we can instead consider. Safe and absolute Security, we absolutely guarantee the safety of their funds. As long as they come, taxation can be properly considered." A Gu made some compromises.

"In this case, we still need to sign some agreements with them. Only when these agreements come out can we guarantee that the current ones are all legal and effective." Ado said.

"Well. This is how this matter will come. The more you come, the better. In this case, our uprising tax will become more and more. That's right. If we have the conditions, it will be faster for us to open our own factories. In this case, our situation is also good. I know that doing so may affect some fiscal revenues, such as tax exemption, but this is a future trend. With such a trend, many of our things can be done. That's done." A Gu said. Just as Ado was considering some of the current things, Agu had already considered more things. This may be a result of the leadership and the different angles. Ado just felt that the other party did it too quickly.

Qin State, Ministry of the Navy.

"The Prime Minister's Office asked us to show the reasons for the development. And to conduct related investigations, I think this is too difficult for us." The Secretary of the Navy said helplessly, shaking his head.

"Yes, sir. They are all soldiers. They don’t think about problems and development from the perspective of a businessman. This is something that has economic value. But what we know is military value. What we know is that if there is In the Americas, Qin’s strategic depth and the potential for future wars will be raised to a huge level. But the problem is that businessmen do not buy it, they consider their own interests, and there are more benefits. Faced with this In a situation in which it is difficult for us to further solve such problems, it will be a huge disaster for us.” said the Navy Deputy Commander.

"But the problem is this. If you can't come up with such economic value, it will be difficult to develop. Without development, there will be no commercial profit. Merchants will not go there. The large number of warships built will not protect the interests of merchants. Businessmen will oppose it and accuse the government of wasting financial funds. In the end, I, the Secretary of the Navy, will step down." The Secretary of the Navy said helplessly.

"Sir, what should we do? How to solve such a thing?" asked the Undersecretary of the Navy.

"This kind of thing is really difficult to solve, but I will try my best to find a way to solve such a thing. You know, in fact, many things can be solved, but some important economic interests are involved. As a result, , Things become complicated. What we have to do is to combine military value and economic value, and then give it to the prime minister’s mansion, and then the prime minister’s mansion will have an explanation to let them know, let’s see, the development of America, it’s that simple, It can bring benefits to Qin's national interests, and you also have benefits. It's as simple as that." said the Navy Secretary.

"It sounds very simple." Said the Undersecretary of the Navy. In fact, he could not tell because some things are difficult to deal with, such as investigations. They are all military officers and it is difficult to do such things.

"It seems to be difficult to do? Isn't it?" the Secretary of the Navy asked, looking at the undersecretary of the Navy, frowned.

"Yes, we lack talents in this regard. It is okay for them to evaluate military value. However, it is difficult for them to do such a thing, and it takes too long. They definitely can't do such a thing, I am worried. That’s how things are going to happen.” said the Navy Deputy Commander.

"Actually, it's very simple. We don't have such talents, but Qin State. There are so many talents in Qin State." The other party said so.

"What do you mean by the sir?" the undersecretary of the Navy asked puzzledly.

"It's very simple. We only need to find talents in this area to establish a research project. We can even get some financial support to make such a project perform as it should be. Think about it and things will become very different. It's simple." Said the Secretary of the Navy.

"I understand that we can look for such talents to solve such problems, right?" the navy deputy asked.

"Yes, it's such a thing, it seems that it is not difficult for him. Is it?" said the Secretary of the Navy. The Navy Deputy Nodded. Actually, this is only a matter of talent. In Qin, the most popular subject is finance. Finance involves multiple subjects, such as investment, banking, asset management, and trust. These are popular career choices because salary can bring great rewards. Although newcomers are generally dispatched overseas for business training, once they pass such a test and return to China, they will be a new management class. This is still very attractive to young people, followed by a large number of technical engineers. They are all good players in this area. They can also go abroad or in domestic research institutes. Their treatment is still good, but there is one unpopularity among them. Very cold upset. Geographic prospecting, or in other words, majors in geographical resources and overseas geographical resource exploration, most of these majors are concentrated in the Ocean College. In South Korea, this is a popular choice. Although the working conditions are very difficult, their salary is very high, which is higher than that of the middle management of the bank. If a large amount of mineral resources are found, the additional rewards will be very large, in many cases. Locally, Koreans have made some discoveries. For example, a large number of diamonds have been found on the island. In the black continent, which is the southern tip of the African continent, South Korean prospectors have found some gold samples, although they have not been able to clearly indicate there. There is a gold-rich stratum, but this is enough to illustrate a problem. There is a large amount of gold there. As long as they have enough capital investment, they can solve this problem.

