The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4178: Chen Ping's decision

Persia. Chu State Lease Area. There are more than two battalions of Chu's troops stationed here, of which Xiang Yu and Zhong Limei are stationed here.

"I really don't know. Whether they fight or not, they fight and talk like this, it's very meaningless." Xiang Yu said. Obviously Xiang Yu is extremely insensitive to politics. His feelings are relatively simple, or in other words, relatively simple, and he is extremely disinterested in complex political activities. He believes that that will change all problems. Obviously, this is extremely detrimental to them. Under such circumstances, many things are actually an impact on them. This is what Xiang Yu thinks, as long as it is what he thinks, he thinks it is wrong for the other party to do so.

"The problem is that the current situation is like this. We should be clear about this, or that our current situation should be like this." Zhong Limei said helplessly. Zhong Limei can only be regarded as a very ordinary middle-level officer, for some things. There is nothing they can do, they don't know what happened above. But what they know is that many things put their situation in an unfavorable state. For example, in the current situation, they should have interfered and participated in it, but they were ordered to stop and wait for orders here. They seem to be here to bask in the sun. The sun here is not too good, they feel like old ladies and old men basking in the winter sun. This makes them feel very depressed.

Zhong Limei knew a little more than the other party, but only a little more. What he knew was that Chu was also involved in the negotiation, but he didn't know how the talks were and who they talked to. I just know that the situation is good for them, and at least many of their things are relatively favorable. Under such conditions, they do not need military means, and naturally, they have nothing to do. This is a very unfavorable point for them. In the face of such a situation, Zhong Limei is very depressed, and Xiang Yu is even more depressed. He feels that it is not as interesting as fighting guerrillas with those **** cottonmen in the jungles of Myanmar. . Here, they seem to only bask in the sun.

Xiang Yu and Zhong Limei are here to bask in the sun. And on the other side. The development of the situation was unexpectedly smooth. Under the persuasion of representatives of Zhao, Chu, and Qi, Li Renbu was willing to back down, but they needed to maintain a certain degree of their own independence, which included their judicial, economic, financial, and military affairs. Of course, there is a certain diplomatic connection, and most of it is symbolically handed over to the Persian National Army. This can be regarded as a symbolic unity.

As the biggest concession, the Persian National Military Government had to admit such a situation. They have to admit the independence of these warlords. Persia is equivalent to forming a confederate country. They are only a nominal country, but in fact, their interior is still very loose, loose to an astonishing level, and loose to many things that make them all. It is difficult to proceed. In such a situation, this situation will make their situation extremely unfavorable.

"Although there are many difficulties, I have to do this, because Persia needs to be unified. Although it is a unity in form, it is of great significance. We have taken an important step." Tupley wrote in his diary. . No matter what happened before, Tupley will do it, because they don't have much choice. In this situation, many things have allowed them to make such a choice, and they have no room to do other things.

"This situation is like this." Li Pu said to Tupley from the side. Tupley was expressionless throughout the meeting. No one knew what he thought at the time. Maybe he would retaliate. Maybe he didn't pay much attention to all this. In other words, he has learned to forbear, but everyone can see that he is very unhappy.

The contradiction between the two sides is now over.

"Peace finally came, but my regiment was almost gone. My three infantry battalions suffered heavy losses. More than half of my troops were wiped out. Three infantry companies were one battalion force, and only one infantry company was lost. . I don’t know where to replenish it. Weapons and ammunition are also extremely depleted, and the entire infantry regiment has suffered extremely heavy losses. I don’t know what we are fighting. Will the above supplement me with these things.” Roken Colonel Hu wrote here worriedly that they suffered heavy losses, but basically maintained the organizational system, but his strength was greatly lost. I don’t know what else they can continue to do under such circumstances. When will it last? Maybe his organizational system doesn't exist anymore. When warlords are fighting, losing one-third is already a very, very serious matter. If they lose more, the situation will be even more unfavorable for them. In short, there are many things they can't do, but that's it, many things still exist, which is extremely unfavorable for them.

"This is the situation of the war. It is unfair to us, and it is also unfair to them. But what are we fighting." Colonel Rockenf wrote in his diary puzzled. As for politics, the officers do not understand at all, and they do not want to understand such things. In short, they didn't know why they fought, and they fought this hard-to-win battle in a muddle.

In Qin State, Xianyang, Xianyang University School of Economics, many students gather on the school list. There are usually some important decisions or important events to be held. Under such conditions, many students will come. Take a look here, because there may be some important projects where you can find partners, some scientific experiments, or recruitment notices for management talents will also appear here, so many students still pay attention to this place, because there are quite a few Some famous college students find things to do from here.

"What is written on it, is there any good job?" a college student asked one of his companions.

"Damn it, the Admiralty's recruitment notice, are you going? The salary there is the same as that of state officials, and the salary is the same as that of the old age. Who will go." A college student said from the inside. .

"What do you mean?" a college student asked puzzledly.

"Damn it, the Admiralty needs to hire some consultants, or clerks or something, to be able to reach the position of director of the navy office, the treatment is not bad, but for us young people, such things are too unfavorable. We have opportunities, Why waste a lot of time on this? It just doesn't make sense for such a thing." The college student said.

Many college students in Qin will not choose government departments after graduation, because it is very boring, and the work pressure is still relatively high. Many government officials are constantly busy, but that's it, many things will not be completed, even though Qin does not In the past, officials who failed to complete their tasks would take extremely severe measures to punish them. Such punishments no longer exist. However, if you want to be promoted or prove your talents, it is still very uneconomical. It is better to enter some investment banks, or It is the clerical office class of the company. The pressure there is relatively less, and the treatment is better than here. If you go overseas, it is easy to make a fortune. This is much better than staying in a government department, because it is easy to get old there, and the pressure is very high. Domestic reporters will stare at them every day, and they will not report good things. Because this is what they should do. But bad things, they will definitely notice. Then it will expend more and more energy to suppress them. This makes their pressure extremely tense. Bigger. Therefore, the first choice of many people is not the government department.

"Trash." After reading the list, many people scolded like this, and then left. The Admiralty’s treatment is pretty good, more than three hundred and a half two dollars a month, which is quite high. If you add some rewards, it may be more than five hundred and a half taels. Calculated, it is still very good. However, there are very few people doing this job. They think that this kind of salary can be easily earned abroad. There are many people who make a fortune, and millionaires seem to be able to get it easily.

Chen Ping came here curiously. What he saw was that many people were very uninterested in it. They didn’t even plan to take a look. In their opinion, one more look would cost them more time. They There are still many projects for research and wasted on this, which will make their situation extremely unfavorable, and they will not do such a thing.

"What? Are you interested?" a navy lieutenant asked Chen Ping.

"I want to give it a try. Many people think this is meaningless. Maybe I should be able to try something." Chen Ping looked at it and said.

"They are not willing to participate, can you tell me why they did it?" the lieutenant asked curiously.

"Well, not why, because I am interested, I think that Qin Guohai is not doing well enough. I want to make him better, that's it." Chen Ping said.

"Okay. This may be a reason. Come and register. I hope you can join the Admiralty. Our Admiralty needs talents like you." The lieutenant said.

Chen Ping nodded, and then happily registered. In this way, Chen Ping joined the Qin State Navy. Perhaps he was just a temporary interest.

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