The city of Carthage. The sporadic gunshots reminded the Carthaginians from time to time that they were still at war. But some Carthaginians disagree. For example, some elders, although they are worried about the instability of the situation in the Senate, they are actually not worried at all. The only losses are merchants and civilian areas, and their losses are still minimal.

However, the war situation must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise, the situation will be very unfavorable for them.

"Your requirements are too demanding. We can't meet them at all." Bart told Yang Fang the news helplessly.

"Oh. Really?" Yang Fang easily poured himself a cup of tea, and then he poured a cup for Bart. The fragrance of the tea leaves, but it is a pity that the Carthaginians like to add a lot of sugar to their tea. Otherwise, this magical leaf from the East would not arouse their interest. This is the same as their medical skills. Oriental medical skills always like to use some different leaves to treat some of their diseases. It is amazing, but the taste is really awful. too bitter. Bitter things are always hard to swallow.

"Yes, our veterans are unlikely to accept such a fact. But I know that if we don't do this, the result may be very bad for us, and this situation will continue to continue. In the face of such a situation, there is nothing we can do." Bart said helplessly.

"Drink tea?" Yang Fang asked the other party.

"No. I don't like tea like this, it's too bitter. Unless I add some sugar, I don't want to drink something like this bitter." Bart shook his head and said.

"I think you should try it. This may have a benefit. You Carthaginians, always like sweet things. Naturally you like to eat sweet things. For bitter things, you always refuse." Yang Fang said Speaking of.

"I agree with that." Bart said. In addition to selling alcohol, the Carthaginians had another important thing, that is, sugar. The Koreans monopolized the export of sugar, but the Carthaginians controlled the market. A large number of them were actually from the Carthaginians. The exports here, the Carthaginians earned some benefits, which is one of their important income to maintain the normal operation of this country.

"But we Koreans don't think so. If you taste bitter things slowly, they will also be sweet and mellow. There is a special taste that appears in your mouth, just like alcohol, which makes you intoxicated. Taste it. "Yang Fang invited again.

"Okay. I'll give it a try. Maybe I can try it." Bart said bitterly. Then he tried a sip like a medicine.

"Don't swallow, take your time. Take your time and taste it, you can have endless aftertastes." The other party said.

"Some bitter. It seems that I don't like tea." Bart said helplessly.

"No. No, the tea ceremony is like this. There is always a Tao in different matters. This is the same as the current negotiation. Bitter things are hard to swallow, such as this tea. You don’t like bitter things, you do. Sweet, but sweet things are harmful. They may bring various diseases. These diseases will have a great impact on you. This puts your situation in an unfavorable state. It’s not good. You hope to resolve such things peacefully. But the problem is that some Central Plains countries don’t want to do this, because doing so will cause them great disadvantages. Under such circumstances, they have a lot of things. They are all very puzzled. Under such a situation, they have many solutions to solve this problem. For example, you can get a great stimulus to cheer up, but if you add sugar, you can. That's not good. You can easily swallow it, but the mellowness of tea is something you can't realize. A state will make it difficult for you to solve it." The other party said.

"Oh. This is too esoteric. I think such a topic is still difficult for us to solve." Bart said directly. He could not understand the tea ceremony, nor could he understand why the other party said that. What he wants to know is how to solve this kind of thing, and they want to know the solution of the Koreans.

"Well, you must agree to these conditions. Otherwise, I have no idea how to solve the subsequent outcome. The situation can still be controlled at present, but once the people of Zhao and some Central Plains countries become crazy, Who knows what kind of weapons they will use? We don’t know at all. In this case, many things have exceeded our expectations. In that case, the conditions will be improved without limit. For us, it will It will be very difficult." Yang Fang said. Seeing that the other party was not on the road, Yang Fang could only say so frankly. This is true for the Carthaginians, and so are the Loma people. Many things must be done.

"But we can't come up with so much money." Bart said. They can also agree to other conditions, such as the concession area, tariffs, diplomatic immunity and so on. They can all accept these, the only thing that cannot be accepted is the compensation, the amount of compensation is too large. If it continues to increase, they have no way. This is where they struggle.

"You can pay in installments, or take loans, and pay indemnities in one lump sum. In short, there are many ways to pay, and there are many ways to solve them. There is no entanglement in one way of payment. The benefits to you are obvious. "Yang Fang said so.

"In this case, your pressure will be reduced a lot, because you have a great relationship with us. Perhaps we can reach an intermediate agreement on this issue to bring about your peace. In this case, everything is It's good for you. I think this problem is easy to solve." Yang Fang said. Bart thinks about this problem. It seems that the Koreans have already thought about the countermeasures, while the Carthage Senate is thinking of various countermeasures in Baba. The army cannot defeat the opponent. In terms of diplomacy, they are already in In an absolute disadvantage, Hannibal's expeditionary force was dragged to Lockheed Martin. They could not withdraw them without a suitable warship. Even if they did, they would not be able to face such a situation. Therefore, they can accept this evil result, but the question is how much they can accept.

"If we borrow money, how much do we need to repay?" the other party thought about it and asked.