But in Qin, this is obviously not feasible. First of all, the risk of exploration is very high. Second, Qin can obtain such mining rights through other places on the mainland, or the right of cooperative mining, or through investment. The way to reach such a high level, such a high level is a situation that no one else can carry out. Under such a situation, the Qin government will send personnel for development and exploration. Obviously, the cost will be much higher. This is definitely not a suitable one. The best choice, naturally, such a discipline can't be further deepened, the partiality, the unpopularity naturally formed. Most of the students in these subjects have become a waste of resources, and they have to learn other knowledge. This is very embarrassing.

Qin’s Admiralty recruited such candidates. They had long working hours and poor environment, and the potential benefits were not very high. Under such a situation, they really didn’t know why they chose Yang’s discipline. Maybe Their luck for a lifetime is here.

Prime Minister's House.

"Let the Admiralty do such a thing, but it really embarrass them. But it is still more difficult to develop, unless there is a big demand to stimulate this kind of development at once, otherwise, many things will be difficult to carry out. "Shang Wen said calmly. He knew what was going on on the other side of the Pacific, and there were a lot of resources there, but for Qin, the attraction was still insufficient, and there were still Rocky Mountains obstructing it, making development more difficult. This is because there is no Panama Canal. They cannot enter the Caribbean Sea at once. In this case, the development will be more difficult. With less attractiveness, it is naturally impossible for Qin's businessmen to do such a good thing.

"Perhaps, there are other things we haven't noticed. If we have enough patience, I think such things can still be resolved." Meng Yi said calmly.

"I think it should be possible to do this, but the problem is that this thing seems to be much more difficult than we expected. You can think about it. Many things have exceeded our expectations. From the perspective of a businessman. , The investment is a lot, and the risk will increase exponentially. Such an increase is a huge risk-taking for them. Banks, entrepreneurs, and businessmen will not take such a big risk. Moreover, the sea itself has its own risks. I think maybe we need another way to solve such problems, but this may bring great bad results. I don’t know whether such things should be done or not. Do this." Shang Wen said.

"I want to know, what kind of thing needs to be considered in this way?" Meng Yi said.

"What I want to say is that we can adopt a state-owned approach, that is to say, if the government invests directly by doing so, maybe many things can become more useful. Although doing so may bring some risks, but this It is the state capital that is operating." Shang Wen said. This is the only way Shang Wen can come up with it. Only state capital can invest with the help of government financial funds. If there is a profit, the government can sell such projects to private individuals and at the same time in exchange for the return of previously invested funds, but if this is not possible, they will have nothing. Way out.

"This is very risky, and I don't agree with this approach. You know, if we make a profit, it will make a lot of changes in our situation, but if we lose it, the credibility of our government, Financial funds, as well as our political future, are all gone. The risks in this will exceed ours at any time. This will create a huge disadvantage for us. Faced with such a situation , There are too few things we can do." Meng Yi said worriedly.

Shangwen's move almost put everything on it. He knew that this was good for Qin's national interests, but the problem was that businessmen could not get enough benefits, which made their benefits extremely difficult. The difficulties they face are things that almost everyone has never thought of.

"I know, but the problem is that we face too many difficulties, and it will be more difficult to solve things." Shang Wen said.

"Perhaps we can think of ways in terms of land." Meng Yi said. Land, this was Shangwen’s strategy for the large-scale development of the western region before, but now, this strategy is not very attractive to Qin, because there are still large areas in the north that have not been developed, and there are quite a lot of forestry resources. For development, if that's the case, they can develop in the north without spending too much time and energy on ocean voyages to reach areas they don't want to reach.

"Land, Qin does not lack land. This is really a difficult problem, but such a difficult problem may be difficult for us, but we must accept such a situation, all right. Such a thing, we temporarily Think again." Shang Wen felt that this was not adequate, thinking that he could not mobilize more businessmen, entrepreneurs, and bankers to participate, which meant that the possibility of failure was too great. Faced with such a situation, Shang Wen does not want to continue. This will have a great negative impact on the State of Qin. The best way is to mobilize the enthusiasm of these people. This is the only feasible way, but such a way is costly. This is a result that both Shangwen and Meng Yi can’t bear. After all, the current situation is that there is not so much capital to develop the Americas, and the temptation of the project to mobilize their enthusiasm. This means As a result, Shangwen may lose more ways. This has made the development of Shangwen more difficult. Faced with such a situation, Shangwen himself has no good way to solve such a problem. This is an inevitable result and a process that must be faced. For Shangwen, it is the most difficult thing to choose.

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