Zhao Guo, the General Staff.

"There is only the Marine Corps nearby. I think the Battle of Canney is of great significance. However, the officer team we can observe is very small. Only the Marine Corps can use it. I think the only way is to let him and them go. Do such a thing." Li Zuoche suggested.

Li Mu had already made judgments about the Persian war. If the Persian National Army has enough power, they can carry out many, many counterattacks. Even if there is no counterattack, according to the warlord’s logistics supply status and the consumption of their military power, their losses will become very alarming. , This situation is not a good thing for them. The possibility of defeat becomes great. After such an argument, many things can be clearly expressed. Under such circumstances, their situation will become resolved.

"Well. The war between Carthage and Loma has a great influence. But if the Roma continue to fight, even if the Carthaginians win the battle, it will not be the case. A fundamental change has taken place." Li Mu said.

"What do you mean by the chief?" Li Zuoche asked.

"Did they occupy Italy? No. They have no foundation. What is the point of fighting a war without such a foundation? The resistance of the Roma people continues. If this continues, their situation will continue. So. , This conference war cannot have a fundamental impact, of course. For the Roma, the difficulties they face will be very, very big. Under such circumstances, many things will happen to them. In a very unfavorable state. This situation will make their situation even more unfavorable, but they also have a chance. For example. Here." Li Mu pointed to Spain's position as he said.

"Offensive?" Li Zuoche asked.

"Yes. Offensive." Li Mu said.

"The Roma can only break Hannibal's offensive rhythm by attacking. In this way, their offense can be more effective. If they can't break the opponent's offensive rhythm, their situation will be extremely disadvantaged. If the state continues, the impact will be huge, and the impact will be very troublesome. Therefore, offense is the best way to solve the problem." Li Mu said. While everyone was focusing on the Battle of Canney, Li Mu had already started relevant research on strategic issues. He considered all situations from Lockheed's perspective. In contrast. The Carthaginians had many advantages at the beginning, but they did not convert this advantage. On the contrary, their advantages began to gradually change. Their advantage does not exist, and the Loma people can change such a situation as long as they seize the opportunity. How this situation changes depends. The Loma must jump out of Hannibal's rhythm circle. Into their own rhythm, only in this way, their condition is the best. This is the best thing they have done.

Li Zuoche is also thinking about this issue, but perhaps because of his lack of war experience. He still couldn't understand, how did his generals come up with this level, is it because of the impact of different strategic angles? Li Zuoche still doesn't understand these things.

Qin State, Xianyang, Admiralty.

"Cheng's support for us is very large. Our navy is relatively complete. The construction of the Haicheng military base has basically been completed. In the next step, we need to build a naval base in the northern part of the island. In this case, we It can be connected step by step, and once connected, it can form a great guarantee for the navigation of merchant ships. The intensity of commercial development will be very large." said the Secretary of the Navy.

"Yes, Mr. Minister, but we should also take note. Koreans are also doing this. Recently their royal investment bank invested in rubber and other related expedition plans. Are we also launching related plans? If it does, it can greatly stimulate our development of the Americas.” said the Navy Deputy Chief.

Qin's development in the Americas, especially North America, is at a disadvantage. At most, they are interested in Mexico, such as tortillas. Qin Guo Farm has begun to plant improved corn on a large scale. This kind of crop is very suitable for large-scale planting in northern regions. The emergence of corn has caused the price of food to fall further, of course. This will also put their situation in a more favorable situation. Under such circumstances, many things can be developed, but they are only limited to Mexico.

Because of the influence of the Rocky Mountains, the Qin expedition must climb over such mountains and pass through the deserted and arid Gobi area. Such development is very difficult. The attraction is naturally small. It is difficult to rely solely on the government’s continuous support, because not only is the Rocky Mountains blocked, but also a vast Pacific Ocean. The long distance increases the difficulty of replenishment and also increases the cost of navigation. The Qin Navy has always Unable to convert, they cannot convert a large amount of transportation into the kind of situation they need. In this way, they will always be in a situation that is difficult to cope with. In the face of such a situation, it will be difficult to proceed.

"Well, you are right. We should indeed make adjustments to related development plans. Without such adjustments, it will have a great impact on us. It is difficult to solve the problem if we don't do such things." The Secretary of the Navy said. Speaking of.

"Mr. Minister, I think we still need to rely on commercial development to carry out. Without commercial profit to support, we will have difficulty advancing. Although the finances have been continuously tilted to the navy, if the navy can’t make a good contribution If we use the resource situation to develop, everything will be in a state of extreme loss, which is extremely detrimental to our future development." Said the Deputy Chief of the Navy. The Secretary of the Navy nodded, but many things were not something they could solve if they wanted to.

The difficulty of development continues to increase, which greatly puts their situation in an unfavorable state. Faced with such a situation, their situation will be very unfavorable. The continuation of this situation will make their situation continue to deteriorate. This is a new situation that they absolutely cannot cope with.

"Commercial development matters cannot be solved by our Admiralty Department. We need the support of the Prime Minister's Office. If we do this, I don't think there is too much hope. We have just completed such a layout, and how specific is it? Development is still difficult. For example, funding, if a certain resource can stimulate development, I think it will make our situation much better." The Secretary of the Navy said embarrassingly.

The difficulty of development continues to increase. This is also an important reason why it is difficult for them to proceed. If you want to develop commercial value, you must have something more attractive. However, what are the attractions, think about it, rubber and corn are obviously not very attractive.

"However, Mr. Minister, I thought of a good idea. I don't know if I should say it or not." The Navy Deputy Commander thought for a while and said.

"What?" the Secretary of the Navy asked.

"Gold, what I know is that Koreans discovered gold in Kaizhou, you know, there are more banknotes. The price of gold rises naturally, and gold still has a certain hedging function. In this case, if, If such things can be found in some places, I believe that the situation will be greatly improved." The other party said.

"You mean that we spread some false news to attract investment. Right?" the Secretary of the Navy asked. He thinks this is falsification. But it seems that there is only such a way to attract more funds for investment and development in a relatively short period of time. Although it is fake, it can continue where it attracts more people to develop.

Qin’s difficulty in developing the Americas lies in it. It is impossible to gather more people and the advantages of resources. This advantage is very, very many, such as a large amount of funds, a large amount of resources, and a large amount of technology and population. None of these things lacked for Qin to develop well. This is because development has cost constraints, and the long distance increases the difficulty of such cost development.

"But the problem, now that such a problem is solved, if there is gold, it will give them a better hope for development. With such a higher hope, everything will become simpler. This is what they have to do now. Things. Faced with such a situation, many things are beyond their control." Said the Undersecretary of the Navy.

"But it's fake, you know, if they wait until they discover that the problem is fake, how will they treat us? The money they spent will become a huge disaster. Faced with such a situation, we simply cannot Go on." said the Secretary of the Navy.

"This. I, I don't know." The other party said so.

"Well, but I think this report can provide a reference. After all, the development of the navy cannot be separated from the support of merchant ships. Without such a huge trade, we cannot make our situation further advantageous." The Secretary of the Navy said helplessly.

"Minister, shall we lie?" the deputy chief asked.

"This may be just a white lie. After all, development is beneficial to the State of Qin. There are a lot of funds now. If it can attract them there, it will be easy to develop. Gold, everyone has their own dreams. There is a demand for land and new paradise." The Secretary of the Navy said.

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