Hannibal’s idea was mobile combat. Knowing the deployment of his artillery, Hannibal could not strengthen his flanks, and the machine guns could only be placed on the front. In order to deploy his forces on the flanks as much as possible, he could only The machine gun and the carriage can be combined to form a weapon that can effectively strike. This weapon will form a greater help to them. In this case, the advantage of this weapon will be even greater.

The machine gun on the carriage can follow the rapid advance of the cavalry, quickly insert into the two wings of the battlefield and then form a dense shot. This is Hannibal's tactics. Li Wen knows this very well and understands why the other party is doing this. The purpose of doing this is actually to ensure that the enemy is defeated as quickly as possible and put them in an extremely favorable situation. This is a very advantageous combat method.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"Qi State, Chu State also made a plan to cut interest rates, and the magnitude was relatively large at the beginning." Meng Yi handed the telegram in his hand to Shang Wen.

"It seems that they are going to make a big move in finance." Shang Wen said while looking at the telegram in his hand.

"In fact, they have already done this. What I am worried about is that doing so will have a big impact. You know this. The impact on us is also relatively large. This kind of thing. It has already happened. The result we least want to see is produced." Meng Yi said.

"Well. Things must be viewed from both positive and negative sides. If such a large amount of capital impacts the local market, it will cause a serious impact. This impact is huge, and it will have a greater impact on them and our market. However, if the impact is in the overseas market, I believe that the situation may be better. After all, such a thing will form a greater advantage for us.” Shang Wen said.

"What I am worried about is that they will not be able to rush out. At present, all regions and market regions have their own protection needs. Under such a situation, it is somewhat difficult." Meng Yi said worriedly.

"Well. This is the case, we can only move in the best direction. This is what we are going to do at present. This situation will form a more favorable offensive posture for us." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah. Okay, let's think of a way." Meng Yi said. This is the way of thinking about this matter. Introduce a large amount of capital to overseas markets and expand there, triggering a greater wave of expansion. However, all parts of the world have their own closed markets. There may be only one way to break this closedness, and that is to use as many wars as possible to open up the closedness of these markets. This means that the government's investment will be greater and greater.

In the future, wars will only become more and more, and things will become more and more complicated. This is a new situation they are currently facing.

Persia, the first line of defense.

"Suddenly. Suddenly." The machine gun kept shooting out deadly flames, and the attacking warlord's troops were swept down. The barbed wire in front has accumulated many corpses.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." Xiao Ke is no longer nervous now. He can shoot skillfully. But Sergeant Leo died. In an impact, he was killed. It was a pity that he was killed by a stray bullet. But the war is so cruel. Death comes very suddenly. You don’t know what will happen in the next second. Many people don’t know what will happen. Under such circumstances, it’s already very good to have such a performance. .

Xiao Ke didn’t know how many people he had killed, but what he knew was that the position was still there, and the two sides fought many fierce hand-to-hand combats. This kind of battle was a great loss for them, but this was not what they could do. The battle is decided.

"Hello. You speak louder, louder. I can't hear you, I can't hear you." Colonel Obito shouted loudly. Telephone communication can only reach the first level of the group. If the level is too low, they can't notify at all.

"What. You say it again?" Obito asked loudly.

"Seven, the seventh position has been broken through. Damn, you hurry up and send a reserve team, hurry up." Obito shouted loudly.

"There is no reserve, damn, what are you playing, you don’t even have a reserve. This is damned, our flanks have been torn apart, and there is the possibility of being surrounded at any time, you know. Don't know?" Obito asked loudly.

"Damn it, retreat, retreat." Obito shouted loudly.

"Hello. Hello." Obito shouted loudly, but the communication on the other side of the phone had been cut off.

"Retreat, hurry, retreat, notify everyone immediately, retreat, otherwise, our troops will be surrounded. Hurry." Obito shouted loudly.

The defensive positions of the new recruits of the Persian National Army are all lined up. Once they are breached at a certain point, the entire front will be in great danger because they may be surrounded. The only way is to quickly retreat to the second line of defense. This is the best way. It is also the only way to solve the problem.

"But, sir." The staff on the side felt that the position was still in their hands and they could still hold on.

"Don't talk nonsense, this is an order. Retreat. Quickly." Obito felt that they had fought very badly in this battle, and his position was defended at a great price. After the reserve team of the only battalion in his hand was used up, the position was stabilized, but it turned out. The friendly army was opened. They had no choice but to retreat. Because if you don't retreat, no one can guarantee the safety of the flanks. They can only be surrounded and the troops retreat.

Headquarters of the Persian National Army.

"The first line of defense is better than I expected. I originally thought that they would withstand the opponent's attack in less than three hours, but now that five hours have passed, they are still there. It's really good. "Tupley said.

"In this way, it will give our army a great advantage. With such a situation, it will give us a great advantage." Zhang Yun said. In fact, he is also a half-armed officer. His command is far inferior to the frontline officers, and his abilities are still very limited. Under such conditions, it is still difficult for them to do such things.

"This is the situation of war. There are often many, many accidents that will occur. We need such accidents, and we also need these things to make unexpected things." Zhang Yun said.

"Yes. That's right. This will give us a great advantage." Tupley seemed a little happy. He felt that the first line of defense would defend the offensive of the Persian warlords. This advantage is great and very good. This is the result he expected.

"Sir." Li Pu anxiously came over with a telegram.

"What's the situation?" Tupley asked easily. He felt that the front line might have launched a counterattack. Recruit?

"The first line of defense has been breached. The fifth and sixth infantry division is retreating." Li Pu told Tupley the bad news. Although it is difficult to accept, this situation must be known. After all, this is a very big thing.

"What?" Tupley was stunned. He did not expect such a result.

"In less than six hours, they lost their position. Damn this group. I'm going to shoot, shoot their division commander." Tupley felt very shameless. In less than six hours, their position was Lost. This is simply an unacceptable result for him, even if they stick to it for a day.

"Sir, calm down and calm down. The situation is very bad. The warlord has concentrated his troops and broke through a little bit, and a large number of troops are still defending their positions. However, at that point, it is impossible to recover. Therefore, the entire front may be penetrated. Under such circumstances, the front-line commanders had to retreat. They are retreating to the second line of defense for a second battle." Li Pu said.

"What do they eat, they can lose their position. Why don't they lose themselves. Do you know what effect their situation will have? This is a rout, yes, that is Rout." Tupley was very annoyed. The original victory became a rout. He couldn't accept such a fact.

"Okay. If you calm down, you can't get angry, if you go to fight when you are angry, it will cause a huge disaster. You can't do this kind of thing." Zhang Yun said.

"Okay, but we want to prevent this from happening. Tell them that there is no order from the headquarters. No one is allowed to step back. Take a step back and lose their position. Kill." Tupley thought for a while and said.

"It is necessary to organize the gendarmerie to look around this situation, let them pay attention to this situation, no matter what happens, we must prevent such a thing from happening." Tupley said.

"I just want the result. Don't do anything else. If someone like this happens, I will kill whoever. The position must not retreat again. This kind of thing must be strictly forbidden. Those who take a step back are killed. You must be ruthless. Understand. ?" Tuplei gave the most severe order. What kind of impact such an order would have, he didn't know, but what he knew was that they could never withdraw. Taking a step back will cause serious losses. They absolutely cannot retreat. At this time, they can only use such a brand new situation.

"War. That's it. We must not be kind to ourselves a little bit. With a little kindness, we just wait and others kill us." Tupley said. Li Pu can only give such orders. Even if you are surrounded and wiped out, you cannot retreat a step back. The order is so cruel.

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