"Three million silver coins to be repaid in three years. If the principal and interest are calculated, it is not much, almost 4.5 million silver coins. This number is very fair, because you have the opportunity to develop. Otherwise, Zhao Guoren will continue to cooperate with you. If you continue to fight, I believe that under such a situation, your economy will suffer more damage. You may not know that the people of Zhao are lunatics. Who knows what kind of weapons they will use. It is said that they If the regular troops arrive, the wealth of the entire city will enter their pockets. We don’t want this to happen. We Koreans are civilized people and we want to do business instead of destroying them. Zhao Guoren’s industry is very developed and they build In all kinds of factories, the damage they can cause is also very large. If you are really asked to do this, I think many things will be difficult to carry out. Really, the situation is like this." The other party said. To.

"Give me some time." Bart thought for a while and said. He needs to convince the Senate. After all, in such a situation, he couldn't convince the other party.

"No. Time is running out. I can only give you two days at most. If I can't answer, the situation will enter an uncontrollable state by itself. I cannot persuade myself to proceed with this situation." Yang Fang Reluctant to tell the other party such a situation.

"Why two days?" Bart asked curiously.

"I don't know, I don't know why it is two days. If the negotiation fails to make much progress, the bargaining chips may increase. After all, this war is the main force of the Zhao people, and there is only this we can do." Yang Fang Tell the other party such a news with a smile, and then quit. Bart is a little worried. He is worried that the situation will develop towards their most uncontrollable place. If that is the case, he feels that the matter will enter the most serious point.

So the time was frozen in two days.

In Persia, the situation of the Persian National Army is much better than what they have developed.

"The army has expanded very quickly. In addition to the loss of the previous army, we have also expanded a regiment. At present, we have two infantry regiments and initially formed the size of an infantry brigade." Tupley said excitedly. This is a very good state of development, which will be more conducive to their development and growth.

"Do you also include those people?" Zhang Yun looked at the gathered guerrillas with his hands behind his back. Zhang Yun didn't seem to have much favor with these guerrillas.

"Yes, they can greatly supplement our soldiers, and they have enthusiasm, we need such people." Tupley said.

"But I hope Nen can reorganize them, otherwise, they will become our biggest source of trouble. Did you know? We absorb so many people of unknown origin, it will have a great adverse effect on us, and the combat effectiveness will be rapid. Weapon and equipment need to be replenished, especially military officers. They are not very sufficient in terms of manpower. This will be a very unfavorable situation for us. Facing such a situation, many times, we Nothing can go on. Under such a situation, what else can we do? Nothing can be done. This kind of expansion is a torture for us." Zhang Yun said.

"I don't think so. They can at least meet some of our needs, soldiers." Tupley said.

"Fighting is not based on the number of soldiers, but also on their combat effectiveness. Such a person accepts them and is similar to recruits. Moreover, we have to reorganize them, otherwise, the combat effectiveness will be severely reduced." Zhang Yun Speaking of this.

"Is this kind of thing temporarily slowed down? You know, this kind of thing often requires us to better solve it." Tupley said.

"Well, but this kind of thing must be done. The backbone must be transferred to form a new force, absorb and supplement them. Otherwise, I think it will be difficult for this force to integrate." Zhang Yun said while looking at the guerrillas. To. The price of the Persian National Army rose, and many guerrillas quickly took refuge. In their opinion, if they arrived late, there would be nothing left. Therefore, they came here early just to get a good position. They regard this place as a warlord. The warlord’s team basically pulls the team in this way. Whoever develops well and who grows fast will rush over. This causes the opponent to have a lot of momentum. In fact, the combat effectiveness has dropped very quickly, and weapons and equipment are also difficult to replenish in time. This is how the general warlord develops.

But the problem is that the Persian National Army is a new army and they cannot develop in this way. If it develops in this way, many problems will reappear. This will be a huge torture for them. This development method will cause problems. questionable. Therefore, Zhang Yun is generally not too optimistic about such expansion, because such a development will bring them big problems.

But the problem is that the situation has developed into this model. Naturally, the Persian National Army will also carry out such development. Otherwise, many things will be difficult to proceed.

"This is the situation." Zhang Yun said. There will still be many problems caused by expansion, and there are still many ways to solve such problems.

South Korea, Xinzheng, stock market. Qingcheng's first series of stocks began to fall slowly, and some stocks fell sharply. Such a decline caused many people to feel very worried. They worried that if they continued to fall like this, they would take the profits from the previous rise. Eat it all.

"I am really worried. If this continues, many things will be difficult to proceed. I knew he would continue to fall, so I would wait." An investor said.

"Sell it quickly," another investor said.

"Why?" the investor asked puzzledly.

"Yan State is a mess, and the people of Qin State cannot give a lot of financial support. In such a situation, how long this kind of development can last, we don't know at all. Therefore, in such a situation, it is best. The way is to sell and avoid risks. If you participate, it will mean more risks. This kind of risk is very big, I advise you, it is better not to participate in such things. It is too dangerous." Investors persuaded this.

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